[Mkguild] Heraldic Beginnings (1/7)
C. Matthias
jagille3 at vt.edu
Sat Dec 31 18:46:33 UTC 2011
I want to thank both Misha and Ryx for reviewing
portions of this tale. This is in rough draft
because there is one scene still awaiting Ryx's
review. But I really want to get this out here
before the New Year. This will finally get me
caught up in my own plotline to Healing Wounds in
Arabarb; so expect to see hat and the other
stories in an upcoming update to the Archive sometime early in 2012.
Metamor Keep: Heraldic Beginnings
by Charles Matthias
March 20, 708
The vixen healer Jo, with the aid of Lady Avery,
concocted a series of broths that would help
sooth Charles's healing jaw and ribs. Mostly they
seemed to put him to sleep and so for much of the
four days after returning to the Glen he spent
only a few hours each day out of bed tending to
his home and to his needs. He had no shortage of
visitors wishing him well, and when he woke that
morning he could still smell the rest of the
freshly baked pie that Annette Levins had made
for him. The bread crust has been soft and the
juices succulent, more succulent than they should
have been for the season, but at least chewing hadn't hurt.
Despite this, Charles hated resting. The litany
of visitors only made his home feel all the
emptier; not even Baerle was left now that she
had gone out on another patrol with James; they
were slated to return in another day and while he
was happy for him, being all alone in this house
meant for his family made him downright
miserable. Had his jaws worked right, he could
have rivaled Byron the tanner for the color and crassness of his invective.
But, he was grateful for the visits that Jessica
paid him every couple of days. The hawk couldn't
stay long, but she always checked his bones and
used what healing magic she knew much of it
magic she learned from Qan-af-årael while they
journeyed through Pyralis to help fix his
broken bones. So on this, the fifth morning that
he'd woken in Glen Avery since their return from
the Gateway, his body, though sore, no longer
hurt him when he moved or even when he tried to
gnaw on one of his chewsticks. And that was
something his incisors sorely needed to do!
And even though Lord Avery had given him a month
to recover from his injuries before he was
expected to return to duty, Charles had no
intention of spending however much time remained
before the quarantine was lifted laying about his
empty house waiting for friends to stop by to try
and cheer him up. He did have other duties that
he could pursue that would not tax his weak body
so much and to those he directed himself after
offering his morning prayers and eating a bit of
bread and cheese. Dressed in his squire's
clothes, with the vine curling about his chest as
it too regained its strength and substance, he
ventured into the stables that the knights of
Metamor had built for him and his family behind
the massive tree that served as their home.
Charles was greeted by the two ponies that
belonged to he and his knight, Sir Saulius. They
whickered and rubbed their forehooves against the
stall doors, grateful to see him again but also
eager for their morning oats. He ran one paw
through their manes, tousling that and their
scalloped ears with his fingers, before hefting
the feed bucket with his Sondeck and filling
their troughs. While they ate he took an iron
rake and started to muck out the soiled hay. The
offal made his nose twitch in distaste, but the
earthy equine aroma calmed him and made his heart beat a little faster.
Despite the slight ache to his jaw, as he tended
the ponies, especially his roan Malicon, he
keenly felt the desire to secure the pony's tack
and ride about the Glen and even through the
woods where the ground wasn't too steep. Sir
Saulius had been right, Malicon was a very
important part of him now, just like the vine
that curled about his chest and back. But at
least this was a part that Kimberly didn't seem
to mind; he hoped one day she would care for the
gift of the Wind Children, but until then he would not force it upon her.
After he laid down fresh hay, he began to clean
their hooves, checking for loose nails and bent
shoes, but on each of the eight hooves he checked
he found nothing out of place. Both Malicon and
Armivest were very comfortable under his touch
and he took his time with each of them, both in
cleaning their hooves, and then in combing their
hides. His motions were slow and deliberate, both
because of the soreness that still gripped his
jaws and chest where James had struck him with
the Marzac-infused bell, and because he felt very
comfortable in their presence, an indefinable
sense of rightness pervaded those stables. It was
more than just that while with them he wasn't
alone; for other, deeper reasons he didn't want
to leave. What those reasons were he couldn't
quite catch between his claws; like a pesky fly
it seemed to dart out of the way just when he thought he'd finally captured it.
