[Mkguild] House Broken Part 3
stealthcat15 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 23:02:13 EDT 2009
Last part!
Seeing as they left a trail, it didn=92t take long to find them... catching
however was another story. The guards eventually took the cubs kicking and
biting to the Long House Baths. Long House was completely self contained
though it=92s facilities were much smaller then those in the rest of the Ke=
The bath was still larger then the infamous one in Ithel=92s home however it
meant the cubs had more room to evade the water.
As a river otter, Caroline made it her duty to handle them in the water
and scrub them clean. And after what happened to her dress she was in no
mood for their antics.
After a thorough grooming during which Stealth attempted to bite
Caroline several times they were released though under tight scrutiny. Lisa
arrived back, gently leading Diane. The chef had suffered no serious injury
though she needed a night=92s rest and was fortunately too tired to see the
kitchen and the state it was in.
Caroline wished the AR a night of quiet rest before she headed to the
mess hall to arrange it=92s restoration. With the clean up underway the ott=
returned to Misha=92s apartment. She entered the workshop, being sure not to
let the children slip in past her but they were occupied with harassing
Misha. Caroline gathered together some of her things that were stored next
to the fox=92s little figurines and then exited back to the main room.
=93What are those, love?=94 The fox asked with an ear perked.
Caroline placed her bundle on the table, =93They=92re painting supplies,
dear, remember?=94
=93Ah!=94 Misha recalled as he fought back the cheetahs who were trying=
climb on him.
Stealth and Edmund happily finger painted away. Edmund drew pretty
fields and plants, butterflies and woodland creatures. Stealth drew scenes
of epic battle, stupendous fictional machines of warfare used with bloody
results and a cheetah-monster destroying the keep, eating the people within.
While the table=92s surface looked a bit messy from the paint and numer=
paw prints, the cubs looked miraculously clean and tidy. Someone thankfully
introduced the notion of a non-stick spell... the paint just went everywhere
Bridgette sat on the far side of the table, her expression somewhere
between grief and trauma.
=93Are you okay?=94 Caroline asked softly as she sat down next to the w=
two cups of tea in her hands.
=93I was nothing.=94 The maned wolf answered, =93Nothing but a blank sh=
eet of
parchment. Edmund taught me everything I know.=94 She rubbed her eyes, =93N=
just how to read, but everything. How to live, how to be happy. How I once
would have been before... before.=94
Caroline rubbed her back and nuzzled the canine=92s ear. =93He=92s done=
a lot
for you.=94
=93And now all that he is... all that he was...=94 Bridgette buried her
muzzle in her arms, her ears sagged.
=93He will be all better soon, you=92ll see. There=92s really no need t=
o be so
upset.=94 Caroline said sympathetically but in a firm tone.
=93Isn=92t there? I still haven=92t regained my memories, the things I=
done, the loved ones left behind, not the slightest image or feeling.=94 She
mumbled into her arms, =93So how do you know he isn=92t gone forever?=94
The otter forcibly pulled the wolf out of her slump, =93Because this
wasn=92t done to him by a depraved, monstrous tyrant. It was just an average
spell from a mage in the valley.=94
Caroline turned slightly to see what the cubs were doing, Stealth was
showing Misha the Keep-destruction scene, the fox was trying to make out the
depiction and could see a horse man-thing yelling at the monster eating his
Keep. Edmund busily put the finishing touches on his most recent work.
=93Bridgette, I need you to trust me. Please promise me you=92ll try no=
t to
worry. Have hope!=94
The canine looked down at her hand and saw it clenched by that of the
otter. Bridgette sighed and grasped the webbed digits with her other hand,
=93I=92ll try... I will try my best.=94
One of the cheetah cubs suddenly walked around the table, a painting in
hand. They knew it to be Edmund, he timidly held out his painting to the
wolf. Bridgette took it slowly and looked the image over. Though difficult
to tell it looked to be a keeper in front of a castle. The fox person or
whatever had a pink dress and a bow in her head fur as well as a flower in
her hand.
=93You=92re a pretty lady.=94 Edmund said.
