[Mkguild] Mk Story - Born Once Again: Chapter 2

Pontos daemonpontos at gmail.com
Fri Sep 26 12:13:12 EDT 2008

Thanks for pointing that out :). Kit told me of a few other mistakes, so =

thank you both. Glad you liked the story.


Mark Lowell wrote:
>  You used tooth not teeth in a sentence that teeth is the right form =

> of the word for. Other than that good job at making the characters all =

> different.
> On 9/25/08, *Pontos* <daemonpontos at gmail.com =

> <mailto:daemonpontos at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Well, I've finally been able to end this chapter. This was
>     supposed to be a different story than the last one (which now
>     becomes the first chapter of Born Once Again), but since it was
>     too connected I decided to make both part of the same thing.
>     Here is something to break the ice in these quiet days on the list.
>     Hope you like it, and as always I'm open for feedback and/or
>     comments :)
>     Pontos
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