[Mkguild] MK- Temper (2/2)

Hallan Mirayas hallanmirayas at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 5 07:47:02 CDT 2007

>From: John Burman <jburman787 at yahoo.com>
>A very good read, Hope to see more of this in the near future.
>John Burman aka Fox Marine

I'll see what I can do.

>  He downed the ale
>in two long gulps, and then tapped it for a refill.  Donnie shook his head.
>"What?  You're cutting me off -already-?  After -three- drinks?!  This is
>outrageous!  This is preposterous!  This is-"
> >>Just a small historical consideration;  In medieval times, small 
>whistles were molded into the rim of cups in taverns so if a patron wanted 
>a refill he had only to blow - hence the term "wet your whistle"

*chuckles*  Interesting.

>    The fox put a finger on the protesting dogmorph's nose, quieting him 
>a level, serious glance.
>I think dog morph should be two words but as I kind of doubt Webster's has 
>it, it's personal preference.

Oops.  There's supposed to be a dash in between.  I'll fix that.


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