As the last bit of muck was cleaned from
Armivest's hooves, Charles heard a familiar
flapping of wings. A smile stretched across his
sore jaw, and his long whiskers danced as he set
the hoof down, patted the friendly pony on the
flank, and then climbed back out of the stall and
stable. Perched on one of the roots preening her feathers was a black hawk.
Jessica! It's good to see you. What brings you to the Glen?
The hawk lifted her head from her back feathers,
golden eyes as bright and happy. It is good to
see you too, Charles. I see you are up and about;
how is your jaw and how are your ribs?
Sore, but not as bad. He put one paw against
his cheek and gently rubbed. I ought to be able to ride today at least.
And you're going to want to. Charles's ears
tilted forward and his heart clenched in his
chest. I bring wonderful news, Charles. The
quarantine was just lifted this morning by order
of the Duke. You can be with your family again!
Charles fell to his knees, paws clasped together
so tight that his claws prodded is soft flesh.
Thank you, Eli! Thank you! Hallelujah and
Hosanna in the highest! Thank you, Eli! Sweet
Eli, thank you! He continued silently in this
vein, his chest aching as his heart beat in
feverish excitement. Just the thought of actually
holding his five four little children in his
arms again, and to touch his wife's sweet, and
gentle face made him as happy as he could remember being in a long time.
Jessica hopped down from the tree and wrapped him
in a wing. With everyone fleeing Metamor, it is
better if you head there yourself to find your
family. I'm so happy that you can be together again. I know how much it hurts.
Thank you, Jessica. Come?
I have to go back to the Lake and then return
with Weyden and Dallar's company. But I will see you at Metamor.
He nodded and took a long deep breath to try and
bring some measure of calm to his body. He
couldn't withstand being this excited long. I
will see you there. Thank you, Jessica.
After the hawk flew away, Charles moved swiftly
through the Glen asking after Sir Saulius. His
knight, he learned from Gibson the frog, was
meeting with Lord Avery in one of the inner rooms
at the brewery. He thanked the merchant and then
headed to the de facto halls of power for the
Glen. He rather liked the idea that all of the
most important decisions were made in the same
place the beer and ale were made.
Lars directed him to the room, and he found the
squirrel noble and rat knight studying a map of
the northern half of the valley. Little stone
markers were placed on various forests, with
sections and fiefs marked off with pine needles.
They both looked up as he entered, and the
squirrel laughed brightly. Charles! I didn't
expect to see you up and about so soon.
The quarantine's lifted! Charles blurted,
before quickly genuflecting to the squirrel, chagrined at his lack of decorum.
Saulius and Avery glanced quickly at each other,
before the rat declared, Hast thou readied our
ponies? We shalt leave at once for Metamor.
Lord Avery nodded. Take a week at Metamor to be
with your family. Then bring them back home;
we'll have a little party for when you come back.
Charles offered another silent paean of thanks to
Eli for providing him such good friends. Thank
you, your grace, sire. I will have our ponies ready to leave in minutes.
Saulius laughed, Then I shouldst ready myself!
Shalt we continue ere I return? The squirrel
nodded, even as with one paw he swiped the map clean.
They were on the road for not more than an hour
when Laura, Allart, Ralls and Padraic caught up
with them. We were on our way to the Glen to
give you the good news from Misha, Laura
explained, but then we learn you heard already!
I'm surprised you aren't riding harder.
Charles truly wished that they were, but with his
ribs and jaw still mending, they could risk no
more than a trot on the long journey southward
through the hills and forests toward Metamor. He
allowed his friends to do most of the talking and
they regaled him with stories of their time in
Hareford, offering their opinions on Nestorius,
Dupré, and the tentative trade contacts made with
some of the human settlements north of the Dike
such as Starven and Politzen. He listened with
interest and allowed Sir Saulius to update the Longs on matters in the Glen.
