[Mkguild] 'Along Life's Winding Road' Pt 2 Revision 1

a_lil_dudeinpr2 at hotmail.com a_lil_dudeinpr2 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 27 00:10:50 EDT 2008

All right, after reviewing the part as a whole and basically completely rew=
riting the final scene, here's the first revision of part 2 of 'Along Life'=
s Winding Road'


Along Life=92s Winding Road
Part 2
Darkness Falling
By LurkingWolf

May the 19th, in the year 699, Cristos Reckoning
    Julian hurried through the halls, dodging in and out among the crowds t=
hat clogged the streets at this time of day.  He was a strange sight to see=
, strapping on equipment as best he could while moving.  The crowd parted e=
asily before him if for no other reason than that they wanted to stare at h=
im as he made his awkward passage through the keep.

    Though slowed by his attempts to equip himself on the move, Julian stil=
l made good time getting to his destination.  He stumbled around the corner=
 into a doorway, nearly falling on his face when his sword caught between h=
is feet as he tried to strap it onto his belt while running.  Steadying him=
self on the doorjamb and finally securing the scabbard on his belt,  he ent=
ered the indoor training area.

    He quickly scanned the facility, looking for his master.  No doubt Mast=
er Montrose would be quite angry with him.  After a long night with his fia=
nc=E9e, he had gone home and landed in bed, still dressed as he had been wh=
en he met her.  He had then slept soundly until a few minutes ago, dreaming=
 of what might be in his future, the great things that Eli had in store for=
 him.  The dreams must have been too sweet for him to leave, for he had ove=
rslept for the first time in several years.

    Now, though, Julian was quite surprised that he could not find his mast=
er in the crowds.  Never in the long span that Julian had known the man had=
 Nathaniel ever overslept, or been late to even the most trivial of meeting=
s.  Where could he be?

    The young man=92s answer came only a few moments later.  =93Well!=94 ca=
me the jovial voice of Julian=92s tutor.  =93There he is, almost a full hou=
r late.=94  Julian followed the sound of his trainer=92s voice, finding him=
 sitting in a corner, reclined in a simple wooden chair, his sword laid out=
 across his knees, and a smug smile across his lips.

    =93I=92m sorry master, I didn=92t mean to keep you waiting=85=94

    =93No apology necessary, Julian.  I=92m quite aware of why you are late=
.  She said yes, correct?=94

    Julian smiled slightly, watching master as the older man stood up, stre=
tching to get the stiffness out of his muscles.  =93Yes,=94 he finally repl=

    =93I thought as much.  It stands to reason that you would need some ext=
ra sleep after such an important event in your life, so I=92ll forgive you =
this one time.  Don=92t let it happen again, though.  While you=92re under =
my tutelage, and from this point on, I expect that you will be here at the =
time I set for you, and not a minute later.=94

    =93I will master, I will,=94 Julian responded.  He was understandably r=
elieved at his master=92s calm reaction.  Of course he didn=92t know that h=
is master had also slept in that night, and had actually entered after his =
pupil through a side entrance.  Of course, Master Montrose found it unneces=
sary to bother his student with such details.

    The two immediately began warming up for the day of training they would=
 be going through, completely unaware of what was about to happen elsewhere=
 in the keep.

            *        *        *        *    =


    The current Lord Blackhorne was young, just having taken power three ye=
ars ago at the death of his father.  He had short black hair, an expressive=
 and youthful face, and a solid muscular build to his body.  Having command=
ed his father=92s troops before his death, he was also an experienced milit=
ary man.  Still, he was shaken when the news came.


    =93Yes, Adrian, what is it?=94

    =93A messenger just arrived.  He says that a patrol just returned and t=
hey have urgent news for you, which they strongly suggest you read immediat=

    Lord Blackhorne looked at the guard with a worried look on his face for=
 a few moments before responding.  =93Send him in immediately.=94

    =93Right away, sir,=94 the guard responded.  He turned on his heel and =
went quickly to let the messenger enter.

