[Mkguild] Archive Update -- Plus resignation announcement

Andrew Vineyard dimensional42 at gmail.com
Mon May 19 17:30:08 UTC 2014

I can help out. I'm fluent in html, css, and php, taking classes in web
design non-stop since junior year of high school in 06-07. It was my 1st
year in College, 08-09, where I learned how to use MySQL and then PHP to
bridge the two. Now 2014, and I have an associates in programming, should
be getting my bachelors in a few days in general IT, with enough experience
in web design to know what I'm do<afred //"ing"</>. :P

It may be difficult to find my way through the site, but that doesn't mean
I won't be able to handle myself. Like all programmers, it just takes a
while to learn the coding styles of others and understand what each block
of code does. Hopefully you have comments on your pages that could help.

I've been helping friends out with their sites and stuff, like someone on
deviantart is getting my help with customizing their journal backgrounds,
gallery, and profile page. Another friend, whom many of you probably know
of, is Cervelet <https://cervelet.deviantart.com/>, who does the hit TF web
comic Addictive Science <http://addictivescience.smackjeeves.com/>. Hint: I
helped him set up that smackjeeves page and customize the template, which
was after I discovered him on deviantart and brought him to the Lapinia IRC
to hang out and chat with other Mad Scientist TFers.

Again, I can help out. Right now I'm a fresh college graduate searching for
a job while working with people to help them with their own sites and
pages. I doubt even with a job I'll be too busy with the archive. Just
might mean I would have to work on it in later hours when I'm free from the
earthly shackles known as a J.O.Double-B.

On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 11:30 AM, Virmir <kendo at virmir.com> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I'm please to announce another update to the Metamor Keep Story Archives.
> http://metamorkeep.com
> This week's update is the Hawl's latest story. Enjoy!
> As some of you have surely noticed, I've been less and less involved with
> the MK community following the completion of my MK arc some years ago. My
> situation has changed significantly since I first started taking care of
> the archives in 2007-- namely I have a lot more websites I'm managing, a
> weekly webcomic, a second sporadic comic I'd like to update more often,
> plus many weekly commissions and other fun projects going on.  I believe
> it's time for me to step down from my role of archivist and pass the torch
> to someone more involved and active as Thaeus had done before me.
> Maintaining the archives is not that huge of a deal. You should have basic
> HTML knowledge and be comfortable converting large stories to this format.
> There is PHP code in the header of each story that also needs to be added,
> but it is extremely simplistic and you don't really need to be familiar
> with the language at all. Some MySQL familiarity would be helpful. I have
> programed some extremely crude admin panel pages which insert the stories,
> pictures, etc into the database, but there a few things you need to go into
> the database directly for (using Xepher.net's PHPmyAdmin panel). I can put
> together a guide how to do this stuff. Also, you should have a method for
> resizing images and making thumbnails, as the gallery needs these uploaded
> manually.
> Also, fair warning-- 2008-era Virmir-code is terrifying. I mean, the site
> is pretty simplistic, but I haven't looked at the code in many years and am
> afraid of what I might find if I do. ;)
> I figure it would be best for interested parties to publicly post to the
> list so the whole community can share their input. It's not a dire
> emergency that I step down today, so feel free to send stories to me until
> we figure out who's going to be doing this for sure. I also don't intend to
> disappear for good-- I'll be around for guidance and questions!
> Thanks, folks. It's been fun!
> --
> -  Virmir | http://virmir.com
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