[Mkguild] Asleep, Awake, Adream (2 of 2)
cokane8116 at aol.com
cokane8116 at aol.com
Sat Jan 16 21:32:10 UTC 2016
Great story my friend!
And maybe he thought that Charles tasted good!
-----Original Message-----
From: C. Matthias <jagille3 at vt.edu>
To: Metamor Keep <MKGuild at lists.integral.org>
Sent: Sun, Dec 20, 2015 1:55 pm
Subject: [Mkguild] Asleep, Awake, Adream (2 of 2)
Merry Christmas, my fellow Keepers! :-)
Part 2 of 2.
Metamor Keep: Asleep, Awake, Adream
by Charles Matthias
May 13, 708 CR
I hope to return often to your fine establishment, Master Jurmas,Malger offered the cervine innkeeper a theatrical bow after depositing asmall pouch with more than the required coin for the rooms he and his menhad enjoyed; part to pay for whatever Rickkter had helped himself to thenight before while the rest was genuine gratitude for the welcome bed,good food, and pleasant wine. Have you ever considered welcomingjongleurs and troubadours to entertain during the evening meal?
The deer bobbed his head, the first tines of fresh antlers cutting acareful arc through the air. Begging your pardon, your grace, but GlenAvery is not Metamor. We have few of either to liven our evenings.Certainly none as skilled as yourself!
Malger laughed and favored him with a lop-sided grin. Then I shall haveto mention this lack to a few ambitious ears.
Jurmas could only stammer in gratitude as Malger made his final farewelland took his leave of the Inn. Misanthe followed after in two-footedguise and together they greeted the warm Spring noon-day air. The commonswas filled with various Glenners, some gossiping, some training, sometrading, and others heading down to the lake to fish, swim, or bathe.Normal chickens and a few geese kept for their eggs wandered about ingroups pecking at the ground or running from boisterous Glen childrenbeing chased by yapping dogs. Any day in Keeptowne would have seen fiveto ten times as many crowding the market squares from the sun's firstlight to its setting. Even with the Glen at its busiest apart fromfestivals Malger could still enjoy the creaking of branches, the softrustling of leaves, and the spirited song of the many birds watching overtheir nests.
At the base of the rocky hill overlooking the commons the heavy-setcaravan-master Hesgebaern busied himself with last minute preparations oftheir carriage. He fussed over the rigging and harnesses and then kickedeach of the wheels with a cloven hoof before giving the half dozentwo-legged horses standing at a short remove a suspicious glance. Malger,who'd glimpsed the bison's dreams, knew Hesgebaern still smarted fromVersyd's suggestion the horses he'd selected in Metamor were not fit topull the Archduke's carriage by the simple fact they were purely normalanimals, not those gifted with intelligence. Still, he would never havegiven either Hesgebaern or Versyd a chance if they had not showninitiative and good sense.
Master Hesgebaern, Malger called in a loud voice as he took the finalsteps down the well-worn path up the slope, is all ready for our returnto Metamor?
The bison lifted his eyes, dark thick lips wrapped about the long stem ofa pipe, and stood as tall as his hunched back would let him. All isready, your grace. We can leave at your whim.
I have a duty I must attend to before we leave. But first... He tookthe remaining steps and turned toward the percheron who had watched themarten's every step since leaving the Inn. Versyd, you offered yourselfand your brethren as horses to serve my house. If your brethren are ascapable and as determined as you are, I'm sure I can find room for them.But you, Versyd, I do wish to hire as my personal mount. I expect you toserve on four hooves whenever I have need, and also to train with weaponto serve as bodyguard when on two hooves. And if there are other duties Ifind you skilled in, I may ask you to render other services. As forpayment, is two garrets per week agreeable to you?
Judging by the wide-eyed expression Versyd and his equine brethren sharednone of them had ever held a garret let alone earned one. Versyd blinkedonce and then stood straighter; proud. It is agreeable, your grace. Doyou wish to ride to Metamor, or shall I help pull yourcarriage?
