[Mkguild] Metamor population

Michael Bard bard.michael at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 01:28:35 EST 2008

I seem to have foolishly volunteered myself to do a proper map of Metamor
Keep, Metamor Town, and Euper.

(Sample of Bard mapping skills for medieval city of ~2000:
http://transform.to/~mwbard/stuff/cityofkyndar.jpg )

Assuming that the keep shown in the map at
http://metamorkeep.com/gallery/pics/castle_map.jpg is accurate, it looks to
be something on the order of 800' long and 100' wide (VERY ROUGH ESTIMATE).

How big is Metamor Town?  A hundred?  Five hundred?  Thousands?!  I would go
for the lower end personally, but it may have been decided somewhere.  The
hard limit would be the fact that, as far as I can tell, Metamor Keep and
Metamor Town are built on a plateau on a ridge which gives a max size limit.
Not to mention the fact that most building materials have to be hauled up to
the top of the ridge.

How bit is Euper?  A hundred?  Five Hundred?  Thousands?

In my mind I would put Metamor Keep as a few hundred -- it's most of the
plateau as it is the primary reason for the whole conglomaration to exist.
Metamor Town is simply the rest of the plateau walled in.  Say 500, max.
For Euper, I'm told it's smaller than Metamor Town, so maybe a few hundred.

Can anybody give me any kind of guidelines?

Michael Bard

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