    For his part, Lord Blackhorne was quite flustered by the mention of urg=
ent news.  There had been unconfirmed reports of late, worrisome reports th=
at, if proven true, could mean that there would be a great darkness in the =
North ere long.  Blackhorne could only hope that this news would be somewha=
t better than what he feared.

            *        *        *        *            =

    Nathaniel Montrose had just finished the day=92s training when he was s=
ummoned.  The messenger had only said that Lord Blackhorne required his pre=
sence immediately, and when the lord could not be more specific than that i=
t never meant anything good had happened.

    Montrose quickly arrived at the private meeting chambers.  The guards i=
mmediately recognized him and bid him enter.  Inside was a medium sized roo=
m, the entirety of which seemed to be built around the great table which st=
ood in its center.  Spread across the table was one of the largest maps of =
the Giantdowns that had ever been made.  It sprawled across the table, fitt=
ing just barely in the center.  It contained every detail of the Giantdowns=
 that had ever been explored to the present day.  There was still a good am=
ount of unexplored territory, but the scouts from Blackhorne Keep had made =
significant progress towards filling in the blank areas.

    Around the table were seated many of the lord=92s inner circle, his mos=
t respected and trusted councilors each represented, along with many milita=
ry commanders.  They talked in hushed tones, everyone nervous and wanting t=
o know what the reason was for their being called to such a meeting.

    It didn=92t take Montrose long to track down Elliot.  The archer was se=
ated in a corner, obviously deep in thought, his expression worried.  He lo=
oked up as Montrose approached.

    =93It bodes ill for the keep, Nathaniel,=94 he whispered as his friends=
 sat beside him.  =93Lord Blackhorne didn=92t request our permission here, =
he demanded it.  He would never do so unless it was merited by a very grave=
 situation.  I fear that we may find ourselves in trouble very soon.=94

    =93I do not fear the worst.  I am ready for the worst, but fear and pre=
paration are hardly the same.  I hope for the sake of our continuing safety=
 that there is no cause for our concern, but I am afraid that you are quite=
 correct.  Lord Blackhorne is troubled, and what troubles a man of his cour=
age is not to be taken lightly.=94

    It was not long before the lord himself made an appearance.  As was the=
 norm in these meetings, there was no pomp or ceremony with his arrival.  T=
hey paid him proper respect, but he came in unannounced and without any req=
uest for those in the room to rise.  With the lord in the room, the meeting=

    =93Thank you all for coming here,=94 Lord Blackhorne began.  =93I, for =
one, do not believe in trying to delay the telling of bad news, so I will s=
pell out the reason for my calling you here immediately.

    =93As some of you may already know, we have been keeping a close watch =
on the activities of the lutins in the area.  In the past few months, we ha=
ve noticed a sudden decline in the number of patrols, as well as the number=
 of lutins per patrol.  Taken at face value, this would be wonderful news. =
 At the current moment, however, it is far from such.

    =93The reason for the decline in the numbers of the lutins is not merel=
y that we have eliminated good numbers of them, though this is, in fact, th=
e case.  The lutins aren=92t coming near our keep as much because they are =
going elsewhere.  This was just a suspicion though, until today.  A scout p=
arty ran afoul of a group of armed warriors, from lutins to humans to giant=
s to even fouler things that do not bear mentioning.  The number of this gr=
oup our scouts described as =91innumerable.=92=94 =

    There was a good number of hushed mutterings, and even a few very loud =
proclamations of the keep=92s impending doom.  The assembly was restored to=
 order as quickly as possible, and, as soon as the hubbub died down, the lo=
rd continued.