Malger pondered the question for a moment. Thin lips spread in afang-filled smile. I am hiring you as my personal mount, lad. Unless theneed is great, you will not be pulling my carriage. A couple of theother horses who had gathered with Versyd, all of whom had shown interestin finding a place in the reconstituted Sutt house, gave the percheronindignant glares. Versyd had an expression of surprise and pride. Malgerknew he had just found a man for his house who would serve with loyaltyand honor.
As for your companions, Malger continued, gesturing to the other fivehorses who'd come with Versyd, if you are willing to pull my carriage,to carry riders for my house, and to serve as guards for my house, Iextend to each of you the same offer. He lifted one hand and tilted itback toward the bison who more chewed the end of his pipe than smoked.Providing Master Hesgebaern decides you are both fit and cooperativeenough for carriage work.
The bison took a step closer in surprise at the marten's invitation,Milord?
Part of being the head of a noble house was maintaining loyalty and thegood-will of his servants. He liked both Hesgebaern and Versyd, and thebest way to keep peace between the caravan-master and the horses whowould pull them was to let Hesgebaern have the choice over who would andwould not serve. Master Hesgebaern, while I attend to my last errandhere in Glen Avery, I wish you to inspect Versyd's companions, shouldthey wish employment, and select only those you deem fit for carriagework. You may hire all of them or none of them, it is your choice. Iexpect you to guide them and care for them on the road as you would anormal horse. There is a great advantage in having a horse whichunderstands your speech and can think on their own. I trust your judgmentand I trust you will treat them fairly.
Now to assuage any resentment the other horses had toward Versyd. Andfor those selected, if you prove yourself more than capable and show goodinitiative, there will be opportunities for other positions in my house.I will never let a good man go to waste. Seeing Misanthe, quiet as ever,standing slightly to the side Malger half-turned and proffered asagacious nod. Nor woman. The vixen's whiskers lifted and her earsbacked briefly in a demure smile, gaze dipping.
He flashed them one more smile before turning to walk past the carriage;Misanthe followed quietly behind. Now, I expect all to be ready for ourdeparture on my return in an hour. Versyd, I look forward to learning ifyour walk is as graceful as your gallop!
The percheron stood taller, eager to prove himself.
After tea the three skunks and raccoon all excused themselves; Rickkterand Kayla began their journey back to Metamor while Murikeer and Kozaithyreturned to the mage's villa to continue its restoration. To keep thechildren still, Charles performed a story while Kimberly, Baerle, andJames attempted to hold the squirming little rats in their laps. The talewas one he'd learned in Sondeshara and well-suited for children as it wasabout new Sondeckis arriving in the fabled city for the firsttime.
As he finished describing their first day of training there was a firmrapping at their door. Charles gave a flourish with one arm andannounced, And so their days as Sondeckis began! Before sweeping a bowto his children's delight, and then skipping to the door with two steps.Beyond stood foppish marten and an enticing but deferential vixen.Milord Malger! Misanthe. You honor our humble home. Do comein.
Kimberly pulled their eldest boy a little closer to her chest, the purplestone about her neck resting between his ears, as the marten steppedinside and cast his snout about. Humble? It is a lovely home well-livedand full of family love!
Is there anything we can offer you? A bit of tea?
No, no, do not trouble yourselves on my account. I've just had afulfilling meal and merely wish it to settle.
Charles nodded and shut the door after the vixen swept through, a smiletouching her snout as her eyes noted the wooden home, its furnishings,and the clutter filling it. Baerle, James, could you take the otherchildren up to their play area for a while.
I wanna go swimming, Dada! little Erick objected as he tried to slipfree from the donkey's arms. You promised!
And we will, Charles assured his second son. He brushed his fingersthrough the short fur between his ears and smiled. Once Dada and hisgrace finish some business. Now go play with your sisters for abit.
