[Mkguild] The Last Tale of Yajakali - Chapter LXIV
C. Matthias
jagille3 at vt.edu
Sat Sep 6 23:44:39 EDT 2008
Sending off another Chapter because I love you all. ;-)
Oh, the title of Chapter LXIII should have been
"Rush to the Beginning". In my rush to send it
out, I forgot to update the Chapter heading!!!
Metamor Keep: The Last Tale of Yajakali
By Charles Matthias
Chapter LXIV
Solstice's Eve
Though they had seen no fighting, the
army, trudging through the growing fields of
snow, seemed miserable and lifeless as it neared
the gates of Kelewair. The foot soldiers
especially, many of them nursing frostbite in
their toes around the nightly fires. Even the
horsemen slouched in their saddles and kept their
cloaks wrapped tight around their faces. Though
the astronomers would declare that Winter had but
one more day before its began, the season had
already come to their home and locked it in its gloom.
Yet, when they finally saw the walls of
Kelewair and the castle looming before the forest
they felt a measure of relief. Their long march
was done and they could return to loved ones with
tales of peace. Weariness did not leave them,
but their steps were just a little bit lighter
and a little bit surer. A few even dared
laughter and frivolity as they crossed the barren
fields still filled with ramshackle tents and
hasty fortifications to the city gates.
Duke Titian Verdane drew up his mount
and sighed. With the Yule so close, the remnants
of his war would have to wait for the New Year to
be taken down. Though they hadnt seen combat,
his troops had been at the ready for months now
and needed the rest. Hed already sent both Lord
Stoffels and Lord Thrane with their forces back
to their cities. His spies would make sure they
stayed true to their word. And Anya had led what
remained of Williams forces back to Mallow
Horn. They had even more work ahead of them to
rebuild the villages crushed by the feud.
The young Captain Becket of Mallow Horn
had volunteered to escort William to Metamors
lands. Verdane had been suspicious and would
have refused but Anya had assured him of Beckets
fidelity. Six more soldiers were sent of Anyas
choosing, and Verdane wrote a letter to accompany
Becket and grant him speedy passage. With luck,
they would already be north of Braasem, perhaps
all the way to Giftum. In the next few weeks
William would be changed by the curses. The
soldiers were to return and report what hed
become. Verdane hoped it would be a beast as it
would make it easier to spot him should he try to return to his homeland.
Of course the letter from the son of
Felix seemed to indicate he didnt have to worry
about that. Still, he hadnt been Duke so long
because he trusted in arcane letters. Every precaution he could he would take.
Especially with so many traitors in his midst.
The gates of Kelewair opened to receive
them and Verdane turned to his generals and gave
orders for the men. He then led the procession
into his city. He felt Captain Nikolai and the
other members of the Wolfs Claw at his back, but
even their presence was not reassuring. This was a miserable homecoming.
It was hours later after all the pomp
and ceremony of a Duke returning from victory
that Verdane had a chance to retire to the
privacy of his study. The hearth billowed with a
roaring fire and his table was arrayed with
freshly cooked meat, potatoes, cheese, bread, and
wine. He placed his table next to one of the
windows so he could stare at the grounds behind his castle.
Romping through the snow was his
grandson Jory and the many kennel dogs. Those
many black-furred canines barked and danced
circles around him as they leapt through the
snow, leaving divots and exposing the grass in
patches. Jory laughed and cavorted, shouting
orders from time to time. The dogs obeyed him
eagerly. Though he couldnt see them from his
window, he knew that his soldiers kept a close
watch on the boy, as did the kennel master. But
he neednt have fretted. Ever since coming to
live with his grandfather, Jory spent more time
with the dogs than with anyone else. They knew
him and loved him as one of their own now.
Verdane chewed on a bit of potato and
sighed. Now that the war was over, he needed to
set aside time to make Jory look up to him as a
father. As a grandfather, he did love the boy,
but he had no idea how much damage William had
already done to the child. Perhaps being with
the dogs had returned some of his innocence?
But he would not have his grandchild
aspire to be nothing more than a kennel
master. Slowly, bit by bit, he would have to
draw him back into the castle. His love for the
dogs would always be a source of strength, but
like iron, it had to be tempered.
Had Jory not been his own flesh and
blood, he would gladly let him be so common a
thing as a kennel master. It would both be a
kindness to the boy and a humiliation for William
to see his progeny brought low. But Jory was
kin, and that was something Verdane could never forget.
A knock at the door brought him
around. His page answered the door, then opened
it wide for a red-haired man dressed in priestly
vestments. Verdane nodded to his son and
beckoned him enter. Tyrion hobbled across the
room with the practised ease of a man who knows
he is a cripple but will not let any other tell
him so. At his fathers invitation, Tyrion sat
down opposite him and shared a bit of cheese.
I am so relieved to see you returned
safe, father, Tyrion said with a fait smile. In
truth, things have been very quiet in your
absence. We have had no news of Otakars forces
moving. Sadly, we also have heard nothing about Jaime.
Otakar is waiting on word from
me. Will I agree or wont I, Verdane ground his
teeth together, stared a few seconds more at
Jory, and sighed. He will do nothing until
then. Once he knows our word, he will act.
Was it wise to send everyone home? If
you need them again, it will take weeks before theyre assembled and ready.
Verdane shrugged his shoulders. There
was nothing else I could do. If I kept them on,
Otakar would have marshalled his forces. That is
a fight we cannot win, not now. He stabbed a bit
of meat with his knife and held it up. The meat
was well-cooked with a sheen of black along both
top and bottom. The middle had just a hint of
pink. The flavour, full of salt and sinew, was
nevertheless empty for him. Not while he has Jaime.
What will you do about it, Father?
Give him what he wants. Bozojo is his
for now. And as soon as I believe it is safe, I
want assassins to murder that treacherous swine Calladar.
Tyrion thumbed a piece of bread and asked, What of his family?
That I will think on. A son eager for
revenge will be more tightly wound to
Otakar. But eliminate the family entirely and
Otakar may put one of his cronies in place there
and wed never see the city again.