The maned wolf looked at the cub with gloomy eyes. She took the feline
into a big hug like a mother holding her child.
She shed a tear.
Carol returned to the mess hall to check up on it=92s state. When she
arrived the kitchen looked almost spotless again, the Long Guards working
tirelessly to restore it to working order.
=93You know, it=92s not our job to do this.=94 Alex reminded as she wip=
ed her
brow and set the mop aside for a moment.
=93I know but we can=92t hire a cleaner at this time of the night.=94 T=
otter said sympathetically.
The woman nodded, =93Or a sitter?=94
Caroline cringed and took the guard into a side room, =93Keep this to
yourself.=94 She whispered.
The woman nodded and a moment later gasped.
=93Don=92t worry, it=92s only temporary... would you like to see him?=
=94 The
Long whispered.
Alex shook her head, =93It=92s probably best not to. Anyway I=92m on du=
tonight... good luck.=94
The otter mumbled and nodded. Now to those cookies.
Misha yelped in pain as he felt a sting running up his tail. He pried
the cub free who remained attached to the tail with his hands, attempting to
pull tufts of fur free.
=93Nooo! I=92ve been combing that all morning! Oww!=94 He cried, the cub
getting in another bite of his tail.
Misha looked around =96 the voice didn=92t belong to either of the chee=
Sitting on his haunches, Madog looked at Misha and the two cubs. The
large, silver fox tilted his head and blinked.
=93Metal fox!=94 Stealth exclaimed and ponced.
Misha sighed in relief and rubbed his sore tail.
Stealth and Edmund rolled about and giggled with Madog, the automation
yipping in delight and wagging his tail.
=93Madog, why don=92t you take them for some exercise?=94 Caroline aske=
emerging from the corridor off Long Hall. The cookies were in the oven and
=93Can we play with the foxy in the halls?=94 Stealth asked as he rubbe=
d the
creature=92s belly causing Madog to kick the ground with his hind leg.
=93Yes!=94 The otter said, =93Go play and run around.=94
Stealth and Edmund laughed and shifted back to full form, kicking off
the overalls. The two full form cheetahs ran around the fox, pouncing and
batting. Madog crouched on his fore paws in a mischievous stance before
leaping and bounding out of Long Hall, the cheetahs in hot pursuit.
=93Do you think that will work?=94 Misha asked, still rubbing his sore =
=93I hope so!=94 Caroline said and flopped on the ground next to him.
For over an hour the large fox and two little cheetahs ran up and down
the halls of Metamor Keep until Madog promptly came to a complete halt.
=93Bed time.=94 The automation said.
The cubs blinked and stared for a moment before squeaking loudly in
Madog shook his head slowly, =93Bed time now.=94 The fox walked up to
Stealth and gently took the cub by the scruff in his maw, slowly walking
back to Long Hall. Edmund sat there for a moment and pouted before
Misha was surprised and impressed when he saw the cub obediently
deposited by the automation. =93Good work Madog! How did you get Edmund to
Momentarily, Edmund approached and rubbed against Stealth and they both
looked up at the fox with wide, cub eyes.
=93They don=92t like being separated.=94 Caroline said as she closed th=
e door
to Misha=92s apartment behind her with her tail, a large flagon and a tray
held out in her hands, =93It=92s time for a bedtime story, who wants milk a=
The cubs squeaked happily though Stealth promptly scurried underneath
Misha=92s legs and bit the tip of his tail again.
After shifting back, Stealth and Edmund were given woollen shirts made
for an adult which covered them almost completely and kept them warm. Misha
was wearing breeches but no shirt, Bridgette had long since changed out of
the dress she=92d borrowed from Caroline and was dressed in simple and light
garments while Caroline wore a shirt that went down below her waist.
They sat next to the fire, Edmund in Bridgette=92s lap, Stealth in
Misha=92s. While Edmund petted Madog, Stealth held Misha=92s tail like a
blankie, making the fox nervous.
The fox and maned wolf=92s eyes began to sag, even Madog yawned but the
cubs just sat up in rapt fascination, listening to story after story.
