[Mkguild] The Last Tale of Yajakali - Interlude III
C. Matthias
jagille3 at vt.edu
Sun Dec 9 15:50:49 EST 2007
Finally! It took me a month to write just this
snippet. After so long an absence from Metamor
Keep, I have had some trouble getting back into
it. But once I get going, watch out!
Here is the third Interlude, which will bring us
into Book IV. I will start work on Book IV this
week, and I hope to have a few chapters finished
prior to Christmas. I certainly will have the
Last Tale of Yajakali completed sometime in 2008.
For now, I hope everyone enjoys this glance into
the future of Metamor Keep circa 1000 CR.
Metamor Keep: The Last Tale of Yajakali
By Charles Matthias
Interlude III
Breath caught in their throats, they
leaned forward, eager for the next words form
Laurences tongue. But the elder storyteller
slid his eyes from one side of the room to
another, and then let his arms lower slowly. And
with that, we shall end for the night.
Grandpa Charles is freed from stone,
Agathe is killed, Jessica breaks free from the
Imbervand, and now you decide to stop? Lord
Erick Matthias stared incredulously at his
uncle. But the grey-snouted rat smiled that confidant and infuriating grin.
I thought perhaps you would appreciate
ending with good news for once. Laurence glanced
down at the many children who lay curled at his
feet. In the last hour each of them had fallen
asleep one by one. You may not want to object too loudly.
Lise attended to the children while the
men congregated on one side of the hall. King
Albert stretched, long ears turning from side to
side. Is it just my imagination, good jongleur,
or do you draw each new section out longer than the last?
Laurence bowed. It is not entirely your
imagination, your highness. As this tale
progresses, there are more details that need to
be illuminated. And there are more who need to
hear it as well. His snout turned down into a
moue. I hoped that some of the others would arrive today.
There is plenty of time left, Erick
replied. Lets retire to my study.
Ambassador Kalder lifted one eyebrow.
You think well learn anything more from your uncle that we did last night?
Probably not, but we can try.
They laughed and stared at the
storyteller. He turned his attention back on the
children, his long tail flicking back and
forth. Lise and the servants carefully cradled
each child and guided them to their
bedrooms. Laurence followed them, waving once to
the men, Ill see you shortly. An enigmatic
smile flickered across his snout. Keep an eye open.
Ericks cousin Timothy straightened his
hat and asked, What does that mean? But
Laurence had already left. You know, Father
always said Uncle Laurence was too flamboyant for his own good.
Erick eyes his cousin and then shook his
head. Lets go. Your majesty, I though you
might enjoy breaking into my store of Marilyth wine. It is... well aged.
The horse lord nodded and gestured
towards the side door that led to Ericks study. Lead the way, Lord Matthias.
Again, the men all congregated in the
study, each taking up much the same positions
they had the night before. King Albert sat in
the largest chair, with his Prime Minister Ryman
Ertham at his side. The frog Questioner Father
Rouse sat near one window, with Timothy close
by. Ambassador Kalder reclined in one of the
chairs at the far end of the room near the trophy
wall, while Count Floran busied himself before
Ericks library. Erick turned to the wine
cabinet and produced a heavy red bottle. Ah,
bottled in 967 CR. My Grandfather purchased this while on a trade mission.
Are you sure you want to use it for
such a night as this? Ryman asked, one paw
rubbing through his frazzled tail fur.
Oh, I have more. He nearly bought the
vineyards the entire batch! Erick drove the
corkscrew into the neck, and then turned when the
door opened. The donkey Robert stuck his head
in, nostrils flaring. What is it, Robert?
Robert, his Steward, snorted in
amusement. There is a small crowd outside the
city gates begging your admittance.
Oh? Erick asked. He set the bottle aside. Who?
Father Rouse croaked and lifted one
webbed hand. I believe your Uncle mentioned that others would be coming.
Ah, yes! Erick grinned and waved to
the donkey. Go, open the gate for them. Let us greet them from the parapet.
Youll forgive me if I do not join
you, Father Rouse added. I prefer to avoid that much night air.
He was the only one. The rest followed
Erick up the tower stairs to the broad landing at
the front of the castle. Cool air greeted them,
and above the stars shone brightly in the vault
of the heavens. Behind them and to either side,
the slopes of the Dragon mountains hulked
silently like brooding old men. Before them lay
the three tiers of the city aglow with streetlights.