Perhaps we should let Calladar live then?
No. Verdane shoved the meat in his
mouth and chewed. He washed the morsel down with some wine. What of Ammodus?
Until last week, hed been
calm. Frightfully so. Lately though hes been
ranting about a certain man of cards.
Verdane spat the wine out. What? He
lowered his head and gathered his anger to store
it away. Tyrion sat with a look of surprise writ
on his eyes but otherwise kept from his face. A
man of cards? William said the same thing before
I banished him to Metamor. There may be little
we can do about it, but it seems both were in
league with the Marquis du Tournemire. You remember him.
The Pyralian who came through here last
Spring? Aye, I recall him. A bit aloof, with
the strange black-clad man as a companion. He
had a deck of cards he kept with him. Its possible he could be a sorcerer.
It would explain why William and
Ammodus allied. There is nothing we can do about
Ammodus here. Have him sent to Yesulam. Perhaps
they can see to his needs there. I will request
that you be named Bishop in his stead.
Tyrion lowered his eyes gratefully. If
it pleases the Ecclesia that I serve so, I shall
serve. But Father, I must serve the Ecclesia
first, not you. Do not make this appointment
thinking I will turn the Ecclesia to your ends.
Verdane grunted. Spare me any false
piety you have, Tyrion. I know your devotion to
the Ecclesia is true. But your episcopate has
great reach, and I do want you to use your
influence to extend the arm of the Ecclesia. I
am the only one of the three Dukes of the
Midlands who is a Follower. Any increase in the Ecclesia benefits me.
As you say, Father, Tyrion replied,
his eyes still lowered. Then you will be very
interested to hear some of the news I have.
Refugees form Bradanes have been
flocking to Metamor, those that have survived
that is. They are of the Ecclesia and will swell
the population there. The one lowly priest will
not be able to handle it all himself. Ammodus
was loathe to ever go there to appoint new
priests, but I am willing. And there is one
other thing. A small group of nuns from
Breckaris came requesting that they be allowed to settle at Metamor.
Did you grant them permission?
Of course. There was no reason not
to. If it helps spread the Ecclesia in those
lands, then that is more souls that can be
saved. Tyrion frowned. You do realize that if I
am named Bishop, the parishes of the Northern
Midlands will petition Yesulam to have a new episcopate created.
Verdane stared out the window
again. Jory was throwing snowballs and the dogs
were catching them in their jaws. The snowballs
exploded every time. That will take
time. Perhaps we can improve relations with Metamor in the meantime.
Exiling a traitor to them will hardly
improve their disposition toward us.
I have confidence that in the end they will be grateful, he replied.
Pardon me, but why?
Verdane shook his head. He felt the
heat of decision coming to him. It was time to
act. Never mind that now. There is some
parchment there and a quill. It is time to write
my letter to Otakar granting him what he
wants. Its the only way well ever see Jaime
again, and that is far more important to me than who is Bishop of Metamor.
Tyrion nodded, took the quill, dipped it
in ink and sat ready to write his fathers
words. Verdane leaned back in his chair and pondered just how to begin.
The days were shorter than the nights,
which prevented them from travelling as far as
they hoped. But it was the swamp itself that
proved the greatest impediment to their
progress. The deeper and deeper they journeyed,
the thicker and more cloying the trees became,
festooned with prickly vines and sickly mushrooms
whose mere touch made Jerome break into a vicious
red rash on his shoulder. The waterways were
covered with algae that clung to their fur and
clothes and carried flies and mosquitos which bit
their flesh. Swarms of dragonflies descended on
them to pick out the flies and other morsels the
algae carried. And there were fish that scoured
flesh, huge alligators that lay in quiescent
ambush, as well as toads so large they could
swallow Abafouq whole one tried , having taken
the Binoq in up to his waist before Guernef
landed on its back and ripped its piddling brain
out the back of its head with his beak.
All these and more stood in their way
and made their progress south a slow one. Each
evening Jessica, Abafouq, Guernef, and
Qan-af-årael used their magical powers to offer
what healing they could to tame the rashes, the
cuts, the coughs, and the infections. Still,
with so many insects making a meal of their
flesh, they were each covered in bites that
itched all the worse the more they scratched.
Despite the profusion of life in the
swamp, there was little that seemed edible. A
few birds complemented the supplies theyd taken
with them from Breckaris, but these had little
meat, and what meat they had tasted
grainy. There was no fresh water to be found,
though they were sure to boil as much as they
could each night. Abafouq placed a few of his
spell stones in the pot with the putrid water to
help purify it. But even that could only stave
off the inevitable for a short time.
Winter may be upon them, but in the
swamp it still felt as sweltering as the worst
summer day in Metamor. Kayla and Charles panted
like dogs, while Jessica and James came close to
doing the same. Of the furred Keepers, only
Habakkuk seemed able to stand the heat, but the
moisture in the air made him miserable
too. Rarely did he lift his eyes beyond walking
or writing in his tent at night. He spoke even
less. Of them all only the Åelf remained stoic,
but even their majesty seemed to fade under the airs cruel oppression.
So it came as a surprise to them all
when in the morning after a fitful night sleep in
a small grove near a break in the canopy
Qan-af-årael smiled and said, We have made good
time through the swamp and even now are within a
days journey of the Chateau. We will arrive at
the proper time. I studied the stars last night. The Solstice is tomorrow.
Arent we supposed to destroy them by
the Solstice? James asked as he rubbed at his
latest series of bites next to his mane.
Yes. So we will arrive at just the
right moment, Qan-af-årael replied.
Were the stars telling you how we would
fare? Abafouq asked curiously while fingering his pendant.
Of that they do not speak, the Åelf
admitted with a slow sigh. But we are where we
must be. The stars are moving back to the place
they once knew. They will reach it
tomorrow. And so tomorrow we must confront them nd destroy them.
What do you mean the stars are moving
back? Charles asked. He brushed one of the
leaves from his vine across the black hand-print
on the right side of his face. As the
hand-print covered his eye, he kept the leaf
below where he could see it. Dont the stars move the same way every night?
