[Mkguild] A return to the Island Part 2

cokane8116 at aol.com cokane8116 at aol.com
Sat Jan 30 05:12:29 UTC 2021

    Penobscot bay was a large, irregularlyshaped thing and many small inlets and harbors dotted it’s coast. Many boatsand ships never went further than this and didn’t make the trip up the windingPenobscot river to Bangor.    From one of these small inlets a powerboatshot out into the bay itself. Low and fast this Cigarette boat was designed forone thing only; going fast. This one was rocketing along at over 90 knots!Throttle wide open. Some would say it’s just a turbine engine attached to somewood and fiberglass.    Four people were crammed into the opencockpit of the boat. All were strapped into their seats but were still hangingon as the craft bounced each time it hit a wave. This jolted everyone andeverything inside.    “We need a plane!” The woman shouted overthe roar of the massive engines. The woman had shoulder length blonde hair thatsnapping about in the wind and the spray like it was a living thing. She waswearing a full body suit that could only be described as LOUD! It had broad,bright green and blue stripes and looked more appropriate for a circusperformer. Thatdidn’t bother her. Since she had been Trickshot the Amazing! Worlds greatestshooter. Using her astounding shooting skills to entertain audiences. At leasttill the Rickti invaded. She turned her skills from shooting harmless targetsto shooting the invaders.    “Aren’t superheroes supposed to be able tofly or have some cool hover car?” The man shouted. He was huddled in the backcorner of the boat. He was wearing a t shirt and jeans and a faded denim workjacket that had clearly seen better days. Tucked under one arm was a largepottery jug of the type usually used in old movies to carry moonshine.    “Now Moonshine those high-tech gadgets don’tcome free. This was a gift from the city of Bangor,” Orca countered. She waswearing a skin tight wetsuit that was colored white and black in imitation ofan orca or killer whale. Her black hair was slicked back with a gel that Olympicswimmers used to protect their hair.    Moonshine laughed. “They confiscated it fromsome drug runners.”   Orca laughed. “There’s something karmic aboutthat.”    At the wheel of this boat. Was the only onedressed for the wet ride. The man was wearing yellow, rubberized hat, jacket,pants and boots. The type of wet weather gear that New England sailors had beenwearing for centuries. His code name was Nor’easter.    With his ability to control the wind and theweather he could fly but not as fast as this power boat could do. And he wasthe only one who could drive it.    He weaved the high-speed boat around trafficand out into the open bay. With the traffic cleared away he pushed the throttlewide open and the boat rocketed along even faster!    “Slow down a little,” Trickshot shouted. “Ineed to get off a few shots.”    She stood up and tried to balance herselfagainst the windshield. Slowly she brought up her rifle. It was a large beast. Handmadeand specifically turned and balanced for her. The gyroscope built in activatedand no matter how the boat bounced and swerved the rifle remained rock steady.    The woman peered through the scope andcaught sight of the ferry. Bolts of electricity arced out from the ship. Thatmarked where Biker Bob was. So she followed one of the bolts and spotted a halfdozen figures buzzing along, just about the water. One seemed to be held aloftby a pillar of water.    She concentrated on him trying to be sure itwasn’t a friend.    The first thing she noticed was that he wascolored in alternating patterns or dark and light blue. Even his hair was lightblue. The color of deep ice. The man was dressed in a close-fitting suit of protectiveclothing made of exotic fabrics and plastics. Not truly bullet proof butoffering at least protection from the cold wind and rain. Not that he neededit. His powers of cold and water control made him immune to the rain and cold.    The woman recognized him as Killer Storm, anold enemy. “You first,” muttered and pulled the trigger.    Killer Storm seemed to shiver and thendropped to the water. He tumbled a few times before coming to a halt. Sendinghuge gouts of water in all directions.    She smiled. “Gotcha!”    Killer Storm rose out of the water seeminglyunharmed. He slowly brought up both arms. His hands clenched and each fist wascovered by a ball of water and ice the size of a bowling ball. He motioned botharms at the approaching power boat and the balls of ice rocketed out.    “Incoming!” Trickshot shouted and droppedback down into her seat.    Nor’easter twisted the wheel and the boatheeled over to port that the rail was underwater for a moment. In spite of themaneuver both balls struck the boat dead amidships.    