[Mkguild] Metamor Laws and Customs (and Thieves' Guilds)

Hallan Mirayas hallanmirayas at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 10 07:18:25 EST 2008

 Wow, Bard, when you stir things up, you don't mess around!  (Keep it up!  =
Judging by the furor this has wrought, this needed to be done!)

> Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 19:03:28 -0500
> From: chrisokane at verizon.net
> >It is also stated in the Wiki under the map of the keep that "Metamor
> >Town" is crammed with buildings.  Crammed with buildings does not a Fest=
> >Grounds allow.  The Wiki also states that the commons (fields for
> >festivals etc.) are outside the keep and Euper.
> >
> > >>>This fair is taking place OUTSIDE the walls. I'll need to confirm
> >that with Hallan but I am pretty sure it's correct.
> =

> Who the heck puts these things on Wiki in direct violation of =

> everything I've written in my stories?  I am really getting tired of =

> finding all of my stories invalidated by people deciding things behind
> my back.
> =

> >>>Relax! I honestly do not know when that entry was made. But the
> commons is just an area where SOME events take place. It's for events
> too big for inside the curtain walls. (That is where most of the
> relieving army camped during my Counterstrike story). It is literally
> just a big open field.

rough draft of the Harvest Festival has it taking place outside the
Keep, but I don't see why that limits other events.  (And if there are
convincing reasons why there's room within the curtain walls for a
three-day party, I'm all ears!  I'd actually prefer it that way.)  Personal=
ly, I'd like to see where
Matt's jousting stadium is, and the training grounds!

Matt, seriously, calm down.  We have an opportunity here to really get thin=
gs defined.  The wiki can be changed, if necessary.

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