=93...But the other house was not well kept, the garden was full of wee=
the windows were broken, the roof riddled with holes. Inside lived a mean,
lazy fox and his spoilt brat little foxes...=94
Misha ear drooped and tail sagged, =93I don=92t think I like this story=
As the cheetahs sipped their milk and ate their cookies they
occasionally made faces at the adults, =93These taste like parchment!=94 Ed=
=93That=92s because you=92re carnivores.=94 Caroline said.
The cubs stared at her.
=93It means you only eat meat.=94 The otter explained.
Stealth immediately turned and bit hard into Misha=92s tail. Misha yelp=
and jumped to his foot paws. He let loose an impressive string of curses in
several languages until Caroline put her hands around his muzzle and shut
him up.
=93Misha! Watch your language!=94
=93He said a naughty word!=94 Edmund shouted.
=93Wow!=94 Stealth said. =93He said a lot of them! Do it again!=94 Stea=
demanded and bit the fox=92s tail again.
Misha screamed louder and shouted even more naughty words. =93Stop doing
that!=94 Clutching his poor ravaged tail he headed to the door.
=93Where=92s papa fox going?=94 Stealth asked.
=93To the naughty room!=94 Edmund answered.
=93I=92m going to the armoury!=94 Misha answered in a whimper, =93Tail =
armour! I
need tail armour!=94
Caroline eventually put the felines to bed. They were placed in Misha=
bed but each time the grownups tried to sneak away one of the children would
climb out and grab at their tails. Eventually Misha gave up and just sat
down in front of the fire with Caroline and the cubs. Edmund curled up in
Bridgette=92s lap, Stealth slept in a ball in Misha=92s fluffy tail.
=93Good night, papa fox.=94 He said softly.
=93Night, spots.=94 Misha said and pet the cub=92s head fur.
Caroline smiled and kissed the vulpine on the cheek, =93You=92ll make a=
father one day, Misha.=94
Misha smiled tiredly, =93if our children are anything like this I think=
life expectancy as a father will only be one day.=94
Stealth yawned loudly and stretched. The cheetah scratched his fur and
rubbed his eyes. After a moment of musing the feline wondered where he was =
this was not his room or his bed. Stepping out from the sheets he discovered
he wore only a shirt and no pants. Okay, he had been sleeping anyway, but
where are his pants. To add more confusion it looked as though the bed he
awoke in had another occupant.
=93...Ed?=94 He asked, confused.
The bed sheets ruffled and a short muzzle emerged, yawning. =93Good
morning, Stealth.=94 Edmund blinked and looked around.
=93Don=92t ask me.=94 Stealth shrugged to the paladin=92s unasked quest=
ion. He
looked around a bit and found what he was looking for, =93Hey Ed, catch.=94=
said and tossed a tunic with a cross emblazoned on it along with a pair of
pants onto the cheetah=92s form.
Edmund grunted from the sudden weight but quickly emerged from the bed
and got properly dressed. Stealth did the same with his garments and noted
they seemed to have been recently washed.
=93Where are we?=94 The Paladin asked.
Stealth yawned and stretched again, =93Not sure but I feel great! Like I
slept for a hundred years.=94
Edmund stretched and moved back and forth a bit on his foot paws, =93I =
feel well rested.=94
=93You smell that?=94 His friend asked.
=93Anything in particular?=94 The knight asked and sniffed at the air.
=93Smells like fox... and otter.=94 Stealth blinked, =93We=92re in Mish=
=93Interesting.=94 The paladin mused and looked at the two figures on t=
far side of the room.
Close together, near a smouldering hearth, Misha and Caroline snoozed,
their muzzles resting on one another. But on the other side of the table
closer to them a maned wolf sat up, sleeping in a wooden chair.
=93Bridgette?=94 Edmund asked softly and approached her, =93Bridgette.=
=94 He
repeated and stroked her muzzle.
=93By the gods! Why is everyone exhausted? Was there a battle last nigh=
Stealth asked and scratched his head fur in confusion.
At the words the three sleeping occupants of the room began to stir.
