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In my readings, I have noticed some interesting chronological errors. Unfortunately, I do not have the list with me, but I did notice some apparent errors between Nuptials and my last reading, Rurouni Ryou (an excellent story, by the way). It seems that some of the stories occur in the winter, while others occur somtime before. I wish I could give specific details, but I can't.<BR>
Stayin' alive, <BR>
The Lurking Wolf<BR>
PS: I'm getting there, people, I want to see where the storyline goes before I write any stories, so it could be a while. And it's good to see the new site getting active, whether or not I can be there often. Hasta la vista, amigos. Si puedo, regresere pronto. :)<BR><BR><br /><hr />Live Earth is coming. Learn more about the hottest summer event - only on MSN. <a href='http://liveearth.msn.com?source=msntaglineliveearthwlm' target='_new'>Check it out!</a></body>