[Mkguild] Economy

Michael Bard bard.michael at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 02:07:41 EST 2008

Thanks Raven.

I'm just trying to get some kind of mental image of the place so I can
figure out what Euper is actually like sizewise, etc.  And what the place
itself is like.  but the people on the #MKGuild channel on IRC don't know,
the information is either absent from the Wiki or REALLY well buried, and
I'm just finding out things that, given the information I have, just aren';t

If I'm going to make a proper map, and a proper economic background article,
I think I'm going to have to have a real time chat with you and Matthias,
and whatever other experts you recommend.

I've asked others specifically if there was some kind of reason for
religious pilgramage to the keep, and was told there wasn't any...

It seems that the Wiki needs work...  :)

Michael Bard

> Metamor has historically been known for its luxury items, particularly
> books and artwork. It was known as the "Jewel of the North" because of
> its high degree of cultural sophistication. True, some people now see
> the Keepers as devils, but for every person who shuns their goods for
> that reason, there's another who is drawn to them in fascination.
> The Metamor Valley is also renowned throughout the western world for its
> ale. Metamor Ale is a thick, black stout that is highly prized in many
> nations; the Sathmorans are particularly fond of the stuff. The
> relatively small production runs that the Valley is capable of translate
> to higher asking prices on the international market.
> Lastly, Metamor has been home to a lot of innovators, including Pascal
> the alchemist and Bryan, son of Derk, an inventor of Leonardian
> proportions. It's not hard to envision significant demand outside
> Metamor for some of their creations, such as Bryan's collapsible longbow
> and Pascal's stay-awake elixir.
> Admittedly, times have been harder since Nasoj shut off most of the
> trade to the Northlands. But between Metamor's specialty goods and the
> tribute they gain from the rest of Thomas's realm -- plus, as you
> pointed out, the self-sufficiency of the Metamor Valley -- they're not
> in imminent danger of starving or going broke.
> Cheers,
> Raven

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