James and Baerle stood. The girls squirmed a little in the opossum's armsat first, but had settled down and held tight around her shoulders as shecarried them up the stairs. James had to struggle to keep hold of Erickwho pointed at his brother and complained, But Charles!
Will be up shortly, Erick. Have patience, and attend James as I asked.Charles cast a loving but stern glance at his second eldest if only byan hour and motioned for James to withdraw.
His eldest son stared at Malger as if mesmerized.
James carried the still protesting Erick up the stairs and out of sight.Misanthe deftly captured a pair of neglected playthings and chew-sticksfrom the couch before Malger settled and made himself comfortableopposite Kimberly. She settled in one of the kitchen chairs, cedingMalger the entirety of the couch while Charles sat next to his wife, tailslipping the slot between the cushions to lay on the warm wooden floor.He cupped one hand behind his son's ear but still he stared at themarten, jaw open, eyes unblinking.
Thank you for coming, Malger, Misanthe. How are you both thisday?
Malger stretched and doffed his feathered cap, looking back at the boywith a curious and enigmatic gaze. Well enough. I've just hired at leastone of the Polygamites to serve my house, and perhaps as many as fiveothers. I am now pondering if Master Murikeer or one of the other magescould fashion a horseshoe my new horses might don and doff as need bewithout recourse to farrier or nail.
Charles's eyes darted to the wooden ceiling and a small chuckle escapedhis snout. Do not mention it to James; those folk invite him to jointheir herd from time to time and it upsets him.
Than I shan't mention it again.
And how are you, Misanthe? Kimberly asked while smoothing down the furatop her boy's head.
A tremor touched the vixen's eyes at the question but her poise coveredthe moment. I am well, milady. I have enjoyed my stay in your beautifulvillage. Charles knew there was more she could say, and likely had toMalger, but they were not words she would share with strangers.
Well, Malger said, eyes still intent on the dark-furred child inKimberly's lap, and how are you, little one?
Little Charles's pink nose twitched as his white whiskers bobbed up anddown. All eyes turned to him, but his own remained fixed on the marten.His voice was clear, if small and uncertain. Awake, your...
Grace, or Malger if you will, Malger finished for him with a curioussmile. Have you seen me before?
Charles felt a heaviness in his heart as his son nodded. The boy did notwait to be prompted. Was sleepin', grace.
Kimberly gripped her son's shoulders and looked between Malger and herhusband. An anxious note touched her voice. I don't understand. What isthis about?
Something we both learned last night, Charles said, his tongue heavy asif he forced an apology from it. Our little boy has the same abilityMaster Malger has. He is I know little how to explain, my love. When wesleep our minds wander unaware. Our little Charles is aware when hedreams, as Malger is. He can leave his dream and look into others. He sawinto one of my dreams last week and it terrified him. In a low voice headded, As it terrified me.
Your husband speaks true, Malger said, leaning forward, his eyesmeeting the boy's mother. Little Charles is a Dreamer as I am. Whereyou, your husband, and your other children will each have their owndreams and ne'er step foot or paw in any other, little Charles can andwill visit each of your dreams as easily as you might visit the rooms ofyour own home.
Kimberly gaped, pulling her son closer to her chest. But how? How couldhe see our dreams?
Malger cast a quick glance at Charles and then smiled to the worriedmother. The same way I walk the dreams, milady. One paw touched thecrescent moon medallion about his neck and his whiskers twitched in thepleasure of a great secret. For whatever reason and from wherever itcame, your son was born with this ability. It is an ability Nocturnaherself granted to man many hundreds of centuries ago, for the realm ofdreams is Her realm.
Nocturna! Kimberly lowered her snout and kissed her son between hisears. But we are Followers of Eli!
