[Mkguild] Birth II

Alex Green alexsurikat at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 08:20:10 UTC 2014

On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Jack Moore <jackthefrilledlizard at yahoo.com>

> [...]
> "If there are any gods out there, I ask you to relieve me." I looked up at
> the stars.
> "Please! I am begging you!" No response.
> The fact that I couldn't name any of them didn't help.

I know I've never acknowledged your existence, or even bothered to learn
your names, but just ignore that and HELP ME!!!

> A mass of golden curls with a fat girl growing out of them plopped down
> beside
> me.

I can tell by your description that you hold this person in high esteem.

> "You've been avoiding me all day." I forced a grin.
> "What in the world gave you that idea…uh…" I seem to have forgotten
> something.

Maybe the fact that it's true.

> [...]
> You see this girl was…unique. Rather than being nobility, she came from a
> wealthy merchant family. My father believed money would be power in the
> future and
> merchants would supplant the nobles.
> I suspect he's right.

It might take the better part of a millennium, but we need to get in on the
ground floor.

> Unsurprisingly this lead to an arranged marriage to a girl I barely knew.
> Somewhat more surprisingly, I did not know her name.

Why am I surprised. So far that seems par for the course.

> [...]
> Well I couldn't refer to her as trollop,

Not with that attitude

> so instead I took to calling her by a pet
> name.
> "Of course I'm not avoiding you Muffin." I said. "Why would I ever do
> that?"

It's not like I hate you or anything.

> Muffin's eyes lit with joy. "I've just been busy with other things."

Like avoiding you.

> "Like what Jay-Ames?" I winced. At the time this girl had a way of
> speaking
> that made me despise my own name. I don't mind it now.

Certainly not avoiding you.

> [...]
> "I'm excited Jay-Ames. What do you think the cursed people are like?" How
> in
> the world would I know, I'd never met them.
> "Not a clue." I said. "I don't want to meet one."
> "I bet they're fuzzy." Muffin said. "I've heard they're monsters.
> "They are monsters." I said. "They're not human anymore."

That's a pretty broad definition of monster.

> [...]
> "I don't want to be here." I said. "I mean…I like being out of Isenport. I
> even
> wanna see this Keep! It's the cursed part; I am scared of cursed places.
> Maybe that
> makes me a fool, but I think the smart thing to do is avoid curses."

I see Nemo's particular brand of wisdom is finally rubbing off on you.

> "Is that all?"
> "Is that all!?" I cried. "To me it's plenty. I don't want to be out here,
> especially
> when I don't know why I'm here. I just know something's going to go wrong
> for me."

Blatant foreshadowing. You've just doomed yourself, kid.

> [...]
> "So where's your father?" Muffin asked.
> "In his tent with a serving girl." I said. "She's providing…moral support
> to him."

The kind of moral support that can only be gained by corrupting the morals
of society.

> "Maybe we should head too our tent then." Muffin grinned. My manhood
> shriveled.
> "Thanks but I'm not feeling…up to it." I had three mistresses at home who
> I
> planned to remain loyal to. I would do this by not touching Muffin with a
> glaive, much
> less a part of my anatomy.

I imagine you'll have a very fulfilling marriage.

> "That's okay; we can sit here and talk." She leaned in closer to me as I
> prayed to
> gods I didn't believe in for a miracle.

Because there's no way appealing to unknown forces beyond your
comprehension can turn out badly.

> Without warning it began raining. Sometimes the Divine can be quite kind.

See, now you're confined to your tent with Muffin. Good going narrator.

> March 3rd, 707
> [...]
> "You are my legacy; you will have to be sharper than that." My father
> sipped and
> continued. "Why do we Ecclesia and Lothanasi priests on the pay?"


> [...]
> "When you decide, I will give you my countenance." Nemo said.
> "My father pays you. You'll do what he says."
> "I'm sorry you believe that." Nemo crouched down. I stood.

Yeah, I thought we already established this. Nemo does whatever he feels
like doing.

> "I need to…I need some time alone."
> "Your father will want to leave when he is done." Nemo said. "I can give
> you an
> hour delay, possibly two." I paused.
> "Why?"
> "We all need it sometimes James." Nemo said. "Have fun."

And don't die.

> "Thanks."
> AN: If any one sees this please say so

Sees what?

WARNING: The preceding email contained scenes of extreme sarcasm and should
not have been read by individuals of a sensitive disposition.

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