[Mkguild] MK- Temper (1/2)

John Burman jburman787 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 5 02:49:36 CDT 2007

A good first half, now on to the second.  Just a few minor notes here.
John Burman aka Fox Marine

on over his tousled fur.  "I'm coming, I'm coming," he yelled, trying to get 
whoever was pounding on the door to stop.  After barking his leg against the 
corner of a table, 

barked > banged

 With that, he turned and 
tap-stepped his way out of the Temple, leaving Raven shaking her head at the 
strange mix of pride and humility in the canine Keeper.

An honest man in a hard set situation, I like this guy more and more.

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