Though only a few stories above the
courtyard, the wide parapet towered over the
Narrows where the land fell away from the
mountains. From this vantage they could see any
and all who came to pay the Matthias Keep a
visit. Along the mountain slopes, watchmen could
see even more, all the way to Metamor even. But
that climb would prove too arduous after a day spent sitting.
There, Kalder pointed towards the
road. Just before the Tree Gate sat a carriage,
though they could only see its top. Further down
the road a second carriage approached, flanked by
a dozen horsemen of various shapes and
sizes. Erick stared at the pinions, but without
the aid of even a steady breeze, he couldnt recognize the heraldry.
Two more guests to endure Uncles
torturous tale, Timothy mused with a sardonic grin.
But who did he invite? Ryman
asked. The red panda leaned out, paws pressing
into the stone crenellations. I see a messenger
there. And indeed, a figure ran to the gatehouse
and disappeared inside. A moment later, they
heard the groaning of iron as the portcullis
lifted and the gate swung open. The carriage
beyond passed through, and out one door they saw
a head gazing around. The light of torches
glinted off earrings and a necklace.
Thats the heraldry of the Whalish
proctor in Menth, Albert announced when the
carriage turned up the road to the Iron Gate.
But I dont think that was the Whalish ambassador whose head we just saw.
It makes sense, Erick mused. Uncle
did tell us of the attack on Whales. Perhaps he invited their ambassador.
But who is with him? Ryman asked.
That head was more akin to ours than to the
Whalish ambassadors. He gestured to Kalder and
Count Floran, the latter of whom scowled into the
darkness from some distance away. Apart from your esteemed company.
No response came. They stood and
watched as the first carriage passed through the
Iron Gate and made its way through the central
core towards the Sun Gate. A few minutes later,
the second carriage reached the citys outskirts,
though still they could not discern the
heraldry. Erick blew out his breath and peered
closer as a pair of figures passed through the
Sun Gate. He Steward walked out to meet them.
I think it time we returned to my
study, Erick said quietly. He turned to the
stairs, and one by one the others did as
well. The warmth inside soothed muscles weary
from sitting all day, and brought a renewed focus
to their thoughts. When they discovered Laurence
discoursing with Father Rouse on the difference
between historians and storytellers, they wasted
no time in beginning their questions.
An interesting topic, Count Floran
said. And just how can you assure us that the
characters in your tale truly spoke the words you ascribe to them?
The elder rat rose at their entrance and
smiled. An astute question, your grace. Few of
these participants possessed either a
stenographer or an anamnesis. On that count, one
can dispute the exactness of their dialogue. Let
me cite on source, one that most here are aware
of. The founder of our family line, Grandpa
Charles, was himself a storyteller, and later in
his life chronicled his adventures for the
pleasure of his children. It is why we remain so
fond of him, those of us who can claim him as an
ancestor. If there are errors in dialogue, they
are the fault of a declining memory. But this
too we must apply judiciously, for the mind of a
storyteller remembers both the ordering and the
content of the spoken word better than most.
Timothy shoo his head ad blinked, while
Count Floran smiled contemptuously. Before
either could offer an objection, Laurence added,
And what if not every detail of this tale
transpired as I proclaim? What is more
important, a literal transliteration, or one that
intimately knows the individuals involved and
reveals them for who they are? A mans literal
words often conceal that inner substance, a fact
I expect most here to appreciate. If I or any
other has concocted speeches for these historical
men, then it has been done carefully,
respectfully, and with a keen eye to draw out the
true substance of time, place, and man. What
good is history if it is open to any mans
interpretation? Instead, let the truth by known
through the stories we tell of them.
King Albert nodded his long head. A fine answer, master jongleur.
Thank you, your majesty.
The study doors swung open and Robert
stepped inside. Your majesty, lordships, I
present Captain Demetrius of the Whalish Navy,
and the mage Scyllia of Metamor.
There was no mistaking the mage. Decked
in four or five bracelets on each wrist,
clutching a wooden staff clinking with bright
charms of silver, gold, and colourful feathers,
Scyllia lived up to the ferret reputation of
prizing shiny things. Her garb was no less
colourful, featuring a patchwork collection of
hues layered one over another that somehow
remained loose fitting. She beamed as she
entered, eyes alight in eager anticipation for
the next thing to catch their attention.
