[Mkguild] MK Story submission, 1st draft

Kendo Virmir kendo.virmir at gmail.com
Sat Mar 6 18:36:40 UTC 2010

Geez, I get blamed for everything. ;)

Welcome to MK, Prof!  I'll be checking out your story sometime soon. :)

- Virmir

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 6:24 AM, Prof <profs_desk at yahoo.de> wrote:
> Greetings, dear Keepers!
> I blame Virmir. ^_^
> It all begun with his picture „Kibas curse“, he did for Kiba Bloodfang.
> I stumbled upon it on ArtSpots and it had something that caught my attention. In the picture description I read the words “Metamor Keep” for the first time. Also, there was a link to the story archive.
> You could say I got hooked from the start. I’m not even through the beginners list yet (currently reading “Liturgy of Blood”) and already finished the first part of an own MK-story.
> Your world inspired me a great deal.
> For the story: First of all, English is not my first language. I’m pretty sure I messed up tenses and punctuation. I would be very thankful for hints.
> The story itself is the first part of presumably two, and I use the first one mostly to introduce the main character.
> Time line specification: I think Mark Dreamer (that will be his full name) arrives at MK in summer 707 CR (not sure about the month).
> I hope I don’t bore you out of your minds with my scribble. I promise it will get pace in part two *cough*.
> Sincerely
> Prof
> http://prof.artspots.com/
> http://www.furaffinity.net/user/prof/
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- Kendo Virmir
http://crimsonflagcomic.com -- My webcomic!
http://virmir.com -- Some of my stories!
http://metamorkeep.com -- Metamor Keep Archives


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