[Mkguild] Roman Story Part 3!

cokane8116 at aol.com cokane8116 at aol.com
Fri Jan 10 04:41:02 UTC 2020

Here is part 3!  It still needs a good title!

     The fortress of Gemellae in the city ofJerah, the province of MauritaniaTingitana, was at 80.4 Heredium (67 acres in modern units) in size amassive place. Being the home fortress of the entire 76th Legion ithad to be if it was to hold all 8,000 or so Legionnaires that were supposed tobe assigned to it. It had been a long time since the legion had been at fullstrength but the fortress was impressive nonetheless.     It had the Principia (Headquarters),Valetudinarium (hospital), basilica exercitatoria (training hall),Horreum (Granary/food storage), several toilet blocks. Thermae (baths) with aPalaestra (outside exercise yard), stables, a parade ground, several fabrica(workshops) and seemingly countless barracks. Water to drink, bath in and tohelp wash away the effluent from the toilets was supplied by an aqueduct thatran to a large spring some distance away. But wells dotted the fortress in casethe aqueduct failed. All of this was surrounded by a tall, stone Vallum (wall)with towers spaced along it. In front of that was a deep, wide ditch. Togetherthey made the Castra a formidable fortress that had twice been besiegedunsuccessfully by the Persians.    The parade ground was really just a largeopen area covered with what was supposed to be green grass. Instead it wasmostly brown earth, flattened down to the hardness of stone with small patchesof green or brown around the edges. Located at one end of the field was a tall,larger than life size statue of a rabbit dressed in the robes of an emperor.    All the tiros were standing at attentionnext to the statue in two separate groups. Predators on the left and prey onthe right.    “Why two groups?” The fox asked himself.“Why not one? Aren’t we supposed to all be one unit? Acting in unison?” He hadheard rumors about the people here in the south being strange but until nownever really believed it.    He stole a glance to his right and found arabbit looking nervously back at him.    Why was he nervous? Perhaps he had neverseen a fox before but there were plenty of other predators around.    Standing in front of the statue was a talldeer of a species he had never seen before. The antlers were shorter and hisfur was dark brown but with white spots. At least what he could see past thearmor he was wearing.     Next to the buck was another legionnaire.The cheetah was in full armor and he was holding a long pole easily twice hisheight. On top was a gold statue of an eagle with its wings spread wide.Hanging below that was a red, clothe banner. On it was a charging bull in goldbelow the words “Legio LXXVI.” This feline was the Aquilifer (Standard Bearer)who cared for and carried the legions greatest symbol – its standard. Thestandard represented the legion and was considered sacred. Countlesslegionnaires had died defending their standards.    “I am Tertius Nepius Tironacus,” the deersaid calmly. “The Legio Legatus – The legion commander. "We've gatheredyou here today so that under the watchful gaze of the great and wise emperor toswear your oath of allegiance to the empire and to the legion. Raise your righthand to take the oath.”    Bitt held up his right hand with the handheld flat, palm facing the Legatus. An ancient sign of oath taking.    “Now repeat after me,” the Legatus saidsolemnly.    “I do swear by God, by Christ and the Holyghost to uphold and defend the empire against all enemies. I do swear to followthe orders of those placed above me and to never abandon my comrades. I doswear unto death.”    After all had dutifully repeated those wordsthe commander nodded his head. “Welcome to the 76th Legion.”    He walked over to the Aquilifer and gentlyplaced his right hand on the standard. "This standard represents theempire. No, this is the empire. We entrust it to you to defend her as you wouldthe empire. Never shame her and never let her down. You are to give your lastdrop of blood to defend her and all it represents.”    “Emperors come and go,” He gave a flippantwave of the hand. “But the empire remains. It endures because of people like uswho defend it. We who patrol the roads, chase down the bandits and keep thePersians at bay. We ARE the empire!” He announced boldly.    The entire group let out a loud cheer!  ************ 
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