[Mkguild] Metamor Keep Preliminary Map and Assumptions

Michael Bard bard.michael at gmail.com
Mon Jan 7 04:40:15 EST 2008

Doing word searches of Winter Assault finds no mention of Euper, other than=
 a "guardsman from Euper".  Doing a search for "burning" seems to mean that=
 EVERYTHING other than the inner keep itself was burned to the ground.  Tha=
t means Euper AND Metamor Town.

Assuming that is the case, there is NO WAY for my story to occur.  If Metam=
or Town survived, I could move it into there with a bit of rewriting, but i=
f ALL That is left is the keep, and fields of reconstruction, my entire sto=
ry is unresolvably toast.

Oh well... it was fun while it lasted.

Out of curiosity, why did almost nobody know of this to tell me?

Michael Bard

P.S. Assuming the burning occured in December of "last year".  If reconstru=
ction started IMMEDIATELY (say Jan 1), and the Fall Festival is set for Sep=
t, that leaves EIGHT months.  It is not physically possible to rebuild ever=
ything in 8 months.  Even if the physical structures could be, people would=
n't come BACK in that time!

  Euper WAS pretty much burned to the ground in WA and has since been rebui=
lt (keepers build fast, or something).  As for the lutins, the tactics of t=
he attack were to assault under cover of a magicaly summoned snowstorm.  Th=
ey haven't been wiped out because they're more prolific than rabbits.  Nort=
h of the keep are several small settlements, the only one whos name I remem=
ber though is Glen Avery.  The ground is mostly forest and small farms with=
 less settlement the closer to the Giant's Dike you get.  As far as water g=
oes, what you have here sounds pretty good.
  Hope these bits help you some.
  John Burman aka Fox Marine
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