Compared to her, the Whalish sailor
seemed invisible. Captain Demetrius had no
distinguishing mark, wearing the standard blue
uniform of the Whalish Navy, with only the
epaulets to mark his rank. His square jaw had a
tight reserve, and his eyes had the withdrawn
darkness of a man whod seen members of his crew
die in battle. He bowed respectfully to King
Albert, and then less so to Erick.
Ambassador Helvidius sends his regrets
that he could not attend, your majesty. A
delicate matter required his attention, and so he sent me in his stead.
Albert nodded, though his brow furrowed
in concern. Nothing serious I hope.
It should not be, but it is serious
enough to warrant his undivided attention.
Demetrius straightened his uniform and grimaced.
I will report on all that I witness, in so far
as the promised tale is concerned.
You are most welcome in my house,
Erick said, grinning wide. Demetrius stared for
a moment at his incisors, and then smiled in
gratitude. The Lord of the Narrows turned to the
ferret mage and said, And you are also welcome,
Scyllia. We have not seen you here for a long time.
Ive been researching some very
interesting ruins in the southern mountains,
Scyllia replied, her voice quavering in delight.
Captain Demetrius was kind enough to let me ride
with him when he passed me on the road. I hear
the tale features one of my ancestors, so I just
had to drop everything and come hear it!
Timothy frowned. Which one is your
ancestor? Unlike either the Matthias family or
the Hassan line, Scyllias family did not stay
true to species; neither of her parents had been
ferrets, and she herself had been born human. At
the age of fourteen the curses of Metamor had
changed her the old fashioned way. Not even
Erick knew which one of the intrepid Metamorians had been Scyllias ancestor!
The skunk of course! she replied with
firm pride in her voice. Her snout lifted high,
and she wrapped both paws around the top of her
staff. The bracelets dangling on her wrists
clinked as they struck. Kayla is my
great-great-great-a few more greats grandmother
on my grandfathers side. He used to tell me
stories about her when I was little and just starting to learn about magic.
And now you will learn even more,
Laurence said with a delighted grin. I fear you
have missed some of her exploits, such as the
night she finally communed with the blades
Clymaethera and Trystathalis. He turned his eyes
upon the naval captain. And you have missed the
blackest of nights in Whalish Naval History.
Do not apologize to me, master
Laurence, Demetrius replied, biding him to
silence with one hand. I know well that tale,
and will be just as glad not to hear it again.
Laurence bowed his head. Of course.
Who was it who followed you? Ryman
asked of the captain. We could not see their heraldry.
They shall be here soon enough,
Laurence pointed out. Have patience!
Have you invited everyone with an
ancestor in this tale? King Albert asked.
No, there are far too many for
that. And most would not be interested.
Laurence sighed and stretched. But I did try to
invite as many as I could. Only one was forced
to decline, Wainred who descends from Jessica and
Weyden. He could hardly leave his wife when
their first egg was ready to hatch. I will
relate to them what theyve missed when the chick is well.
Outside, they could hear the stomping of
hooves and a boisterous voice shouting. Erick
began to smile, even as Ryman Ertham wrapped his
paws tighter around his tail. Count Floran made
himself even more invisible in one corner, while
the rest of the guests all turned towards the
door. Robert opened them a moment later and a
tempestuous ram dressed in chain mail and blue
and yellow tabard stomped through.
Your majesty, your grace, may I present
Lord Arister Dupré of the Wall. Robert eyed the
ram with greying wool, who rested one hand on his
heavy sword buckled at his side. But the rams
foul temper evaporated immediately as he entered.
Ah, Erick! he roared, stomping over to
the rat and wrapping him in a firm embrace. Good
to enjoy your hospitality again! Quite a
collection of guests you have here this
evening. And your majesty! He bowed quickly.
Forgive me but I did not know you would be in attendance.
Erick coughed and regained his breath.
It is good to see you as well, Arister. All is well at the Wall I trust?
As well as it can be. We had a small
rockslide this morning, trapped a few of my
workers. He waved one hand and bleated. Oh,
theyre all well now. Nothing time and some
magic wont heal. But it did delay me
coming. He glanced around and his eyes settled
upon the ferret mage. They widened in surprise
and then he smiled almost fondly. Ah,
Scyllia. Your cousin, Andre, had to remain
behind to finish the repairs. He and his wife
will be flying in tomorrow morning.
She brightened at that and her whole
body shivered. Oh wonderful! Im so glad you invited them too!