That they do, apart from the
wanderers. But even they follow a course that we
can learn. Qan-af-årael gazed into the pale blue
sky. They could only see a small patch, and it
was untouched by cloud or bird. Remember what it
is you were told about Jagoduun. The tear to the
Underworld was made upon the Winter
Solstice. Just as this world and the sun align
so as to create a great flux of magic, so too at
certain times the stars create their own magical
flux. It is this of which I speak. The stars
will be in the same place tomorrow night as they
were on the night that Yajakali cast his fateful spell.
The rat frowned and lowered the leaf.
And does that cycle take eleven thousand years?
Qan-af-årael nodded and favoured them
with a weak smile. It is why we can be certain
that this is the time we must destroy them once
and for all. Everything else will have led up to this.
Well, Lindsey said as he hefted his
pack over his shoulders, if we have only a day,
shouldnt we be walking? Time wont stand around like men.
No, it wont, Charles agreed. The rat
was already in his six-limbed form and had most
of their supplies what remained of them
stowed on his lower back. He let the vine settle
back against his chest and helped James secure
the last of the packs in place while Jerome and
Andares checked for the easiest path. When
theyd found a long patch of solid ground, they waved everyone forward.
One by one they resumed their places in
line and began the days journey. Like all days
they contended with the insects, the eroding
soil, the fugacious lower branches, and the
intermittent stretches of marsh that left their
legs and paws dripping fuscous slime. Yet now
they had to ponder what tomorrow would bring. So
long had they journeyed towards the Chateau
Marzac that it had seemed a place they would
never actually reach. But it now lurked just
beyond the veil of a days passing. What horrors
would they face inside that profane edifice?
It was shortly after noon when Jerome
sent the all-stop signal down the line. They
were moving through a cluster of mangroves and
doing their best to avoid becoming entangled in
the dense network of roots shooting into the
algae on either side. Despite the hour the thick
foliage blocked the suns light completely,
casting the area into a preternatural gloom. The
air carried the ever present stench of death and
decay, but as they waited they could all discern
a more pungent aroma mixed in. Kayla rubbed her
nose and crept closer to where Jerome slipped between the trees ahead.
The Sondecki turned at the skunks
approach and nodded his head in
acquiescence. Kayla put one paw on the hilt of
the katana. Clymaethera was restless and pressed
back into her palm, eager to be drawn and to
spill blood. She took a quick breath and scooted
to the trunk next to Jerome, careful not to
disturb the shelf mushrooms climbing up the bark.
One by one, the others approached behind
them, but they couldnt see what Jerome and Kayla
stared at. At the end of the avenue of mangroves
the ground rose upwards twice a mans
height. The hillock bore a ring of mangroves
along its edges, but almost none of the
fuliginous branches faced toward the slope. The
ground on the slope was blackened and the summit
smoldered. Despite the trees being denuded on
one side, the boughs far above still blocked out the sun.
Kayla frowned as she stared at the
steaming hill. There didnt appear to be any
easy way around it, as the mangrove branches all
tangled into the water. They had no hope of
seeing them. One wrong step and their legs would
be trapped. They hadnt seen any of the
flesh-eating fish recently, but they dare not
risk being stuck in the water in case they were
near. They only had two options. Forward over
the hill or back the way theyd come. Going back
meant circling around which could cost them
hours. Forward was their only real choice.
Kayla gestured with her free paw at the
hill and whispered to Jerome, What do you suppose it is?
Jerome shook his head. I dont
know. Im going to get a closer look. Wait here.
Kayla crouched down and spread her legs
wider so she wouldnt bump into the tree
trunk. The Sondecki cast one glanced back at the
rest, motioned for them to be quiet, and then
gingerly stepped out past the line of
mangroves. He bent against the hillside and ran
his hand over the ground. Kayla wondered what he
was doing but trusted him to do it. Her fingers
wrapped around Clymaetheras hilt, eyes sharp and
fixed on the hillocks summit. Smoke trailed
upwards like an abandoned fire. But who would
apart from a man totally deranged would live in
such a place as this even without the corruption poisoning everything?
Finally, Jerome seemed satisfied with
the ground and began climbing up the slope. He
kept his body close to the ground and moved so
silently that Kayla had to touch her ears to make
sure that nothing had clogged them. It then
dawned on her that the swamp itself had grown
still the nearer this hill theyd come. Where
once the incessant buzzing of insects and
groaning of frogs could be heard in every
direction, now they seemed to be some distance
behind them. Kayla licked her nose and pulled
her tail in close, trying to still her imagination before it ran away with her.
Jerome eased himself up to the top of
the hill, though he kept most of his body below
the summit. Inch by inch, he raised himself up,
staring down as if over the lip of an escarpment
to see what lay below. A sudden flurry of sound,
a rasp of scales and a rush of feathers erupted
from the hill. Jerome leapt backwards as a
scissor-like beak closed over the place where his
head had been only moments before. Tumbling down
the hillside, the Sondecki slammed his back into
the ring of mangroves and then scrambled to his
feet to evade the bite of the monsters beak.
Kayla screamed and Clymaethera leapt
into her paw. Her other fumbled for the
wakizashi named Trystathalis. The thing rising
out of the pit in the hill was some infernal bird
larger even than Guernef! Its feathers were
blacker than Jessicas, and its eyes boiled a
red like stones tumbling one over another in a
forge. The beak, two sharp spears of darkness,
closed over the branches above Jeromes head and
the mangroves sizzled and blackened from the touch.
Demiorygato Pagos! Jessica shouted,
and a bolt of ice erupted form her wings and
struck the monster bird just beneath the
beak. It screamed a sound so vile and sharp that
Kayla nearly dropped the swords in her hurry to cover her ears.
Jerome jumped through the mangroves
faster than the skunk thought anyone could
move. He rolled to a stop next to Kayla and
brushed soot from his shoulders. I think we made it mad.