Charles sighed and scratched at his leg with one claw. And yet in thelast year how many times have we sought the aid of the Pantheon? How manyof their festivals and celebrations have we participated in since we'vecome to the Glen? I have seen Akkala, Velena, and... others face toface. He shuddered at the dark memories still clear in his mind. Theirpower is real. But our children have been Immersed; they are protected ina way subtle and powerful. I know the thought of Nocturna is frightening,but she seems the least of our worries... for the moment.
Sir Matthias speaks true, Malger nodded and then smiled down at theboy. But you should not be afraid. Your son has something I did not. Heleaned back in the couch, resting both hands over one crossedknee.
What does he have?
A family aware of his rare and precious talent. And guidance in theunderstand of it. Leaning forward, his brown gaze shifted from sire todam and then down to the child they both touched protectively withembrace or paw. I had neither. For many years I knew not what I did, andit near drove me mad. One did come to me in time, and guided me. I, too,was Immersed and fought to cleave to those teachings, until I wasembittered and turned from them. But your son will have a tutor in thesepaths if you trust me to teach him.
Kimberly raised one brow and cast Malger a dubious glance, drawing herson closer. Your words would have me believe that you wish to be thistutor to him. She frowned.
Malger nodded slowly, Indeed, milady, that is indeed my wish.
Kimberly's frown deepened into a scowl as she boldly met the martenNoble's eyes. You have a certain rather odious reputation, your grace,and forgive me for saying so, but it is not one I would trust with mychildren.
Malger took a long breath and let it out slowly, not dropping his gaze.After a moment he bowed his head and turned his hands over upon his kneein a motion of penitence. A reputation carefully fostered and nurtured,but to noble ends all the same, as well your husband knows. I do notblame you or take offense, milady Kimberly. Lifting one hand slightly hemade a short cutting motion. But that reputation was is for thefosterage of an ability I have that your son does not. I assure you on myhonor and that of my House and very title, it is for the safety of yourson and yourselves, your family, and any near you that I seek tooffer myself as tutor to your son. A soft, rueful chuff puffed his thinlips and whiskers as he realized just then how pervasive his longreputation was within the Valley. He would have to bring it to heel, andsoon, now with a title a tad higher than 'sybarite minstrel'.
But they are just dreams? Kimberly asked, her anxious voice trembling.Aren't they?
Dreams are very important to us, be they human or Lutin or Åelf, Malgeradded, his smile now gentle. Most are bound within their dreams and arenever given to understand their full import. Some can never rememberthem, while others recall each detail. A very small few might stumblebeyond the bounds of their dreams and into those of others, but areunaware they do, becoming a part of the dreams into which they stumble,mistaking those dreams as their own. All completely unaware. But a blindwanderer can Act, interfering with another's dreams. This can oftenmerely be distressing, but can also be quite dangerous to both. Your soncan, at his own will, step from his dream and into another's, unchangedby their dream nor sharing it as his own. He can affect them profoundly, even dangerously. And those dreams he walks, now, would be ofthose closest to him; yours, your children, your retainers.
Sleepless nights, nightmares, thought coming to them which are not theirown, the sensation of another speaking when no one is there. These aresome of the little things which can happen. There is much worse. Yourson, without realizing it, may look in on your dreams, see something hedoes not like, and try to change it. Without understanding he could causeyou to suffer any of these.
And then there is the dangers your son faces. He will see things youcannot imagine; there will be terrors and nightmares you cannot protecthim from. He has already seen in on your husband's dreams; it frightenedhim so much he roused your husband from slumber.
Kimberly turned to Charles and all he could do was nod. It is true. Afew days past Marzac gave me a terrible nightmare. Little Charles saw itand woke me telling me he had been frightened by my dream. Charlessighed and looked at his hands helplessly. My dream frightenedhim, not a mere nightmare as children may have. We cannot protect himfrom our own dreams, Kimberly.
For a moment Kimberly stared at him uncertain and afraid, her grip ontheir little boy so tight he started to squirm. But all their ears liftedwhen a little voice announced from behind their couch, I'm gonna biteyour tail.
