[Mkguild] Complete Yvarra Draft Available

Michael Bard bard.michael at gmail.com
Sun Oct 12 08:19:23 EDT 2008

I have a complete draft of "Raider of the Lost Cult" up on Shifti.  Links to
parts no in the MK archive are below, in sequence:


At this point I'm going to leave them fallow for a week or so.  Nothing
major should change when I do the final edit passthrough other than word
tweaking and typo fixes.

I would appreciate if guildmembers look at them and look for canon/character
issues.  There are a number of guest star roles in the last part that have
not yet been seen by the parties involved -- The Duke, Misha, Fox Cutter,
Oberon.  Please take a look.

Michael Bard

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