The bird crouched at the edge of the
hillside, and then leapt into the air, wings
spreading out between the mangrove
branches. Against the canopy it was a shadow in
flight, a shadow that burned the very air and
singed everything it touched. Long claws reached
down and yanked at the tangle of branches along
the path, ripping them out one by one as they charred and died.
Jessica cried out another spell and a
blue nimbus pressed back against the creatures
advance. She glanced wearily at the rest as the
beak pecked and prodded at the shield. I cannot hold him at bay forever!
We cannot stay here, Andares said,
gesturing towards the hillside that they could
all see. It will kill us if we stay here. Over
its nest. There may be some way we can escape it or kill it over there.
Kayla sheathed her swords for a moment
to help Jessica hold the shield up. Abafouq
stood next to her and lent his skill too,
muttering hard-edged words under his breath. The
blue nimbus grew stronger and almost opaque, but
it couldnt cover them all if they spread out.
Dont go far! Kayla shouted. We have to stay in the middle.
Jerome nodded as he and Andares chopped
aside some of the mangrove roots tossed up in the
black birds ascent. Together they lifted
Qan-af-årael over and up the hillside. James and
Charles followed next. The rat had his
Sondeshike in his paws, dark eyes casting a
determined look at the bird. With them came Jessica, Kayla and Abafouq.
Lindsey, Habakkuk, and Guernef kept the
rear guarded, the latter flapping his wings and
summoning a bitter wind that clattered twigs and
refuse into a maelstrom. With a turn of his
wings, he launched those tiny particles at the
black bird. The air sizzled and popped with
fulgurites that turned to ash as they passed
through the birds feathers. The beak spread
wide and screamed again, nearly knocking them all to their knees.
What is it! James shouted as he pulled
his long ears down either side of his face.
It acts like a Shrieker, Charles cried. But how could it be this?
Corrupted, Qan-af-årael said, his
voice low but somehow still audible through the
din. Corrupted for a very long time.
Jerome and Andares reached the top of
the hill and glanced about. The bird, screamed
one last time, then flew higher into the
treetops, disappearing amidst the towering
sentinels and bounteous foliage. It left a trail
of ash, but once past the first boughs they
couldnt see it anymore. They could still hear
the ponderous wings frying the air on their way,
but the sound echoed around them.
Hurry! Jerome shouted. It looks like
the trees are thicker ahead. We might be able to escape.
The rest of the scrambled up the
hillside and followed Jerome down the other
bank. The marshland gave way to a broad grove of
trees stretching into the canopy. Many bore
black scars from the creatures touch, but all
stood solidly on hard earth. The hummock had a
faint roll from where rains had washed away the
soil, but the Keepers found their footing without
trouble. Jessica, Kayla, and Abafouq focussed on
turning their blue shield above them to pass
trough the trees, so James and Charles stayed by
them to keep them from stumbling.
They ran for two minutes and the ground
gradually rose. Were they leaving the marshes
for good to some forgotten promontory? And where
had the bird gone. They no longer heard its
cries in the air above. All that they heard was
the rasp of their breath, the fall of their feet,
and the groaning of the trees above.
Maybe it didnt follow us, James
suggested as they slowed to catch their breath.
Was there anything else in the pit? Lindsey asked.
Jerome shook his head. Just the
bird. I took a quick glance as we ran past. There was nothing else in there.
The birds enough, Charles said. The
rat twirled his Sondeshike a few times as he
scanned the forest canopy overhead. Lets keep moving.
They turned south again, but snapped
their heads back up when a load crack
reverberated from above. The canopy exploded
with a rain of sticks, branches, and leaves as a
massive tree trunk flung itself toward them. The
ends of the trunk were bright with flame that
roared as it spun end of end downward.
Watch out! Jessica shrieked as she and
everyone else dived to one side. The blue nimbus
flared out just as one end of the tree slammed
into the ground. The dirt exploded and sizzled,
the air cracked as the trunk splintered down its
middle. Flames leapt across the mossy sward as
shards of the trunk scattered in every
direction. Guernef shrieked in pain as one of
the larger chunks drove through his thigh. The
Nauh-kaee tried to stand, but slipped one the
detritus and collapsed in a heap, blood spilling everywhere.
Guernef! Abafouq shouted and scrambled
through the wreckage toward his friend.
The others rushed to do the same, but a
blood-chilling shriek split the air again. The
black bird swept through the canopy leaving a
trial of burning leaves in its wake. Its beak
hung wind, and its legs, so spindly but so
hideously dark, stretched open to grab them.
Jessica stretched her wings and brought
the blue nimbus over them again. The bird
slammed into that wall of energy and drove it
downward several feet. The hawk mage
cawed from the strain but managed to keep her
talons beneath her. Their enemy spread his wings
and slashed with his feet at the shield. It flickered badly but held.
Abafouq was at Guernefs side a moment
later. The Nauh-kaee nodded his thanks and then
gave a baleful star at the others whod rushed to
his aid. Abafouq sucked in his breath and said,
Kayla, help Jessica! I can handle this.
The skunk ran back to the hawk and added
her magic to the shield. Together, the two of
them walked to where the gryphon lay crippled. How is he? Kayla asked.
Not good, Abafouq replied as he
inspected the wound. Guernef, we need to pull
the shaft out. Jerome, can you help?
The Sondecki placed one hand on
Guernefs furry thigh and stroked the flesh
there. The Nauh-kaee closed his eyes while
Abafouq canted arcane words. They waited a few
short breaths, breaths in which the black bird
made one last attempt to break the shield before
winging back into the upper branches. Then,
Abafouq nodded to Jerome. The Sondecki pulled
swiftly and sure. The shaft came free, slick
with blood, and as thick as a mans
arm. Whatever spell Abafouq had used kept his
friend from bleeding to death, but he still had a gaping hole in his leg.
We cant stay here, Andares warned.
It will just drop another tree on us.
We have at least a minute, Abafouq
pointed out. Qan-af-årael, I need your power for this healing.
The ancient Åelf bent over their friends
body and touched the wound. This will take far
too long to heal. We must patch it for now and mend it later.