Charles blinked and called back, Erick? I thought I told.... OUCH! Hetwisted on the couch, yanking his tail from his other son's jaws beforethe sharp incisors could do more than break the pebbly skin. The littlerat flipped over once and landed on his head. His claws skittered on thewood as he scrambled back toward the stairs. Charles stood and glaredafter him, one hand trailing down across his tail to check fordamage.
Kimberly reached toward her husband. He's jealous we're paying specialattention to his brother and not him.
It's no excuse for such behavior. Charles rubbed his fingers over theinjury but could not produce any blood. If he comes back down again hewill not be going swimming with the rest of us. The last he spoke towardthe stairwell where he was sure Erick was hiding.
I do not want to be a cause of discord in your family, Malger said,shifting backward in his seat, eyes ever on the dark-furred rat inKimberly's lap. Little Charles had looked toward his father when Erickbit his tail, but had already resumed his study of the Archduke. But,milady Kimberly, Sir Matthias is correct. You cannot protect him fromyour dreams. But I know how to help and how to teach him. And I offer myinstruction without charge. I will be visiting the Glen fairly regularly,and when I am here, I will give little Charles instruction. And it neednot cause his brother any alarm as it will be within the dreams; at leastafter he trusts me enough not to flee when I approach.
He lifted one hand to forestall Kimberly's objection. And you need notfear what will happen in dreams. I could ne'er harm the lad. Should I doso my goddess will be quite wroth with me, and your husband can attesthow frightening a god can be! I will protect him and I will teach him howto protect himself from the dreams of others. It will take time, butwithout instruction I foresee only sorrow for you, the child, and allyour family.
Kimberly smoothed down little Charles's fur and nuzzled his pink ears.Her voice quavered a bit as she asked, What of Nocturna? What will shedo?
Malger shrugged his shoulders, casting one glance to the knight ratbefore returning to the boy's mother. I do not know. It is Her realm, soyour boy will know Her, either closely or from afar I cannot say. Suchchoice is Hers alone. But his religious instruction is yours. I will notinterfere if you wish to raise him to be a Follower.
Charles let his tail fall back to the couch and he settled down next tohis wife. He wrapped her shoulders in one arm and nuzzled her cheek withhis snout. He will be safe, my love. Our boy will be safe. I trustMalger to keep him safe.
Malger touched the fingers of one hand to his breast. On my verylife.
Kimberly swallowed and pressed her hand against the amethyst medallion.He will truly suffer if you do not, your grace?
Malger stretched his legs and arms as he nodded. I did. I thought for along time I was going mad. Your son will not. He has two things I didnot: a tutor in the way of dreams and a family who loves him dearly. Heoffered Kimberly a warm smile and stood from the couch. Misanthe stood amoment later. I will be visiting the Glen a few times a month for threefour days at a time. I believe it will be sufficient time for your boy toreceive all he needs from me. And if you should venture to Metamor and Iam there I will be happy to spend time teaching him there too. Regardlessof the path you choose, I will watch over him, as I must, and ward himfrom harm, or causing harm, while he Dreams. I will do no more withoutyour leave.
Kimberly climbed from the couch, shifting about to keep her boycomfortable in her arms. How... how long would you need to teach him,your grace?
But the marten could only shrug. Years, I suspect. It is another wakingworld for your son and I, the world of Dreams. To know all its vagaries,its dangers, and its beauties takes a lifetime. But like all skills,training is only the beginning of mastery. You are never going to fullyunderstand your son, milady Kimberly. As with the Sondeck, possessing itseparates one from those without. I know you will love himnevertheless.
Aye, I will, your grace. Very well, please, your grace, please teach myboy. Even with her agreement her voice quavered in fears, tears gleamingwithin her eyes. To have her son, but not know him in some ways mostimportant, clutched her heart in a merciless fist and squeezed.
