[Mkguild] Cut Down A Long Peg
stormkit10 at gmail.com
Wed May 27 01:35:08 EDT 2009
Well just have Misha himself not on the raid. However if he still goes on
raids, just not major warparties and intense scouting missions, then there's
not even a problem in the first place. Just something I thought I'd point
out in case there was an oversight.
On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 12:52 AM, Chris <chrisokane at verizon.net> wrote:
> Thanks for the comments!
> Ah! Misha promised to put his wild days behind him but not stop all his
> adventures. I am gradually going to cut back on his heading out on patrol=
> In particular he will get more into building up the Longs and working more
> on Madog and the magic behind him.
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* mkguild-bounces at lists.integral.org [mailto:
> mkguild-bounces at lists.integral.org] *On Behalf Of *Kit
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 24, 2009 8:41 PM
> *To:* Stealth
> *Cc:* Metamor Keep
> *Subject:* Re: [Mkguild] Cut Down A Long Peg
> A very interesting story. In particular Thomas' reaction to the letter is
> rather amusing. However, I noticed something that'll probably be a proble=
> Shortly after the Winter Assault, Misha promised to Caroline that he was
> going to retire after his next raid and stop going on wars. He might still
> lead and deploy the long scouts, but he wouldn't go on the trip himself. =
> should be able to fix that easily enough though.
> >>>Fix it how?
> Kit
> On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 11:28 PM, Stealth <stealthcat15 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Short story for a new cycle
> Cut Down a Long Peg
> Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Nastov
> Late January 708
> The vulpine wrapped his claws on the desk, his gray eyes cold and
> good ear folded back. In front of the fox a cheetah sat, stroking a
> bruised arm as well as a bruised ego.
> =93What did they say to you?=94 Misha asked calmly.
> =93=91His grace does not care to be bothered by a messenger.=92=94=
> answered, =93I told him it was an important message from you that needed
> his attention.=94
> =93And the seal? Did you show them the seal on your harness?=94
> =93I did...=94 The cat glowered, =93He told me to leave before the=
> and
> Duchess approached... I refused and then he kicked my foreleg.=94
> Stealth rubbed his arm again, =93Big guy with hooves... Good thing for
> my armour.=94
> Misha took a breath and sighed, disturbing several sheets of
> parchment on his desk. The Long scout took the letter he=92d intended
> for the Duke and tore it in two. =93Very well, I=92ll just have to push
> ahead without the horse lord=92s knowledge.=94
> =93I=92m sorry, Misha.=94 Stealth said with his head turned down, =
> failed
> you. I should have ignored that guy and gone past him, he never would
> have caught up.=94
> Misha shook his head, =93Then you=92d end up in the dungeons or wi=
th an
> arrow through your skull.=94 He got up and walked to the door.
> =93But you get past them easy enough.=94 Stealth countered.
> =93Exactly,=94 Misha said with a dry chuckle and opened the door, =
> can=92t get me so they get at me through my people. I knew they=92d get
> back at me!=94 Misha looked out the door and called out, =93Get Finbar and
> Georgette! I just heard back from the Duke=92s men and they gave us the
> go ahead.=94
> =93Misha!=94 Stealth shouted and stood up in a panic, =93I=92ll ge=
t in
> trouble if you say that =96 they=92ll say I lied to you!=94
> Some noises could be heard outside while the fox turned back to the
> sore cheetah in the room, =93How can they? They never let you deliver
> your message =96 for all they know you were trying to deliver a late
> Yule time card. Now wait in here, Spots, I=92ll get Jotham to tend to
> that arm.=94
> ------
> Thomas arrived back in his chambers feeling wonderful and
> invigorated. He always enjoyed going out for a run, either under his
> own power or on that of a true stallion. He loved the freedom and the
> fun when he and Phil went on such outings but Phil left the Keep many
> months ago, no, a year ago. He sometimes went on outings with his
> daughter but since the death of Posti she was almost always too busy.
> But then there was Alberta. She breathed life into him. Her defian=
> of protocol and love of the saddle energised him. And she was still in
> the stables, helping the stable hands tend their mounts! Tom never
> felt as alive as he did that day... Then a page handed him a letter.
> =93Oh, hello there, lad, what=92s this?=94 He asked, still feeling=
> =93It=92s from Sir Brightleaf, milord.=94 The unchanged boy said s=
> =93He
> told me to give it to you after he left...=94
> Thomas frowned and took the letter fearfully.
