[Mkguild] MK: Homecoming (1/3)

C. Matthias jagille3 at vt.edu
Tue Jan 19 23:25:06 UTC 2016

> >     In another world, it might have struck hard and well.  In this
> > one, it would not live to see the dawn.
>A wonderful description of Lik here; the last line just ends the
>scene perfectly.  Very effective setting the mood.
>Given that this story is a nail in the coffin for the Starchild Arc 
>as it was, I felt that the original concept deserved a respectful 
>nod before the loose end was wrapped up.  And then burned.

Seems fair enough then.

> >     "It's a temporary replacement for the World Bell.  More
> > accurately, it's the predecessor to the World Bell, made during the
> > latter days of the Empire.  Master Thadeus has studied the device
> > in detail and can tell you more than I.  Thadeus?"
>I really liked the device you crafted here to take the World Bell's
>place.  Very intricate and it has an elegance that suits it well to
>the vagaries of wizards!
>It has the elegance of an antique, pays homage to an earlier 
>culture, and also tips the nod to the Chinese earthquake detector by 
>which it was inspired.

Very nice!  The craft of the ancients should always inspire us.

>Metamorians are starting to get out and about I see.
>That's Xavier's older sister.  I mentioned in "Letters Home" that 
>she'd been enrolled here. :)

Ah, been enough time I'd completely forgotten that.

> >     Some remnant had, but that was not all to be found
> > there.  Something stirred, hidden in the haze, battered by a long,
> > pain-filled fall, but blazing with power from back-to-back
> > victories over two hated foes.  The pain was ignored.  Ears pricked
> > in anticipation.  Devastation incarnate waited for his third battle
> > with golden eyes alight.
>I suspect Lilith is going to have even fewer survivors in a
>moment.  I suspect the next council of Daedra is going to be an unhappy one.
>Ding!  Give the rat a Kewpie doll!

Of course this does mean that Lilith will want to exact some measure 
of vengeance using one of the few servants she has that survived this 

> >     Arms tightened around his waist as the dragons slewed around
> > another rocky outcropping.  Behind him rode the rat Charles
> > Matthias, his face burrowed into the back of Misha's parka for
> > protection from the wind.  The arrangement mirrored itself on
> > Tychicus' back with Wolfram and Merai, the other companions Misha
> > had chosen to bring with him.  Wolfram had worried that pausing at
> > Glen Avery to pick up Charles would delay them too long, but the
> > rat had shown up at Metamor's gates that very dawn,
> > uncalled-for.  "I had a dream, Misha," he explained when
> > asked.  "Shattered manacles, dipped into a crystal pool.  They
> > didn't come out as manacles, though.  They came out as a brilliant
> > sword, gleaming like the sun.  You know what I'm talking about, don't you?"
>I hope you like the way I brought the image to Charles in my latest. :-)
>It's a shame you weren't here to see my absolute and utter geek-out.

Glad I could help. :-)

May He bless you and keep you in His grace and love,

Charles Matthias 

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