Do what you must, Guernef said in a
soft voice, the softest any of them had ever heard.
Jerome pulled his shirt off and wrapped
it tight around the wound. Charles! More
linens! The rat jumped over, all four of his
legs skidding through the ground and scattered
twigs until he stood at the Nauh-kaees
backside. Guernefs tail for once did not twitch and fret like a cats.
Charles and Jerome dug through the packs
on the rats back until they found more
cloths. Moving so quickly that his hands became
a blur, Jerome wrapped shirt after shirt around
the gryphons legs until they no longer
discoloured immediately. Abafouq and
Qan-af-årael continued their quiet chant, hands
pressed to his leg and side leaving just enough room for the Sondecki to work.
Guernef snapped his head up. Run! He
shrieked. They all turned their heads to the sky
as the Nauh-kaee twisted onto its three good legs
and limped as quickly as he could. The upper
branches parted again with another burning trunk
tumbling end over end toward them. They ran
after Guernef, with Jessica and Kayla turning their shield behind them.
The tree struck the earth with a
thunderclap. Shards scattered everywhere, but
they bounced with a million flashing lights off
the blue shield. This is ridiculous! Lindsey
shouted. Well never escape this thing!
Then we have to kill it, Charles
shouted back. Jessica, use your shield to trap
it on the ground! Here it comes!
The hawk blinked and then turned her
eyes to the heavens. The black bird dived so
quickly through the trees that she could only
wince as it struck against her shield. Sparks
flew in every direction as the bird was rebuffed
once more. It danced back into the air and then
shrieked with such rage that the very fire
blossomed into a vicious conflagration. The
flames spread across the sward from the two trees
into a wide swath stretching on every side. The
air grew heady with smoke and screams from them
and the bird. Jessica and Kayla began to hack as
the Keepers realized theyd been trapped within a ring of fire.
Guernef, still limping, spread his wings
wide and began to beat them. Abafouq stayed at
his flank to support his wounded limb, but even
he had to old tight as the winds turned and
twisted around him. The black bird glanced up
from its attack on the shield to stare in
bewilderment as the air circled and spun in ever
increasing anger. The flames, leapt as if in
terror, and then with one last surge of air, were
snuffed out. Even the smoke was carried away by
the winds leaving behind only the charred ash
covering everything they saw in every direction.
The bird screamed again, and drove its
beak towards the shield. But Jessica, just as it
neared, dropped the shield and let the animal
bury its beak in the ground. She then reformed
the shield at its back, pinning it in
place. Surprised, the bird struggled and beat its wings in a frenzy to escape.
Filled with a sudden fury of mountain
lairs of old, Kayla felt Clymaethera the katana
leap into her paw. With a single downward slice
she sent the blade clean through the birds
wing. The cut was true and severed the limb,
which spun away and burst into a bright white
flame. A moment later there was nothing left.
The black bird howled in fury, swinging
what remained of its wing forward toward Kaylas
face. But Charles was there, striking the limb
with his Sondeshike and snapping whatever bones
it might have. Then he spun the Sondeshike at
its head and knocked it to one side.
James met it there, slicing across its
other wing. The blade of his sword grew red hot
as soon as it struck the creatures neck. The
bird, dark eyes filled with baleful fire,
snatched the sword in its beak and wrenched it
from the surprised donkeys hands. The bird bit
down and bent the sword as easily as if it were
only wet clay, and then tossed it to the charred earth.
Only magical swords can touch it!
Andares shouted. He took the donkeys place and
struck at the creatures wings. The bird howled
in agony as it tried to back away but found
itself blocked by Jessicas shield. Finally
realizing it had no choice but to move forward
into te trio of attackers, it charged with one last scream of rage.
Kayla and Andares both struck at either
side of its neck, while Charles brought is
Sondeshike directly down on the top of its
head. The beast collapsed as the swords sliced
through the fiery flesh. The head fell at their feet and burst into flame.
Covering their eyes, the three of them
ran back to where Jessica stood as their fur tips
singed from the heat. But by the time they
reached her, there was nothing left of the beast but a scar on the earth.
Oh, my eyes, James moaned as he
crawled back up to where had gathered. The
donkey rubbed at them both and kept blinking.
Itll pass, Habakkuk assured him. The
kangaroo hopped to his side and helped him climb
the rest of the way. Your sword is ruined
though. You can have mine. Youll use it better than I will.
Thank you, James replied. The donkey
blinked a few more times then stared at his still
glowing hot sword. It had been bent twice in the
middle and the tip now pointed almost
perpendicular to the hilt. James shook his head and kept walking.
Is everyone else okay? Jessica asked.
I think so, Charles replied. He
shrunk his Sondeshike down and returned it to its
place. The vine pulled tight against his chest
but otherwise didnt move. Guernef, can you move, or do we need to carry you?
Lindsey gave the rat an incredulous look
for his suggestion, but the Nauh-kaee hobbled up
with more dignity than he thought possible. If
anything, the white gryphon made his injury look
a thing of grace. I will not be a burden to you. Let us continue.
Abafouq rubbed his hands together a he
trailed after his friend. Yes, let us be on our
way. But first I would be happier if we better healed you.
Aye, Kayla agreed. She slowly
sheathed the katana, a faint smile etching her
snout as she did so. With that thing dead, I
dont think we have to worry about anything else attacking us for a while.
Guernef took one breath and then eased
himself down so that his injured leg was up. The
bandages were all stained red and barely hanging
on his thigh. Do what you can for me, but do not
risk any delay more than is necessary.
We shall not miss our appointed hour,
Qan-af-årael assured him with a confidant
expression. There was no smile on his pearl-grey
face, but there was warmth still. Charles,
Lindsey, Habakkuk, Andares, James, and Jerome
took up the watch while the rest bent over
Geurnefs form to do what they could for their friend.
One of the cards held deftly between his
fingers began to twitch. The Marquis du
Tournemire spread the five cards in his hands
wide and watched as the Six of Swords bled from
an indistinct avian shape into a smear of
black. He pursed his lips thoughtfully and ran
one nail across the card before lowering his hand
and discarding the now dead card and one other.