> Anxious that he might be scolded for being the bearer of bad news
> the
> boy quickly and silently left the Duke=92s chambers while the horse lord
> broke the seal and removed the parchment within.
> To his lordship, Duke Thomas Hassan V
> =91Misha is still sore at me=92 the horse lord sighed. Misha had t=
> habit of reserving honourable titles for derision...
> Your grace, thank you for the warm reception my messenger, and good
> friend, received at the hands or should I say hooves of your guards.
> Thomas blinked and ear flicked. He received no message but this one
> =96
> handed to him AFTER the fox scout left the Keep. He read on,
> Seeing as you decided to ignore my last message I=92ve taken the
> incentive to push ahead with my plans. You will however receive a
> debriefing, in due time.
> Yours sincerely
> Sir Misha Brightleaf,
> Knight Commander of the Order of the Bow and Axe
> The equine=92s eyes widened in horror.
> =93Is something wrong, milord?=94 Thalberg asked gently though he
> already
> knew the answer.
> =93That damned deranged fox will lead us into a second war!!!=94 T=
> Duke
> snapped. =93Bring me George. Bring George now. I want that dog in here
> NOW!=94
> ------
> =93Where did he go exactly and when?=94 The horse lord asked quick=
> his
> tail flicking back and forth.
> =93You should have read his first message.=94 The jackal answered =
> finding the whole thing slightly amusing. He fancied a sip of wine
> from the cabinet yonder though the Duke wasn=92t offering.
> =93WHAT MESSAGE?!=94 The duke demanded in a whiny.
> =93Why don=92t you ask your guards? Since it=92s clear Stealth nev=
er got
> past them.=94 George put his legs up. Even he didn=92t dare rest his
> leather shoed paws on his lord=92s mahogany desk so he used the other
> cushioned chair.
> =93S . . .?=94 The equine started, perplexed, =93Thalberg=92s kitc=
> thief?=94
> =93No,=94 George said calmly. =93Stealth the courier, scout and fr=
iend of
> Edmund and Misha. He has been running errands for them for some time.=94
> Thomas kicked the canine=92s legs off the chair, =93Bring me the c=
> of the Guard. NOW!=94 He ordered one of his aides. =93As for you,=94 He
> pointed at George, =93You should be ashamed, Misha is under your command
> and YOU let him leave!=94
> George shook his head slowly. =93I am with Misha on this. We need =
> hit those people NOW. Not stand around like fools trying to negotiate
> with them. We thump them once or twice and they WILL start to talk a
> lot more to us.=94
> =93And you NEVER brought it to my attention, not once. Just now.=
> George growled. =93I DID. Misha and me both talked to you about th=
> raiders. Talked to you about going after their base outside the
> valley. You kept brushing us off.=94
> =93My liege?=94 a woman standing at the door asked.
> It was the captain of his guards. Like all gender morphs she had t=
> ability to become a bimbo, however, the female human was also able to
> use her curse in other cosmetic ways =96 her bust was actually quite
> modest but her hair was very long and reached down to her legs. It was
> very silky and beautiful, from afar it could be mistaken for a horse=92s
> tail, one that rivalled that of the duke!
> =93This will take a moment, Myrddin,=94 Thomas turned to George, =
> out.=94
> George growled and stood up, turning he walked silently past the
> woman and out of the room without another word.
> Thomas ignored the canine and ushered the human into the room. =93=
> told your people rejected a messenger from Brightleaf while we were in
> the field today.=94
> =93I was riding alongside you, milord, I never saw anyone.=94
> =93No one reported this to you?=94
> =93No sir.=94 She answered respectfully.
> He nodded, =93Who do you have who has hooves?=94
> =93Several of the guards, I could question them or have this messe=
> summoned for his statement.=94
> =93That would be best. Bring the messenger to me, Zachary or Steal=
> or
> whatever.=94 Might as well find out what happened from the source...
> ---------------------------------------
> =93I=92m sorry! I was just delivering a message!=94 Stealth said, =
> at his grace with cub eyes.
> =93What happened?=94 The Duke asked, ignoring the feline=92s trepi=
> =93Why didn=92t I receive that message?=94
> =93They didn=92t let me =96 they told me to go and kicked me away.=
=94 The
> cheetah said, trembling slightly.
> =93They kicked you?=94 The duke asked shocked. =93Who did?=94
> =93I... I don=92t know who he is, a mule with dark fur and a deep
> voice.=94
> The duke nodded. =93What exactly did you tell him before he kicked
> you?=94
> =93That I had an important message, he told me to leave the area
> before
> your arrival but I didn=92t move...=94 He said with a sigh, =93I=92m sorr=
> sir.=94 The cat whimpered.