As they continued on their way, they passed a few
travelers returning from their forced confinement
at Metamor. Most were merchants from Hareford or
Lake Barnhardt. He even saw one of Julian's new
sleigh-wagons, but he didn't recognize any of the
Keepers driving it. Some of them related how they
had been waiting near the gates since well before
dawn when they'd heard the rumor that the gates
would finally be opened. The Longs, the knight
and his squire all looked at each other with
dread at what they'd find waiting for them at Metamor's gates.
When, early that afternoon they reached the gates
of Euper they discovered that things were not as
bad as their imagination had suggested. About two
dozen Metamorian soldiers were busy inspecting
wagons at the gates, each of them working as fast
as they could so that the many irate merchants
could leave. With the fully rebuilt and fortified
walls about Euper, they couldn't see anything
past the gate and the particular trio of wagons
being inspected while the merchants groused
angrily about how long they'd been trapped behind the walls.
One of the other guards recognized them and made
a path for them to ride through into the city.
This they did, grateful to once more be within
the walls of the lower town and on the road
toward the city on the hill and the Keep itself.
The main road was clogged with merchants, their
impatient horses, muck churned up by their wheels
and by the last of the melted snow, and from
other malodorous leavings. A good number of the
merchants appeared to be Keepers, but on
listening to their conversation, they realized
that most of them had been transformed by the
Curses in the last week of the quarantine ad that
each and every one of them was very unhappy about that!
That can't be good for Metamor's trade, Ralls
noted after they passed a newly made badger offer
a tirade of invective and outright blasphemy in Metamor's direction.
They all knew the risks of coming to Metamor,
Allart chided. They loved money more than their human shape.
I'm not sure I like what that implies, Padriac muttered under his breath.
The road up to Keeptowne and through the Killing
Fields was lined with merchants and other
travelers grateful to finally escape Metamor. As
they were heading into the city, they were able
to move at a comfortable pace, forced only to
dodge the occasional newly made child playing
improvised games in the street as they could not
abide to wait on the interminably slow moving wagons.
At each of the gates, they were met with more
guards, often coming in packs of two dozen or
more, watching over the messy affair. Their faces
were all filled with both relief, amusement, and
disgust. They smiled as they saw the Longs and
ushered them through as quickly as possible,
which usually brought about a string of cursing
from the next merchant in line. Those who had not
yet fallen prey to Metamor's curses managed to
sound even more frightful than those just
becoming accustomed to a beastly voice. Charles
eyed them, wondering if he'd seen any sprout fur, but none did.
After leaving the Killing Fields behind and
entering Keeptowne proper, they were met by a
greed clad ferret who nearly leaped onto
Charles's pony to welcome them. Charles! You've made it!
Garigan! Charles cried with delight and patted
his friend and fellow Sondecki on the back.
You're all right. Where are the others?
Misha and the Longs have their hands full right
now managing this exodus! Everyone's involved.
All of George's patrolmen still at Metamor are
here, all of the Watch, all the knights,
everybody! Garigan gestured at the line of
merchants and travelers that stretched in either
direction as far as they could see. Half the
merchants are from Metamor to begin with, and
half of the rest are probably going to be moving
here soon thanks to the Curses. Anyway, I'm here
to bring you straight to Long House. That's where
Misha is pulling what's left of his fur out.
And my family? Charles asked.
Garigan's smile stayed strong, and he offered the
rat and hug around the shoulders before
scrambling back down the alarmed pony. They're
waiting for you at Long House. Come.
Hearts greatly cheered by the ferret, all six of
them followed, moving quickly onto a side street
to avoid the crush of everyone fleeing the city.
Following the side streets they made good time
through Keeptowne and to the Keep itself. Garigan
and the Long exchanged news, while Charles
listened attentively and from time to time
massaged his aching jaw. Most of what the ferret
had to say Charles already knew from Jessica or
the other Longs, but it was still good to hear.
Garigan struggled with impatience to hear news of
his home, one that he'd been cut off from for far longer than he liked.
Sir Saulius did his best to sate the ferret, but
Charles found he could not listen. Rather his
eyes strayed to the homes and shops of Keepers,
many of whom he'd known in his many years living
in this land. Most had open windows and bright
colors abounding from every gambol, rafter, and
sill. Some few had been sealed with shutters and
plaster, but those had been recently torn down. A
few, a precious few, had been burned to the
ground and the ashes swept together and buried
beneath dirt. All that remained was the char
marring the buildings on either side and an empty
space where once a home had stood pressed tight to its neighbors.