Just the two, he said. His steward
Vigoureux dutifully passed him two more cards
from the top of his deck. He picked up the Queen
and Eight of Hearts and chuckled lightly to
himself. Upon the queen was a hawk clad in
black. And on the eight stood a skunk
brandishing a pair of swords whose design was
neither Pyralian nor Midlander. From the far
East then, but how she came by them was a mystery
that interested him only slightly less than the
outcome of this particular hand of cards.
They sat in a small room which had once
been decorated with ornate curtains that had long
since turned to dust. Narrow windows looked to
the mangroves trees in the north, while a single
door whose carvings had been eaten away by rot
waited open behind them. The walls were
fashioned from a queer yellow stone and while the
Marquis knew it had once bore paintings and
bookshelves, nothing more remained of them. All
that was left was the table and chairs.
Arrayed around the table were Vigoureux,
his castellan Sir Autrefois, and the black
Sondecki Krenek Zagrosek. The rest were all
dead, as he had always known they would be. Nine
deaths were needed. Nine souls to feed
Yajakalis artifacts. He already had six in
hand. A seventh waited in the Two of Hearts
should he need to use it, but he doubted the
raccoon Kankorans soul would be necessary.
It seems, the Marquis said as he gazed
at the three sharing the table with him, that
they have managed to kill the Old Crow.
Then nothing stands between them and
us, Sir Autrefois said in an almost drained
voice. His castellan, once hardy and full of
brusque life, now seemed more mechanical. His
motions were smooth, precise, and regular like a
waterwheel. Vigoureux was the same. An
unfortunate side-effect of Marzac not needing them as it needed him.
And as it needed Zagrosek. The Sondecki
drummed his fingers on the table as he stared
without much enthusiasm at his hand. Good, he
said in his first bit of liveliness since leaving
Breckaris. Then they will be here tomorrow and all can be brought to an end.
The Marquis smiled and leaned back in
the old chair. All of the furnishings at Marzac
were old. The Chateau had been built by the
Boreaux family from Kitchlande to the south in an
attempt to seal over the tear to the
Underworld. Marzac allowed them to think they
had succeeded long enough to erect this small
castle it had even let them build a short
bell-tower over the throne room and then took
them all. Their deaths unleashed hundreds of
Shriekers that took the combined efforts of all
mage clans in the Southlands to defeat.
And now, it was his. And soon so too would everything be.
Then this shall be our last
hand. Whales has defeated our fleets, the war in
the Midlands has come to an end, our allies in
Yesulam have been exposed, and the Keepers and
their allies have reached our
doorstep. Everything is going exactly as it
must. Now it is our turn to cast the final
spells. The Marquis glanced over the three of
them and turned to Vigoureux sitting at his right. Show your hand.
Only King high, Vigoureux admitted as
he spread down four Coins and the Priest of
Hearts. The Marquis noted the King, Nine, Five,
and Two of Coins. A flush would have beaten his
own hand, but he saw only an old story in those
cards. Although the presence of the Heart was an irritating surprise.
And you, Zagrosek? du Tournemire asked with sullen smirk.
Zagrosek grunted and dropped his cards
to the table. A pair of Kings. It is unsettling
playing with these cards, Camille. The top card
was the King of Swords which bore Zagroseks
likeness. Beneath it they could see the King of
Hearts which featured a strange black-haired
almost white-skinned man-like creature bearing a
pearlescent blade. The other cards were the
Knight, Six and Five of Hearts. Interesting that
so many of their enemies would show themselves in this final hand.
They are my cards, Krenek. And these
cards that have won me much. Vigoureux?
I have but a smaller pair, Vigoureux
declaimed. He laid down the Ten of Spades and of
Coins, as well as the Ace, King, and Queen of
Spades. Tournemire stared at the Ace, King and
Ten of Spades with a sudden disquiet. Those
three cards had not shown themselves in
months. Why wait until now to be revealed? He
noted the King especially, which showed two men
each bearing only one arm. The Ten had a
brightly dressed youth whose left hand seemed to
be burnt depending on how he looked at the
card. Hadnt he been a Driheli squire the last time hed seem him?
The Marquis regained his composure and
spread his cards before him. This hand belongs
to me then. I have two pair. He gestured to the
Ace of Swords and Hearts, and then to the Eights,
also of Swords and Hearts. By itself lay the
Queen of Hearts. Our game is done. He stood and
collected the cards one by one. Vigoureux,
Autrefois, go down to Hall of Unearthly Light and wait for me.
Zagrosek and du Tournemire stared at
each other across the table as the other two men
rose like obedient beasts and left the room. The
Sondeckis eyes narrowed and he put his fingers
under his chin. And what would you have of me?
A smile crept across his lips as he ran
his fingers over the cards. They were so warm,
so near. He could feel the people in them as
they struggled. We have guests coming,
Krenek. Extend a gracious welcome to them. His
smile disappeared. Kill one of them. Just
one. Then let the rest through and come down to the Hall.
Zagrosek nodded and rose. It will be done, Marquis.
I know. The Marquis relaxed as the day
ground on. He listened, but Zagrosek made no
noise as he left the chamber. With a flick of
his wrist he turned the top card in the deck
over. The Queen of Spades stared back at him. A
old woman with cloth wrapped over her eyes. Can
you see me now? he asked. He turned the card
back over and shuffled his deck before she could answer.
Are you nervous? Nylene asked as they
passed through the halls of Metamor.
Elvmere let go of the edge of his
acolytes robe and took a deep breath. A
little. It has been months since I was last
here. Ive only seen a few familiar faces and
Im grateful that they havent noticed me. I
want my return to be unheralded and unregarded.
He glanced at the familiar grey walls decorated
with tapestries and banners. Still, Lothanasa
Raven will know me. And news of what Ive done
will spread quickly. I try not to but I do fear
what others will think. I dont want to cause them scandal in their faith.
