[Mkguild] Life Expectancy in MK universe

Kit stormkit10 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 12 15:37:58 EDT 2008

Very true. Overall I believe it depends on the person and how close to
civilization they live and which civilization that is. People around Metamor
for example would generally live longer than those in a poorer, less
successful kingdom. Also, the elves get their long lifespan from not only
genetics but better living as well. They are a role model for this universe
that ours did not have. Magic of course will always extend the lives of
those with access to it and in general any character used in our stories
will have such luck. Also I notice that Bard's quote said "(...) look
forward to twenty or thirty good years before the infirmaties of 'old age'
(one's 40s and 50s) closed in." which means that's when they start getting
achy backs, weak eyesight and such, NOT when they die. So while some
oldsters like Misha and George will start getting old and a bit slower soon,
they are by no means going to die or even become weak characters. What this
might mean is that they will start to take a background strategy role as
opposed to battles on the field but could still theoretically handle a fight
if it came their way. In fact looking at recent stories, you can see this
already happening as Misha told Caroline he'd hang up his battle ax and the
most active George has been physically was when defending himself during the
winter assault. So while people from OUR past had an average lifespan of 50
or so, people from MK would probably be more similar to us with those beyond
their mid-fifties being considered old.

On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Michael Bard <bard.michael at gmail.com>wrote:

> Additional info as I can't sleep...  From
> http://www.hyw.com/Books/History/Medieval.htm
> "Those who survived childhood diseases, could look forward to twenty or
> thirty good years before the infirmaties of "old age" (one's 40s and 50s)
> closed in. Some sturdy, and lucky, individuals lived into their 60s, 70s,
> and even 80s, marvels to their neighbors and an example of how far God's
> blessings could extend a person's life."
> What this means is that, ignoring infant mortality, a medieval average
> lifespan is about 50.  Make of this what you will.
> Michael Bard
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