[Mkguild] Shoemakers

Pontos daemonpontos at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 11:56:03 EDT 2009

There certainly is a Cobbler on the Keep, since a few furry characters 
are using shoes (Including my own), and of course every human needs some.
Burman's would be the first, since it falls in the "There /is/ one for 
sure, but has never been chronicled" category.

That being said, there is a lack of characters filling the usual 
professions required on a functional city, which ends up being awkward 
when you need one in your story... like it happened with one of my own, heh.
I needed a Tailor or Tanner, and since i was not aware of any I chose to 
mention it in a sort of anonymous way. Not the best choice as i been told...


PD: Now that i think about it, this is how the snail Roger came to 
existence :P

C. Matthias wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone has created a Cobbler in MK yet. I used the 
>> Search on the site and didn't come up with anything but thought it 
>> prudent to ask the list too. If you have please drop me a line, I 
>> always prefer to use preexisting characters vs. creating more of the 
>> same. Plus it's more fun IMO to drop names that interconnect stories 
>> too.
>> John Burman aka Fox Marine
> I'm not familiar with any. I created a cobbler for the Magyars, but 
> that's not going to help you out too much. ;-)
> I'm sure a cobbler in Metamor will definitely have their hands/paws full.
> May He bless you and keep you in His grace and love,
> Charles Matthias
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