Nylene nodded and let her eyes wander
across the hall. A pair of beastly soldiers
walked past, a boar and a bear. Her face warmed
at the sight. I have long hoped to see Metamor,
Elvmere. It is with gravest regret that I must
leave so soon. This city was once a place of
pilgrimage for Lothanasi faithful.
Having come of age so close to the most
holy of sites it is harder for me to imagine a
pilgrimage. Now that option is very nearly
closed to me because of this. He gestured at his
animal shape. If not for your kindness and that
of Master Elsevier, I would never have made my way back here.
And you may never leave again, Nylene reminded him.
Aye, the raccoon admitted. I might
never see land beyond the Metamor valley
again. But would that make me so different from
many men who never see beyond the borders of
their village or some even their farm?
No, it wouldnt. Nylene paused briefly
to admire a particularly exquisite casement
filled with banners and reliquaries. She shook
her head. And these are merely left for any to walk past?
Kyia would never let any find them who
would steal them. They are perfectly safe in the
open. He glanced at the shelves and noted a
small statue fashioned from jade into what he
thought was the head of a raccoon. But they
turned the corner too soon for him to have a good enough look to be certain.
Somewhere in his things he still had the
small stone worked by Murikeer into the visage of
Patriarch Akabaieth. His dreams had once shown
him a similar stone with his face instead, a face
with brilliant eyes of agate that had hinted at
his inevitable transformation into a
raccoon. The thought was at once bold and
frightening like a bolt of lightning splitting
the night sky. But now it was difficult to imagine any other way to be.
He idly wondered how much else in his
life had prepared him for this or pointed him toward this end.
Nylene however seemed a little
unsettled. Do you know where youre going?
The Keep usually takes you where you
want to go. Ive been trying to think of the
Lothanasi Temple. I havent been there much but
I know we havent missed it. Maybe the Keep
wanted us to have a little time first before we arrived?
Nylene nodded and let her eyes wander
the walls. It must be strange for you to think
that the walls themselves are alive.
After a fashion, Elvmere said. Not
like we are at least. But Ive never felt
uncomfortable here. Unsettled and frightened, yes. But never uncomfortable.
Im rather taken by the notion, Nylene
admitted with a broad smile. She lifted her arms
as if to brush her fingers across the ceiling
which she could never hope to reach. Its
appealing to know that the walls are your friend
and ally too. Im used to the walls having ears
but I worry what those ears will do to me. This
is different. She leaned against him for a
moment and laughed a light note. Ah, I feel
twenty years younger since leaving Silvassa. I
must go back, but if nothing else, youve done
more for me than I can ever repay.
Elvmere checked the words that first
wished to escape at the back of his throat. All
that came out was a warm churr. He glanced up
and felt a surge of relief and a new wave of
trepidation. Before them stood the doors to the Lothanasi temple.
There were two Keepers standing guard
dressed in the blue livery of Thomass
guards. They crossed their spears at Elvmere and
Nylenes approach. What business have you in the
temple? the first, an older human man,
asked. His voice was kind but laced with a faint suspicion healthy in a guard.
Nylene put one finger to Elvmeres snout
to keep him from speaking. The raccoon blinked
in surprise but said nothing. My name is
Priestess Nylene hinLofwine of Silvassa. I have
just arrived at Metamor after a long voyage over
land and sea. I and Acolyte Elvmere seek an
audience with Lothanasa Raven hinElric.
The man noted the priestess but gave
Elvmere a curious stare. The raccoon kept his
eyes lowered. Very well. You will wait here
until summoned. He opened the door and slipped inside to deliver the message.
Elvmere wondered at the guard. Theyd
not been there before when last hed been to the
temple. Admittedly, that was over a year ago,
but it still seemed odd to him. What had
happened in his absence? Surely they were not
still reeling from last Winters assault. There
was much reconstruction still needing to be done
from what hed seen on the way to Metamor, but
Master Derygan hadnt said anything about another attack.
The man returned promptly and held the
door open. You may go in. Lothanasa Raven is in
her study. Take the first left after entering
the temple hall, and then turn right. Youll see
where. Lothanasa Raven requests that you go directly to her study.
She bowed her head and smiled. Thank you.
The guard grunted but he and his companion uncrossed their spears.
Nylene crossed the threshold first with
Elvmere dutifully following behind. The entrance
hall to the temple was as he recalled it,
plastered from floor to ceiling with ancient
Elvish calligraphy. He couldnt read Elvish, but
he recalled the junior priestess Merai telling
him that the script detailed the history and lore
of the Pantheon that he was only beginning to
understand. At the end of the hallway was an
apse and from there the doors to the main temple hall stood open.
Elvmere noted Nylenes delighted smile
as she passed into the plain grey stone chamber
of the temple hall. The arched ceiling rose high
overhead, though not nearly so high as in St.
Kephass Cathedral in Yesulam. Still, it lifted
the mind to thoughts of those heavenly beings
that brought their favour to mankind. Elvmere
let his eyes wander upwards then down past the
altar with its twin cross, then along the floor
over the covered fire pit, and then back to
Nylene who stood rapt by the site. Several white
robed acolytes tended the stone, and a solitary
hawk perched in prayer toward the middle of the room.
We should continue, Elvmere whispered
through the priestesss greying hair. She only
smiled in response and turned to the first door
on the left. Beyond was another passage with
more Elvish script along the walls. A door stood
at the end of the hall and another at its
left. The passage continued to the right. After
turning, they saw an arched entranceway leading into the Lothanasas study.
Inside, sitting behind a large oaken
desk was the wolf priestess herself. Her face
was more humanoid than many Keepers, complete
with long back hair that billowed in contrast to
her light grey fur. Standing to her side was the
feline junior priestess Merai. Merai also bore a
shock of hair in addition to her tawny fur, but
it was straighter and firmer than a womans and
seemed to feather at the tips. Both were dressed
in white clerical garb and their eyes fixed on
Nylene for only a few moments. Raven rose and
gestured with a nearly human hand to a seat
opposite her own. Welcome to Metamor, Priestess
Nylene. I am Lothanasa Raven hinElric. This is
Merai hinDana, a priestess of the order for just over a year.