Laurence smiled and bowed his head. You
are most welcome. However, I find that after
storytelling all day long, my throat becomes
quite parched. It is unfortunate that our
esteemed host has been so careless in his duties.
Erick blinked, his muzzle opening and
shutting before he realized just what hed
forgotten when theyd headed to the parapet. Eli
help me, I forgot the Marilyth wine! He
scampered back to his wine cabinet and continued
to drive the screw into the cork. Behind him,
Arister Dupré led the raucous laughter.
After an hours pleasant conversation in
which the latest guests were informed in rapid
succession by Timothy, Ryman, Erick, and Father
Rouse of the events of Laurences story that they
had missed, the elder storyteller stretched and
made a show of yawning. Well, friends, nephews,
I fear it is growing late. There is much more
yet to tell, and if we do not soon retire for the
night, I will not be able to tell the last of my tale.
So you have but one more day of story? King Albert asked softly.
Laurence eyed him suspiciously, and then
smiled. That much I will allow. Consider it a just reward for your patience.
A reward? Timothy asked,
incredulously. I suppose not having to bruise my
tail for another week is a reward.
Arister smacked him in the back of the
shoulder. Nonsense! You castle rats need to get
into the saddle and see the lands outside your
walls. Come see The Wall, and Ill show you what your tail is truly made of!
You overzealous! Timothy snapped,
grabbing his soft hat as it fell over his
snout. He straightened it, and then laughed.
City rat I may be, but Im no stranger to the
saddle! Why I served in the Kings auxiliary only last year.
Arister opened his muzzle to say
something, then bleated in amusement. Forgive
me, boy. I am eager to hear this tale, for I
have only heard what you have told me. To hear
it from the masters tongue is something else altogether.
Indeed it is, King Albert said. He
rose from his seat, ad faintly stretched. But
Laurence Matthias is right, it is late and we
will need our sleep. There is much of this tale still to be told.
Aye, much more to hear, Count Floran
said, the first words that had come from his lips
since the newest guests had arrived. His words
dripped with acid. We hear of the betrayal of
the Kelewair Duke on all sides, a betrayal that
has left a ruin upon my land, and you invite the
scion of the very man who brought this about!
Laurence shook his head gravely at the
human. Aristers ears flicked to the side, and
he turned, stomping his hooves on the rich
carpet. Im sure the story is told differently
at the Kelewair Court than it is at the
Wall. For the betrayal was not from the house of
Dupré! The ram smiled and crossed his arms. I
do take solace that the blood of the ram still flows in the house of the wolf!
Your lordships, Laurence chided,
stepping between them and holding out his paws.
You both speak of things you do not know! I
wanted you both here so you could hear the story
as it truly is, not as you have heard it before.
Count Floran scoffed. It would be
remarkable to hear something to change my
mind. Even from as talented a storyteller as you.
Then you will be remarking for quite
some time, Laurence replied, eyes narrowed,
almost angry. And you, Lord Dupré, not one word
from you. Both of you, by the time this story
has ended, will have your eyes opened, if you will let them!
Arister dug one hoof into the carpet. Well, I am rather stubborn.
Erick squeaked loudly enough to catch
their attention. Forgive my interrupting your
unpleasant reunion, but it is late, and I fear we
are all very tired. Perhaps we will all be in a
better disposition in the morning.
The Count nodded dismissively, and
straightened his cuffs with a firm tug. Forgive
my outburst, Lord Matthias. As a guest, it is
not my place to do such. I will retire for the
night. Thank you for your hospitality. With
those curt words, Count Floran stalked from the
study. The other guests let out their breaths slowly.
Even King Albert appeared disturbed by
the exchange. He turned his long head towards
the ram and narrowed his eyes darkly. Lord
Dupré, you should know better than to engage Floran in verbal fencing.
Aye, Arister admitted. He took
several deep breaths, eyes closed tightly.
Forgive my hearty outburst, your majesty, your
grace. He... he spoke ill of my family name, and I will not stand for it.
You will learn why tomorrow, Laurence
promised him. If you can keep your sword in its scabbard where it belongs.
Arister bleated indignantly. Of course
I can keep my sword in its scabbard! What do you
take me for? This flash of anger disappeared
almost as soon as it arrived. With military
grace, Arister Dupré bowed to his host and to his
liege, and nodded. I will take my leave of you for the night.