The boat shook and bucked and then came tohalt. It bobbed there rocking in the waves.    Nor’easter stood up and stepped into thepassenger seat. “Take over. I’ll give us some cover!”    “All right!” Moonshine shouted. He hoppedinto the drivers’ seat. The man took a long drink from his jug!    “GREAT!” Orca snarled. “Now both boat anddriver are gassed up.”    Moonshine bent the wheel hard over with hisleft hand as he jammed the throttles wide open with the other. Sending Nor’eastertumbling backward over the seat and into the one behind him.    “God help us if the Coast Guard is watching!We’ll get a thousand tickets!”    “We’re heroes!” Moonshine shouted betweenswigs from his jug. “We’re allowed to do dumb things!”    Another figure among the approachingvillains had something long and thick in his hand. He threw it at the heroes.The large, 3-foot-long missile went a short way before the rocket motorignited. The guidance system locked onto the cigarette boat. And moving at 500miles per hour it went racing at the power boat.    Moonshine didn’t seem to have control and turnedthe power boat into a tight loop to port sending everyone it (but himself)tumbling to starboard. Still moving at over 90 knots the out of controlspeedboat narrowly missed the rocks of Little Bermuda island.     The approaching missile tried to compensatefor the sharp turn but couldn’t. The deadly missile missed the boat completelyand slammed into the rocks of the island.    Moonshine then spun the helm around to theright and the powerboat swerved wildly to the starboard. Sending everyone in it(except him) tumbling to the port side. Another missile flashed past the boatharmlessly but again hitting the island.    “The ferryboat Moonshine,” Orca shouted. “Goto the ship. And try not to hit it too hard.”    “What?” Moonshine asked. Seemingly confused.He turned to the woman and his arm brushed the throttle, pushing it all the waydown. Into reverse. Thrown into reverse the boat nosed down as it slid to ahalt. Sending the people (except for Moonshine) tumbling forward. Nor’easterbounced off the windshield and then slid off and to the deck.    Moments later two balls of ice and snowzoomed past the bow. Where the boat should have been.    Nor’easter got upoff the floor and pushed the throttle forward sending the powerful boat againtowards the enemy. “Ferryboat,” the man shouted. “Get us to the ferry.”    Moonshine nodded and aimed the boat at theferry. Which grew larger with each passing minute. Their own boat was weavingback and forth like a drunken sailor.    Trickshot was trading shots with KillerStorm who was still not able to hit the speeding boat. But she was having ahard time hitting him as he didn’t stay still long enough for a decent shot.    Nor’easter held up both hands and slowlywaved them. A soft breeze started blowing and with it came a light haze, thatquickly became thicker and thicker until the boat was engulfed in a world ofgray fog.    Moonshine slowed the boat down.    “Keep going straight,” Nor’easter ordered.“The ferry is right up ahead.”    A massive shape loomed out of the fog infront of them and resolved into the form of the ferry boat.    “Pull alongside,” Nor’eastersaid. “Get close and we’ll use the magnetic mooring line.”    “I’ll get the line!” From a small lockerOrca took out a long length of rope. One end was tied off to side of the boat.The other end had a large, flat metal disk attached.    She used her great strength to toss the magneticdisk at the side of the ship. It hit with a loud clang and stuck. With just herstrength she pulled the boat closer till it bumped against the ship.    A rope ladder came down from above.    “Hurry up,” a voice called.    Looking up they saw a sailor leaning overthe rail.    Nor’easter scrambled up the ladder aware ofjust how exposed he was. When he got to the top he climbed onto the deck. Theship around him was shrouded in fog and all he could see was vague shapes inthe blanket of gray.    Standing there was a tall black man dressedin the clothes of a sailor. He was holding an old M1 rifle.    “Where’s Bob?” Nor’easter asked as heclimbed onto the deck.    “Bridge,” the sailor said and pointed towardthe bow.    Afigure charged at them. Wickedly long spines on his arms ripped through theair, barely missing Trickshot.    “Keep going,” The Drunken Master said. “I’llentertain our friend here!”    His opponent was dressed in a full body suitthat was gold with stripes of red lines slashing across it at odd angles. Longand deadly sharp spines covered his arms, legs and his whole body.    Moonshine took a long drink from his jug andstaggered toward his opponent. “I brought the drinks,” he said and waved thejug around. “You bring the chips and dip?”  ***************
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