It is a great honour to meet you
both. I am a priestess in Silvassa and have
served there many years. It has long been a hope
of mine to see Metamor one day.
Ravens face was cold and
professional. Elvmere remembered it well. Yet
still she hadnt recognized him. Her golden eyes
held Nylene fast. You have journeyed far from
Silvassa. You are welcome to stay as long as you
must here at the temple. Merai will show you
where you can eat, sleep, and pray. Forgive the
presence of the guards, they belong to the
Duke. We will be celebrating his wedding here in
a few days and he is reasonably concerned that
foreigners may attempt to intervene. Unspoken
went the implication that Nylene may be such a foreigner.
Nylene took no offence. Her smile was
both gracious and grateful. The timing of my
visit is pure serendipity. My real reason was to
escort Elvmere back to Metamor. She gestured to the raccoon.
Both wolf and cat turned their heads and
really noted him for the first time. Almost
within a breaths span their eyes widened in
recognition. Merai blurted, Bishop Vinsah! What are you doing here?
Elvmere sighed and shook his head. That
is no longer my name nor my title. Shortly after
my arrival in Yesulam I was excommunicated for
heresy and stripped of my ecclesiastical authority.
Both of them shook with such surprise
that it seemed theyd been slapped. Raven let
drop her mask of ice and lowered her eyes. I am
truly sorry to hear that. You have friends,
Vinsah, friends who will protect you here in
Metamor from any who would seek to take the Ecclesias punishment farther.
That is not what worries me, Elvmere
replied. And my name is now Elvmere. It is the
name given to me to accompany my new body and my
new life. And all signs and turns of this life
have brought me here to you, Lothanasa. I seek
to serve this temple as an acolyte.
Merai blurted in stupefied wonder,
Why? Just because you were excommunicated?
That was but one event among many that
led me to this decision. I do not do this
lightly. Nor do I expect most will
understand. None may understand, but it is still the decision I have made.
Raven frowned and lowered her snout to
her hands crossed before her. And how did you
come to this decision? She turned back to
Nylene and her frown deepened. Forgive me,
priestess, but in this matter I would like to
speak to him alone. Merai will show you the temple now.
Nylene nodded and moved toward the door
with only a single backward glance at the
raccoon. The feline priestess paused as if
torn. She stared at Elvmere with an almost hurt
look on her face as she finally followed Nylene
out. The door shut behind them like a book slamming.
Raven gestured to the chair. Sit...
Elvmere. He did so. You are asking something
very difficult of me. You were once a high
ranking official in a rival faith. If I allow
this, it will engender distrust even amongst my own people here at Metamor.
It may, Elvmere admitted with a nod.
I am not blind to the difficulty Ive
created. But it is where I know Ive been led.
Excommunication, if I remember what
Father Hough told me, only means you are not to
participate in Patildor services. Why would you,
as the Ecclesia will see it, apostize?
Elvmere frowned. I do not think I am
apostizing but I know most will see it that
way. I am not turning my back on Yahshua and his
Ecclesia. I am not turning at all. I believe
that the Pantheon is real and serves a vital
purpose in aiding the Lothanasi in their lives
and protecting them from the ravages of
darkness. Service in your temple does not
conflict because they are not gods in the same
sense that Eli, whom you know as Illuvatar, is.
Raven leaned back in her seat and tapped
her snout with one claw. You present a very
thorny theological suggestion. If I let you
serve you may be forced to adopt different
beliefs or act contrary to the interests of the
Lothanasi. Knowing that, why should I let you serve?
Because I am offering myself to you.
Though your conscience may lead you to betray us?
Elvmere took a deep breath and shook his
head. I dont see how it could. If that is your
fear, grant me as little leeway as you deem fit
to keep such a betrayal at bay.
Raven pondered that for a short
time. The lupine never lifted her eyes from the
raccoon but her regard did seem to pass through
him to something else. Finally, after many long
seconds of introspection, she asked, How long
have you known Priestess Nylene?
I met her almost six months ago when
Malger, Murikeer and I passed through
Silvassa. It is she that taught Malger the
Lothanasi ways. After my excommunication in
Yesulam, I returned to Silvassa and at one
point was smuggled in a grain casket and there
beseeched her protection. She left Silvassa at
considerable personal risk in order to escort me
here. It seems that she is not trusted by the
Lothanas of Silvassa and had an acolyte spying on
her. Since we left Silvassa, she has begun teaching me the Lothanasi ways.
Raven narrowed her eyes as if debating
whether to speak. Eventually she shook her head
and rose. Although I do this with the gravest of
concerns, I am going to allow you to serve as an
acolyte here, Elvmere. I will take you to the
Mistress of Acolytes, Celine, and she will show
you where you may sleep and how you will
serve. But I make two conditions on your
service: you do not leave the temple without my
permission, nor do you accept visitors without my permission.
Elvmere sighed inwardly but nodded. I
agree to your terms, Lothanasa. But would you allow me one boon this night.
Name it.
Allow me to visit Father Hough. Word
will reach him soon enough. Id rather he hear
this from my tongue than from any other.
Raven took a single breath and nodded.
Tonight you may visit him in secret.
Thank you, Lothanasa.
I will also do what I can to keep news
of your return to Metamor from spreading. At
least until your faith has finished its
celebrated of Yahshuas birth. After that I can make no promises.
There is no need. What you offer is more than I would have asked.
Her eyes narrowed as she stood and set
both hands on the table before her. Her presence
was very commanding and Elvmere felt a little bit
humbled as he sat with tail tucked against his
legs. Acolyte, you will follow me. We will have
your oaths taken soon but understand this. You
will do all that I command from now on.
Yes, Lothanasa.
Good. She turned to the door and
glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Now come.
The new acolyte of the Lothanasi order
of Metamor rose to follow his new leader. Elvmere trembled with each step.
May He bless you and keep you in His grace and love,
Charles Matthias
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