    =93Let me make it clear to you all that this was not a group of green r=
ecruits having a chance encounter.  They were both extremely skilled and fu=
lly prepared, yet they still lost two of their number.  They hardly had tim=
e to try to count the enemies before they were forced out of their hiding p=
lace by a patrol.  The one thing they were able to do, though, was distingu=
ish Nasoj=92s colors flying in the army.  We can only conclude that this ar=
my is meant to crush whoever it encounters, including us and, even more con=
cerning, Metamor.=94

    Nasoj.  The name was enough to spark fear in the hearts of many present=
.  He was a foe that they had met before, and one they had hoped to never m=
eet again.  For many years he had harbored ambitions -- dark ambitions whic=
h had already left thousands dead in their wake.  He wished for one thing a=
bove all others: The conquest of the Midlands.

    This was why the news shook them so much.  If an innumerable army truly=
 was on the march, it could very conceivably blaze its path down from the G=
iantdowns, leaving only despair and desolation as reminders.  Blackhorne Ke=
ep, though she had weathered great hardships in the past and survived, woul=
d be only a small obstacle for such a force.  If she fell to Nasoj, the onl=
y thing between him and the Midlands would be Metamor.

    Metamor Keep, the Jewel of the North, stood at the very southern border=
 of the Giantdowns.  She was positioned such that any army marching from th=
e Giantdowns towards the Midlands would not be able to pass by without havi=
ng to engage the fortress.  This had kept the armies of the North out of th=
e Midlands until now, but if she was defeated, there would be nothing betwe=
en Nasoj and the Midlands, nothing between the madman and his target.

    There were still hushed whispers, some very worried comments, and a gen=
eral air of fear and apprehension at the scouts=92 assessment of the enemy=
=91s number.  This meant that the coming army was likely larger than anythi=
ng to have marched on the Keep for a few hundred, if not some thousand, yea=
rs of recorded history.  It also meant that Nasoj, who had been defeated so=
me ten years past, had recovered strength.

    =93As you may well imagine, this is a time that we should all be ready =
to give our all for our home.  It isn=92t in too much doubt as to what the =
army is for, but when it will arrive is another question.  We must be ready=
 to fight, which is why I have called you all here.  I think everyone was a=
ccounted for, correct?=94

    There were a few words of confirmation from around the room, so the lor=
d continued.

    =93Master Montrose?  Where is your apprentice?=94 the lord asked.

    Nathaniel Montrose was quite surprised by the question.  His pupil had =
never seemed to draw much attention from Lord Blackhorne.  =93He has finish=
ed the day=92s training and is likely going about whatever business he has =
planned for today.  May I enquire as to the reason of your asking?=94

    =93I wished him present for this meeting,=94 Lord Blackhorne responded.=
  =93Though his family has long been bereft of their lands, they still hold=
 some sway in this keep.  My messengers have not been able to find him, and=
 I thought you might be able to give me some idea as to his whereabouts.=94

    =93Check the gardens,=94 Montrose offered.  =93He has been meeting his =
fianc=E9e there for some time.  Perhaps he has gone to see her there.  If h=
e isn=92t there, he may either have returned to his chambers, or perhaps at=
 the library.=94

    =93The library?=94 Lord Blackhorne asked, giving Montrose a questioning=

    =93Yes, he seems to enjoy supplementing what teachings I give him by re=
ading further on a good many subjects.  Julian is probably the best student=
 I have ever taught in this respect.  He seems to enjoy tactics best of all=
,=94 Montrose responded.  =93He has even gone so far lately as to read some=
 of the more technical treatises on the subject.=94

    Lord Blackhorne nodded, then sent for a messenger and instructed him to=
 look for the young man in the areas that Master Montrose had suggested.  T=
his done, he turned back to Montrose.  =93Truly not something you see in mo=
st men,=94 he commented.  =93Even some of the masters fail to extend their =
knowledge beyond their formal training.=94

    Montrose nodded silently.  His pupil had turned out to be quite a rare =
man in many respects.  On top of being an extremely attentive student, he w=
as unquestionably loyal, often seeming to care more for the safety of his f=
ellows than his own life.  He also had a strong sense of justice, and would=
 fight zealously to make sure that all was just, even if it meant taking so=
me profit from himself.