Robert will show you where you can
sleep. Your soldiers will be billeted with my
own for your stay, Erick waved the donkey
forward. Scyllia, Captain Demetrius, join him as
well and hell find you a good room in which to sleep.
Scyllia smiled broadly, thanked him, and
followed the Steward. Captain Demetrius did
likewise a moment later. One by one the others
all retired, until only Erick and Laurence were
left. The elder rats snout fashed between anger
and resignation. Erick could not recall the last
time hed seen his uncle so upset.
You should have known that Floran and
Dupré would do this, Erick said gently. Floran
nurses old grudges like fine wine, savouring
every drop of bile as if it were the last. And
Arister, Erick dug his toe claws into the carpet
as he thought on his old friend, Arister is a
good man, but easily riled. He has just as much
pride in his family line as we do in ours, perhaps more so.
I know all of these things and more,
Laurence replied in a soft voice. Nor am I
surprised, not truly. It is my hope that they
will see something in the tale tomorrow that will
help them see past their grudges and family
pride. Just as I hope that you and the others
each learn something valuable in hearing what your ancestors have done.
Erick shuffled his paws. I know Im
glad I wasnt gifted with the Sondeck, but I
dont think thats the lesson you mean for me.
A smile blossomed on Laurences snout.
No, not quite. He patted his nephew on the
shoulder and gestured to the door. Come, let us
get some sleep. It is late and I have much more
to tell tomorrow. Besides, were both very tired. Erick yawned in agreement.
Dawn came far too quickly. Lise granted
him mercy in not making him imbibe a foul
concoction as penance for last nights
wine. Instead, she woke him gently with a shove
on his shoulder. Has the sun risen already? he groaned.
It will soon. She smiled, her whiskers
twitching at the corners of her baize muzzle.
Come, your uncle is already awake and gathering the children.
He sat up in bed, pinching his tail
beneath him. Already? How long have you been up, Lise?
Not half an hour, but long enough for
me to know you cannot sleep anymore. Rise. Ive
arrayed your toilet for you. She gestured to
the table at the foot of their bed, and he saw
his blue doublet and hose prepared. With another
grunt he slipped from beneath the thick quilts and dressed himself.
Have you heard about the excitement
last night? Erick asked as he straightened his open sleeves.
His wife nodded and ran a comb between
his ears. Arister is up already and instructing
the children in the art of war.
That should keep them occupied, Erick
mused. Scyllias cousin is flying in this morning. Has he arrived yet?
No, not yet. She chuffed. You have
one bit of fur that will not stay down!
He laughed, turned, and nuzzled his
wifes snout. Ill wear a hat then. Wed best
go and be good hosts. He selected a flop hat
much like his cousin Timothy favoured, and then
together they left the residence and crossed the
grounds. On entering the Keep, they were met by
Robert. The donkey bore a large grin and bowed.
Good morning, milord Erick, he said as
he stood. Long ears lifted high and alert.
Laurence Matthias is growing impatient. Hes been up for an hour already.
Well, we should... he blinked and
lifted his eyes into the sky. What before hed
taken for birds now grew large. Two figures
glided down out of the eastern sky, one of them a
bright red in hue, the other a russet brown with
banded wings. They continued to grow larger in the sky.
Well, looks like Andre is here, Erick
mused. You should tell Scyllia.
I think she already knows, Lise
replied, pointing the ferret mage who ran out one
of the other doors onto the courtyard. She waved
her arms in the air and jumped up and down as her
cousin, the red dragon, descended from the sky
and settled with a heavy whump. The gryphon
accompanying him managed a more graceful approach.
Scyllia wrapped her arms around the
large dragons neck and hugged tight. Andres
eyes went wide and he shifted back into a more
human form, all the while with a ferret dangling
off his neck. He hugged her in return when his
forelegs shrunk to arms, and the two of them
laughed in delight. After a moment, she let the
dragon go, and hugged the gryphon woman, though
with not quite so much enthusiasm.
Let us welcome our latest guest, Erick
suggested, and the three of them joined the trio
on the terrazzo. Welcome to Matthias Keep!
Erick intoned broadly, smiling to both. It has
been many years since I last saw you, Andre. I
dont think Ive had the pleasure of meeting your wife.
Ah, milord Erick, Andre said, his
voice gruff and bearing a deep bass rumble. I am
honoured to introduce you to my wife,
Tessa. Tessa, an old friend of the family, Lord
Erick Matthias and his wife, Lady Lise.
