[Mkguild] Intro

Shazer Fox shazerfox at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 24 20:11:11 CDT 2007

Hey all!  I'm new to this list, though I've been reading Metamor Keep off and on for several years now.  I just found the new archive in July, and have been enjoying the new stuff and some old favorites.
But, sheesh!  There's a lot of stories there!  It's going to take me forever to catch up.  However, being hospitalized and then stuck at home all month, I've been able to make some progress on it all.
I'd also like to eventually contribute my own stories, as the writing bug has finally bit me.  I did a lot of writing in high school, then some work as an editor for the lit magazine, but I've been mostly inactive for the 9 years ever since.  Now that I'm deep into a biochemistry degree, I need some nonsense and fantasy to keep me sane, I think.  So, I'll probably be posting a proposal here since I'm not too familiar with the universe and have a lot of questions.

In regards to all the new stuff going up on the archive page, I'm loving it so far.  I haven't read all the new stuff yet, but especially the stories introducing Virmir and Drift have really grabbed my attention (as well as a non-furry friend's).
Thanks for all the great work!


Capture your memories in an online journal!
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