    Seeing that their conversation was apparently at an end, Lord Blackhorn=
e then proceeded to request the presence of several more men of small rank =
or nobility.  It was apparent that he desired that everyone who held any po=
wer in Blackhorne Keep to be aware of the situation.  Every man who held a =
command, regardless how small, was at least informed of the situation, and =
anyone with a command of any significant size was asked to attend the remai=
nder of the meeting.

    Montrose noticed that even a few trainees were asked to come.  There wa=
s one constant among those summoned: They were all extremely promising pros=
pects within two years of achieving knighthood.  With such a great enemy co=
ming, Lord Blackhorne doubtless wanted everyone he could possibly get prepa=
red ready to face it.

    Julian arrived before long, following the messenger that the lord had s=
ent to fetch him.  He was quite confused as to the reason for the summons, =
but felt it best not to put his confusion into words.  He moved over to his=
 master and stood silently while Lord Blackhorne continued to request the p=
resence of other people in the keep.  Understandably, he sent a messenger t=
o all of the smithies in the keep, requesting that they begin work on vario=
us types of weaponry to be used in the defense effort.

    While Lord Blackhorne worked, Montrose explained to his pupil the reaso=
n for his call here.  Though Julian didn=92t believe he really had any true=
 power, he sat quietly while his master continued to tell him of the coming=
 danger.  He showed a good bit of shock at the mention of the coming force,=
 but held back any other emotion.  He knew that any such untoward action at=
 this time would only interfere with the preparations.

    Finally, Lord Blackhorne finished his work.  He looked around, seeing t=
hat many of the men whose presence he had requested had arrived.  He waited=
 while the last few men filed in, and saw that they were made aware of the =
situation.  Finally, he had a word with a few men of import regarding neces=
sary preparations.  This done, he moved once more to address the men now pr=

    =93Good, I see you have all been told of the situation.  It is now time=
 that we discuss our plans at the current time.  Our scouts=92 report puts =
the force here five days ago.=94  He moved a wooden figure to mark the posi=
tion on the map.  =93Given five days at a regular march, they would probabl=
y be about here by now.=94  He pushed the figure to a new position.  =93Thi=
s gives us about a week to prepare our defenses.  I have placed all of the =
best men in tactics on this job, under Sir Lyle Dacote, to the end of makin=
g the defenses so perfect that not even a mouse can enter the keep unseen.=
=94  Sir Dacote acknowledged his lord=92s words quietly.  He was average of=
 height and built, with a slightly hooked nose and deep azure eyes.  His re=
putation as the keep=92s tactician was founded on almost ten years of previ=
ous experience

    =93The rest of us will be working to help prepare supplies.  We will be=
 assuming a lengthy siege at this point, regardless of the enemy=92s number=
s.  For this we will need a good amount of food.  I have placed Sir Oliver =
Kinch in charge of gathering food.=94  He motioned to the man beside him, a=
 short man with a graying mustache, but a solid body built from years of ha=
rd work.  He specialized in heavy weaponry, his favorite weapon his double-=
bladed ax, but was often called upon to help with jobs where strength was a=

    =93The rest of you will see Sir Nathaniel Montrose.  He is in charge of=
 making sure that the defenses are as strong as we can get them.  Basically=
, you=92ll be applying the changes that Sir Dacote and his men suggest.

    =93All right, we do not have the luxury of time in this case.  We will =
have to be working almost nonstop as it is to get ready for this assault wi=
thout wasting time in a meeting.  Let it be sufficient that we know that th=
ere is an enemy and that they are less than a week from us.  Still, I would=
 not have you all leave without being clear on what is going on.  Are there=
 any questions?=94

    =93Milord?=94 a man standing close by the table said.  He was short, bu=
t his strong build made up for his size, his two-handed sword having felled=
 many an enemy in the past.

