[Mkguild] The Last Tale of Yajakali - Interlude III

Shazer Fox shazerfox at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 10 16:09:49 EST 2007


For those of us relatively new to the list, could you tell us which story b=
egins this story arc, and which stories of yours are included in Books 1-3?=
  I've heard people talk about this story, but I have no idea where to begi=
n.  I've checked the list archive, but it seems to be incomplete.  Pointing=
 us where to go, or reposting or adding to the MK archive would be very hel=
pful!  Thanks!


> Date: Sun, 9 Dec 2007 15:50:49 -0500> To: mkguild at lists.integral.org> Fro=
m: jagille3 at vt.edu> Subject: [Mkguild] The Last Tale of Yajakali - Interlud=
e III> > Finally! It took me a month to write just this > snippet. After so=
 long an absence from Metamor > Keep, I have had some trouble getting back =
into > it. But once I get going, watch out!> > Here is the third Interlude,=
 which will bring us > into Book IV. I will start work on Book IV this > we=
ek, and I hope to have a few chapters finished > prior to Christmas. I cert=
ainly will have the > Last Tale of Yajakali completed sometime in 2008.> > =
For now, I hope everyone enjoys this glance into > the future of Metamor Ke=
ep circa 1000 CR.> >
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