[Mkguild] The Last Tale of Yajakali - Chapter LIII

Hallan Mirayas hallanmirayas at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 10 20:08:22 EST 2008

I have been so ungodly slack...  Sorry!

> Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2008 17:36:30 -0500
> Subject: [Mkguild] The Last Tale of Yajakali - Chapter LIII

> To speak a name be to summon the one named.  Thou =

> dost not want the attention of this forest.  We =

> must cross it quietly, secretly, and quickly.=94

Be veeeewy, vewy quiet...

>          James swayed unsteadily on his hooves, =

> arms outstretched and clutching the paddock doors =

> on either side.  The donkey stepped back and =

> forth, ears folded back, eyes dreary as the =

> vessel rocked from side to side in the sea.  That =

> he couldn=92t see the sea only made it worse.  But =

> after a week=92s worth of sailing, he finally felt =

> like he wasn=92t going to throw up.

*grins*  I really need to send Drift out on the seas sometime, maybe after =
the big plot point he's got coming.

>          =93Gotten seasick?=94 James asked. =93Not =

> bloody many.=94 He took a faltering step along the =

> paddock.  The donkey=92s Rheh, the one with the =

> bell-shaped white spot on his golden brow, =

> stepped forward and nudged James along his =

> cheek.  Supple lips plied at one long ear, while =

> James lifted his hand and brushed down the Rheh=92s strong neck.
>          Soft words seemed to echo in his ears, =

> and the donkey listened to them, trying to pick =

> out anything intelligible.  He closed his eyes, =

> and as the voice rippled through him, the rocking =

> of the ship seemed to fade, ebb into the =

> background like a breeze stilled.  The hearty =

> voice, strong yet delicate, calmed his anxious =

> muscles, and his hand loosened its grip on the paddock wall.
>          When James opened his eyes again, he =

> felt the seesawing beneath him, but he also =

> remembered the voice, and the words.  A large =

> green eye met his, and he felt a strange kinship =

> with the Rheh.  He lipped at the his steed=92s =

> cheek, and felt the soft tugging on his ear =

> cease.  The head hugged him close over the =

> shoulder, and James finally gave into a laughing bray.
>          =93Thank you,=94 he said, patting his equine =

> friend on the neck. =93I feel much better now.=94

That is a very cool scene.

I liked the imagery of Habakkuk's foretelling, too.  And an upcoming sea ba=
ttle is always worth looking forward to! :)


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