    =93Yes, Sir Aaron, you have a question?=94

    =93Sir, with all due respect, would it not be easier just to fall back =
to Metamor?=94

    =93Naturally we are evacuating the civilian population of this keep to =

    =93No, I mean, would it not be easier for us just to abandon this keep?=
  Metamor is far better equipped than are we.  If we fell back there, we wo=
uld have a much better chance of actually winning this battle, instead of s=
tanding here with death as a certainty!=94

    =93We couldn=92t do that,=94 Julian cut in.  In a moment, he realized w=
hat he had done.  =93I=92m sorry, sir, I didn=92t mean to interrupt=85=94

    =93That=92s all right, Julian,=94 Lord Blackhorne responded, silencing =
any protests with a quick wave of his hand.  =93I=92m curious, though, why =
shouldn=92t we retreat?=94

    =93Well=85=94  Julian paused to clear his throat.  =93To the best of my=

    =93No, no, wait.  Don=92t say it like you=92re not sure, tell it like i=
t is a fact,=94 the lord said, the tone of his voice correcting but not too=
 harshly so.

    =93I=92m sorry, sir.  As I was saying, if we retreated now, Metamor wou=
ld be more vulnerable than if we hold Nasoj here, even if it doesn=91t take=
 him long to breach our defenses.=94

    =93Now wait a moment!=94 Aaron interrupted.  =93If we retreated now, th=
ere would be more people in Metamor to defend her.  How would that make her=
 more vulnerable?=94

    =93There would be just us to increase the defenses.  If we leave now, n=
othing will be here to stop Nasoj.  He will likely march double quick, even=
 getting to Metamor in a month.  In the meantime, the fastest of our messen=
gers would take almost a week, if not a little more due to weather, to get =
to Metamor.  From there, another messenger would take a few days to reach M=
etamor=92s allies.  Even if they used magic to communicate with them, the a=
llies would have to marshal their troops, prepare supplies, get weapons, an=
d maybe even get approval to go help Metamor.  By the time they get to Meta=
mor, it might already be too late.

    =93However, if we send out a lone messenger to advise Metamor of the im=
pending attack and stay here to hold Nasoj for as long as we can, Metamor=
=92s allies will be given just a little more time, which might be critical =
to their success.=94

    =93Well, then, there you have it, Sir Aaron,=94 the lord said, smiling =
at the man warmly.  =93The boy=92s good, isn=92t he?=94

    =93Yes, sir.  I=92m sorry about the trouble, I will endeavor to give mo=
re careful thought to my questions before I ask in the future,=94 the respo=
nse came.  Aaron=92s head was held low in respect to his lord, but he held =
a slight tinge of contempt in his voice, probably meant for the young man a=
nd not Lord Blackhorne.

    =93It=92s all right, Aaron, we=92ll find a way to stop Nasoj when he ge=
ts here.  Then we won=92t have to worry about Metamor.=94

    =93Of course, sir.  Please forgive me.=94

    The lord smiled kindly at the young knight.  =93It is always darkest be=
fore the dawn, Aaron.  It is hard to remember this at times, but it often v=
ery true.  Never give up hope.  This battle will be won yet!=94

    A few people quietly agreed, probably more trying to put themselves at =
ease than actually agreeing with their leader.  Still, the air of tension s=
eemed to lighten a bit with this firm statement.

    =93I seem to have forgotten before, but I will remedy this now: I will =
personally be in charge of preparing for the evacuation of the civilians.  =
We intend to have them out of the keep before sundown tomorrow.  If the per=
son in charge of your assignment needs you for nothing else, he will send y=
ou to me.=94

    =93All right, then, is everything clear?=94  The lord waited silently, =
looking about the room for any who seemed confused.  He found only worried =
faces, so he took a deep breath and continued.  =93All right.  I would not =
detain you any longer, let us get to the work.  Oh, Master Montrose, please=
 see me for a moment before you go.=94

    As the room slowly emptied out, Julian looked at his master, then moved=
 towards the door.

    =93Julian, please come with your master.  I wish to discuss something w=
ith both of you,=94 the lord said suddenly.  Julian knew better than to que=
stion his lord, so he waited until the room had emptied, then joined his ma=
ster and Lord Blackhorne beside the table.