Bridgette blinked awake and looked wide eyed at the cheetah gazing back at
Edmund gasped as he was squeezed around the waist by the suddenly awake
=93Don=92t ever leave me again!=94 Bridgette said, arms trembling.
Edmund hugged the woman tightly, =93I=92ll never leave you.=94
Bridgette fought back a sob and clenched him tight.
Later that morning Stealth sat on the floor in the sun beam. He idly
stroked Madog=92s neck, the automation having curled up next to him for some
=93Are you okay?=94 A voice asked.
The feline turned to his right and looked up to see an otter and a fox
standing close by.
=93What=92s wrong with everyone?=94 Stealth asked, still feeling confus=
=93You mean you don=92t remember?=94 Caroline yawned.
The otter and fox were both dressed in bed linens though that was a step
better then the state the cheetahs had found themselves in when they awoke.
Stealth clenched his eyes shut, his muzzle turning away, =93No. No,
please. Tell me that didn=92t happen.=94
=93Oh, you do remember.=94 Misha groaned, =93You did a good job tenderi=
sing my
tail and-=94
=93No!=94 He yelled, =93It happened again.=94 He whimpered, =93It=92s j=
ust like
those times I went feral. No, how can this happen again.=94 Stealth huddled=
=93You didn=92t go =91feral=92 ...per se.=94 Caroline mused.
=93I lost my mind again.=94 The feline whimpered, =93It just keeps happ=
to me.=94
Misha pulled Stealth to his feet and hugged the cheetah tight, =93You g=
to be a child for a day. For a day you didn=92t have a care in the world and
you were full of energy to just play and enjoy life. How many people dream
of such a thing? How much would they be willing to pay?=94
=93Is Diane all right?=94 He whimpered.
The fox nodded, =93She=92s fine. It wasn=92t your fault.=94
=93I=92m sorry, I=92m so sorry for everything.=94
=93Stop it.=94 Edmund ordered as he approached. =93You didn=92t turn ev=
il, no
one died.=94
=93What are you doing here?=94 Stealth asked in confusion.
=93I=92ve seen to it my men know I haven=92t died or vanished off the f=
ace of
the earth, now I am seeing to you.=94 Edmund countered. =93I was affected t=
He finished softly.
=93It can always be worse.=94 The maned wolf added, =93I had to relearn=
how to
be an adult, a woman and a human!=94 Bridgette paused for a moment, =93I th=
my Edmund was gone forever but you both came back.=94
=93I... I=92m sorry.=94 Stealth said and turned his head down.
The wolf kissed him on the forehead, =93Don=92t be sorry, be joyful.=94
Stealth nodded meekly and remained silent.
Later that day Stealth prepared for his scheduled tasks and errands
which for him were a relieving reintroduction to adulthood. Misha had been
eager to have the cheetah pay off that bath tab with an odd twist to the
errand, unfortunately for the Long it had to wait as Stealth was due in the
archery range that afternoon followed by a patrol early the next morning.
Misha pouted of course, the fox having looked forward to taurifying the
Stealth only had a scarce few minutes to spare before his practice
session with the long bow but he needed to confront a matter of importance
from the prior day.
=93Misha.=94 The feline said.
=93Forget it.=94 The fox answered again.
=93But, I am. I=92m really sorry.=94
=93Forget it.=94 The fox repeated.
=93I=92m sorry I bit your tail... several times.=94
=93I know! Just forget it.=94 Misha insisted. The fox turned to leave a=
then he suddenly stopped. The Long turned to face the cheetah and slowly
backed away =96 keeping his tail hidden.
=93I thought you said forget it.=94 The cat frowned.
=93Well . . . ah,=94 the fox stuttered. =93Sorry. Force of habit.=94
The cheetah opened his mouth wide, fangs bared and snapped his muzzle
shut in Misha=92s direction.
Misha=92s eyes widened momentarily and he stepped backwards out of the
room. The door slammed shut with a solid thump! ...and then creaked open
again slightly, the tip of his tail visible in the gap...
At the cry of pain from the vulpine the cheetah promptly hurried away in
the opposite direction.
House Broken
Copyright (c) 2009 Michael Nastov
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