I will. You have my word, good Lady Kimberly! Malger sketched a deepbow and with a flourish almost skipped back around the couch. I fear Imust depart for Metamor. I will return before the week is out for littleCharles's first lesson. Until then, Eli's blessing be on you and yourfamily.
Thank you, your grace, Charles called, stepping toward the door to holdit open for them. I hope your journey to Metamor isuneventful.
Malger laughed and cast one last look at the little boy in his mother'sarms. Little Charles stared at him wide-eyed. I'm sure Versyd willattempt to make it quite eventful. I will see you again soon.
Buh-bye! Little Charles cried out, waving a pink hand toward themarten.
Malger waved back, a gentle smile stretched across his snout. Good bye,young man.
Versyd pranced beneath the marten for the first ten minutes out of theGlen before settling into a comfortable gait. Malger could not help butdelight in the youth's enthusiasm and ability. It made him wonder whynone of the Keep's horses had ever thought to offer their services onfour hooves before. And as he rode through the pleasant Spring air, hepondered what other services animal Keepers might offer in their beastlyguises.
The other five Polygamites who'd sought employment with his house weretethered to the rigging hauling the carriage in which Misanthe reclined.The horses the bison Hesgebaern had used to drive the carriage to theGlen a few days past were roped behind. Malger would ponder what could bedone with the other horses apart from pulling wagons after he returned toMetamor. Perhaps, should he hire a sufficient number of those of a mindwith Versyd he could sell the other horses away. Keeping the cursed asmounts could hardly be any more expensive than establishing a wing of thestables and staffing them for the sole use of his household.
For once his delight at how responsive and smooth Versyd's gait was hadpassed, the marten's mind slipped back to the little rat child whodreamed. His smile dwindled into an uncertain moue. For once he did notneed to sleep to hear his goddess's voice.
A few days every other week will not be enough.
Malger grunted to himself; Versyd's ears flicked back to him inexpectation. I cannot always stay in the Glen.
This child will spend more time with your instruction than he will hisfather's.
He exhaled long and slow. The sweet fragrance of honeysuckle filledhim as he drew the breath back. But it is not for me to decide, mylove.
But the thoughts were still within again. Malger sighed, leanedforward, and patted Versyd on his powerful neck. You've ruined me,Versyd. I can never ride a normal horse again!
The Percheron Glenner performed a double step with his hind hooves indelight at the praise.
Charles waded into the cold waters of the lake and wondered how the frogsGibson and Bertram weren't slipping into torpor. Two months ago there hadbeen ice covering the lake. Now his children were cavorting about in theshallows attempting to capture the slippery frog who glided about on thesurface with breathless ease. Gibson reclined half in the water withgangly legs sprawled atop the rippling surface. None of them looked halfas cold as the rat felt.
At least he'd had the presence of mind to take off his shirt. The sunwarmed his chest and back and he did his best to keep his fur above thewaist dry.
And, he thought with a smile, all of his children were playing together;whatever jealousy his second son had for his eldest at the attention thearchduke paid him had long since passed. How well he knew the tales ofnoble houses torn asunder by rival brothers he had written a few in hisWriter's Guild days and such was the last he wished for his family.With two sons and possibly more awaiting them he would have muchsacrifice in the days ahead to keep peace in his family.
Unable to capture Bertram, his boys turned to splashing each other andtheir sisters. Charles laughed with them, eyes ever drawn to his eldestboy; the Dreamer. How could he ever protect his son from a foe he couldnot touch in a world he could not enter?
Only the words of his brother Sondeckis brought comfort. And whateverhappens, do not be afraid for him. He will be protected.
He lifted his eyes heavenward and twitched his whiskers into a smile.Keep him safe, Ladero. Keep him safe.
--- Postscript ---
When I was two, my Dad heard a little voice under the table say,"I'm gonna bite your toe". That was me. And I bithis toe! He loves telling that story and I am glad to share alittle bit of it here. :-)
May He bless you and keep you in His grace and love,
Charles Matthias
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