> =93You have nothing to be sorry about,=94 Thomas answered. =93He h=
ad no
> right to treat you so.=94
> The cheetah nodded, feeling embarrassed in the presence of this
> imposing noble. The furthest he=92d ever been in the ductile chambers
> was the Steward=92s office. Now he sat in the Duke=92s private study. It
> was unnerving at best.
> =93Look ...Stealth? I apologize for your rough treatment at the ha=
> .
> . . hooves of my people.=94
> =93Thank you milord...=94 Stealth said softly, =93I...=94 he began.
> =93Speak.=94 Thomas ordered bluntly.
> =93...I=92m sorry I stole food from your banquette last year.=94 He
> mumbled.
> He nodded and patted the cheetah on the shoulder. =93Thank you.=94
> Stealth smiled and looked down.
> =93Chin up.=94 The duke ordered bluntly again. =93...You seem shy,=
> Thalberg spoke of you as a defiant young man needing direction.=94
> Thomas chuckled wryly, =93He said the same about Misha but that was a
> long time ago.=94
> =93What will happen with Misha?=94 The cheetah asked.
> The horse lord sighed deeply, =93I can do little but await his
> return... we haven=92t been on the best of terms lately.=94 He said with a
> tinge of sorrow.
> =93Little? ...milord, I thought nobles aren=92t supposed to show s=
> of
> weakness.=94 The cat said in surprise.
> =93That we aren=92t.=94 The duke concurred, =93But these are my pr=
> chambers and Misha trusts you to deliver things to me.=94
> =93But I thought you didn=92t trust Misha?=94
> Thomas sighed. =93I do trust him but not as much as I should. And =
> is worse he no longer trusts me.=94
> =93That sounds dangerous...=94 The cheetah commented, =93I mean
> cooperation
> and good communication is vital between our leaders... isn=92t it?=94
> =93It is. It is essential in these times. If I=92m right, he=92s g=
one to
> destroy a raiders=92 hideout in the south.=94
> =93In a territory that=92s harbouring them... And the local nobles=
> claim it as an act of war.=94 Stealth mused.
> The equine nodded with a grimace.
> =93I=92m sorry, I said too much.=94 The cheetah mumbled anxiously,=
> won=92t
> waste any more of your time.=94
> =93No, please,=94 The duke surprised him by saying, =93Stay for a =
> I
> could use a good chat right now and I don=92t fancy disquieting my wife
> with quandaries in the south.=94
> Stealth nodded, he did feel like he was being delayed. He wanted to
> say something reassuring but he didn=92t know what so they sat through
> an uncomfortable silence for some time.
> =93...So how=92s your day been?=94 The horse asked offhandedly.
> =93Not too bad...=94 The cheetah answered awkwardly.
> They sat through several long moments of silence.
> =93Misha isn=92t stupid.=94 Stealth said suddenly, =93He=92s silly=
, odd,
> nutty,
> so on and so forth but he=92s an intelligent and competent soldier and
> leader. With any luck he=92ll cover his tracks and even make it look
> like some neighbouring kingdom was responsible!=94
> Thomas weighed the comment, =93He does good work in the north but
> these
> aren=92t shabby ragtag tribes he=92s dealing with now.=94
> =93No but he wasn=92t always a keeper; he used to be a solder in t=
> southlands, George too. That=92s where they developed their strategies
> in the first place.=94 The feline countered, =93This might go better then
> we could have hoped.=94
> The duke sighed and nodded. He didn=92t have any hopes for the
> vulpine=92s most recent bout of idiocy and anything other then what he
> was anticipating would be good news but it would do him no good to
> brood and grimace.
> =93I suppose it could.=94 He stood up suddenly, =93Thank you, Stea=
lth. I
> have other pressing matters I must tend to now but I appreciate this
> talk and I will give that guard a serious chewing out, I assure.=94
> =93Thank you Milord.=94 The cheetah stood and bowed.
> =93Call me Thomas, at least while there=92s no one about to look
> official for.=94
> =93Yes mil- Tom, Thomas! Will Tom do?=94
> =93Tom is fine.=94 He answered and opened the door.
> With the outside world visible, Stealth didn=92t repeat the name b=
> just bowed again and then left. He walked quickly out of the ductile
> chambers but with a spirited aura. Metamor was just full of surprises.
> Cut Down a Long Peg
> Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Nastov
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