The gryphon extended a claw that could
gouge out his eyes without effort, and clasped
his paw gently. She knelt respectfully, and then
stood up again. She did the same for Lise. It
is a pleasure and an honour to meet you both. The Narrows are very lovely.
Erick grinned with pride. Thank
you. Your husband helped me a number of years
ago to put in the dam. I know it was far more
mundane than your preferred work, but we appreciated it nonetheless.
Andre shrugged his wings. It had its
challenges, and you did allow me to indulge
myself with ornamentation, so all is well.
Scyllia grabbed him by one arm and
almost squeaked. You must tell me about your
project for Lord Dupré, cousin! It has been so
many years since Ive been to the Wall. Is what
they say true, and you are adding another story to it?
Aye, its true. You can see for miles
from the top now. If he could, I suspect Lord
Dupré would have me build the wall as tall as the
mountains. He turned back to Erick and nodded.
I apologize we couldnt come last night, but
there was a delicate matter at the quarry I had to oversee.
You havent missed anything more than
Arister has missed, Erick assured him. Although
if we do not hurry inside, my uncle may start without us!
Then let us hurry then! Andre frowned
when he stared at the keep. Oh, I hate going
through those doors. I wish I didnt have wings
in this form; it would make life so much easier!
Tessa put a claw on his shoulder and
smiled, long leonine tail swishing back and
forth. Wings make the man, my dear.
Aye, aye, he replied, as if rehashing
a very old argument that he lost every time. He
pointed a claw up at the nearby mountain. It
looks like youve done some repairs on the watchtowers, milord.
Indeed, Erick replied, and the two of
them discussed the changes since Andres last
visit. Scyllia hugged at his side and listened
with rapt attention. Lise and Tessa quietly
discussed matters about their needs while they
stayed. Robert ran ahead and held the door for them.
Inside they found the rest of the guests
assembled. Arister was showing the children is
sword and mail, while Laurence paced back and
forth behind him. King Albert sat in his usual
seat, while Ryman Ertham stood at his
side. Father Rouse talked animatedly with
Captain Demetrius, while Ambassador Kalder vainly
attempted to draw Count Floran into
conversation. Syllia yanked on Andres arm,
Come sit over here with me cousin! Andre
laughed and followed, Tessa shaking her head with
an amused smirk cracking her beak.
Erick and Lise took their usual spots;
when Arister noted them, he put his sword in its
scabbard and smiled. Ah, what a fine mischief of
children you have in your family! He looked down
at the kids who clustered around his legs. That
will be all from me, children. Your Uncle
Laurence will be telling more of his tale now.
Arister nodded to the rat and found a seat on the
opposite side of the hall from Count Floran.
Laurence stretched his arms and stalked
to the middle of the room. He took a deep breath
and smiled. It is so very good to see all of you
here for one more day of story. But I warn you,
this is the last day of my tale, for now we enter
the last weeks of the journey to Marzac. We have
passed through the outer darkness, and now we
proceed into the true heart of evil.
He lowered his eyes and clasped his paws
before him. We have witnessed the death of the
second of Marquis du Tournemires servants, that
of the Runecaster Agathe. Charles has been
restored to flesh, and the evil power controlling
the minds of Duke Schanalein and Bishop Hockmann
has been broken. Where shall they go from there?
And what of the other players in this
tale? The Patriarch has been freed from the
taint of Marzac, but the Questioners have
revealed themselves and can no longer act in
secret. And what of Vinsah, now Elvmere, who has
sought to learn of ways foreign to him and to his
faith? And still there are the Magyars trying to
find each other again, each of them with pains
and anguishes that they do not know how to
heal. Prince Phil of Whales must gather his
fleet and destroy the renegades, but willh e have
the stomach to slaughter his own men? And then
we wonder what shall Duke Titian Verdane do,
knowing that his first-born son is now a prisoner in Salinon!
Laurence lifted his eyes and spread his
arms wide. Whiskers twitched, and his tail
flicked back in forth in his excitement. Here
now we come to the conclusion, the time when all
will be brought together. The greatest of
sacrifices await us, when each of ancestors will
be called to rise above their fears, and to show
true virtue. They will face their greatest
desires, and know them to be a poison that
kills. And now that the danger is greater, the
price will be much higher. For not all shall
return from this venture. This, the final
chapter of the Last Tale of Yajakali!
May He bless you and keep you in His grace and love,
Charles Matthias
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