    =93Sir Montrose, seeing as we are short on time, I will skip straight t=
o the point,=94 Lord Blackhorne began.  =93I am told that you have quite a =
talent in Julian here.=94

    =93Yes, sir, he has shown a remarkable ability in his training.  He put=
s his heart into his training, and it shows in his skill.=94

    =93Tell me, would you deem him worthy of knighthood given his current s=

    This question was unexpected, but there was no hesitation before Montro=
se answered.  =93Most definitely sir.  I may not be as quick or skilled as =
in my earlier days, but he can still best me at swordplay on occasion, and,=
 though not to brag on myself, it has been assessed by many of my comrades =
that this is no small feat for one of his age.=94

    Julian, or his part, stood I shock for a few moments before regaining h=
is poise.  Had Lord Blackhorne just asked his master if he was worthy of kn=
ighthood?  But he wasn=92t of the proper age yet, nor had he completed his =

    =93Very true, Master Montrose,=94 Lord Blackhorne continued.  He allowe=
d himself a small smile at the look that the young man had given him at the=
 question, but otherwise let the small loss of composure without question. =
 =93What would you say to my promoting him early, then?  It would mean that=
 your time as his trainer would be at an end, but I believe the young man h=
as earned it.=94

    =93I believe that he is deserving of it, but would that not leave a goo=
d many skilled recruits jealous of your favor towards him?=94

    =93Perhaps, but it might also inspire them to be more diligent in their=
 training,=94 Lord Blackhorne suggested.  =93You see, I have been watching =
the training processes of several of the more promising recruits, and your =
student has shown the most consistency.  As a former military commander, I =
know what the value of a good man is.  While I believe wholeheartedly in yo=
ur abilities, Master Montrose, at the moment your apprentice would be best =
used as a regular instead of being restricted by the limitations placed on =

    =93Very true,=94 commented Master Montrose.

    =93I suppose that, since you believe your charge worthy of knighthood a=
t his stage, that all that remains is the approval of the man in question. =
 So, lad, what do you think of becoming a knight in the service of the keep=
 just a little while earlier than expected?=94

    Julian had been standing in utter astonishment at what he was hearing, =
and it took him a moment to realize that he was being addressed.  =93Sir, I=
 would be honored!  But do you really believe that I am ready for it?=94

    =93Julian, we need all of the able bodied men we can get for this battl=
e,=94 Lord Blackhorne responded.  =93We also need them to be able to move w=
ithout having to receive permission from their trainer, however good the tr=
ainer may be.  You can be of most value to us if you are of sufficient rank=
 to access regular military buildings without the presence of another knigh=

    =93I=85  Thank you, sir!  I accept, I never dreamed of anything like th=

    =93Very well.  Seeing as you made need some time, to=85  recover from t=
his announcement, I will give you the next two hours to prepare as best you=
 can and to do whatever you need to do before the ceremony.  Only be at the=
 audience hall in two hours.  It will be a limited ceremony, I hope you und=

    At the moment nothing could have possibly mattered less to Julian.  =93=
I understand, sir.  I will be there.=94

    =93Good.  Now go and prepare, there are jobs to be done yet before we c=
an be at ease.  I will see you at the ceremony.=94

    Julian turned and walked to the door, still in a daze about what had ju=
st happened.  He was going to be promoted!  To be a knight, almost a year b=
efore he was truly of age for such an honor!  As he left the chamber he tho=
ught of the coming battle, and the fact that he would fight as one of the k=
nights of Blackhorne, ready to defend his home against Nasoj and his vile h=
ordes.  He couldn=92t contain himself!  He had to tell Sarah about this=85


    Suddenly, Julian knew exactly where he would be if he had any time left=
 to himself after his preparations.  He had to be with Sarah once more befo=
re this storm arrived.  He tried not to think that it could be the last tim=
e they met in their lives=85

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