The Keep was bustling with activity, soldiers,
scouts, and knights of all orders running in each
direction, none of them sparing them a moment as
they carried out their instructions. Garigan
assured them that it had been like that since the
morning when the announcement was proclaimed
through the castle, through Keeptowne, and in
Euper. The soldiers had been given instructions
well before the first hour of dawn to prepare
them for what was to come, and many looked
haggard and unkempt. Nevertheless, they all
appeared happy and relieved as they went about their duties.
The entrance to Long House was guarded by several
familiar faces who waved them all through
immediately. Misha wants to see all of you, the
bull said, jerking a thumb over his broad
shoulders. He's in his office most of the time.
Most of the time? Laura asked.
That's what he said to tell you.
Charles and the others laughed as they entered
the large hall that the Longs had made their
home. The many areas in the vaulted chambers were
often given over to practice, leisure, training,
and even festivity. The usual green banners with
bow and axe adorned all of the walls, with
freshly woven tapestries made by the families of
the Longs featuring forest scenes and the Keep
itself interspersed between them. At the rear of
the chamber hung banners welcoming each of the
Longs home; Charles was grateful to see his name among them.
Laura, Charles! a large booming voice echoed
and before they knew it, both of them were swept
up in large furry arms, held close, and then
dropped so the same voice could snag the other Longs who'd just come in.
Meredith, Laura chided while Charles gasped in
pain, one paw to his chest. You horrible
scoundrel! Have you been waiting here this whole
time to surprise us by crushing you big bear?
The bruin laughed after setting down a struggle
Padraic. Misha asked me to welcome you all back.
I wish I'd been able to go out with you, but... it's good to see you again.
So is Misha actually in his office?
For the moment, but he will have to go report to
Duke Thomas in an hour or so. It's more hectic
today than it was at his grace's wedding! And
we've got a big party planned this evening once
all those merchants finish leaving town.
Meredith turned and glanced at the still gasping
rat. Oh, I forgot about your wound. Are you okay? Did I break anything?
No... Charles managed after coughing and
pressing one paw against his chest. Just... give me... a moment.
Your family is visiting with my wife and
children. They've been getting themselves into
all sorts of mischief here at Long House.
Meredith steadied his fellow Long with a single
paw on the shoulder. I do say they have brought
a lot of joy here, especially when everyone was
worried about that damn plague.
Charles took several deep breaths, felt the ache
ebb, and then smiled with all of his whiskers.
Thank you, Meredith. I know the way. He glanced
at Sir Saulius, but the knight merely nodded with a smile.
Thou dost not need my permission for this, Charles.
Nor did he need any more incentive. Charles
smiled once more to his friends, then ran down
the length of Long Hall and dived into a side
passage that led to the quarters for the families
of each of the Longs. The corridor led straight
with doors on either side, each quarter affording
more space than they would have ever been able to
purchase in Keeptowne itself; all owed to the
magic of Kyia herself. There were even quarters
for Charles and his family in the hall, but they
had only ever used them when visiting Metamor; at
one point the rat had hoped they would move into
them, but after he'd been sent on the journey to
Marzac, Kimberly had elected to remain in Glen
Avery and thus the children were all used to that
place; there could be no other true home for them, at least for now.
Little signs adorned each of the doors, and
Charles was able to find Meredith's home, not
just from the sign of a bear hanging on the door,
but also because of a quintet of familiar scents
that made his heart race and every strand of fur
on his flesh stick out. What sweet memories
percolated through his mind at just that whiff of
delectable air! He reached the door, knocked, and
danced back and forth in his raw need while he waited.
Meredith's oldest child, still young enough not
to be cursed, opened the door. The girl took one
look at Charles, then turned her head and yelled,
Lady Kimberly, your husband is here!
Charles pressed past him with only a perfunctory
apology for his rudeness, and saw them all
scampering about the floor with wooden staves and
pinions made from scarves. Erick and Charles, his
two boys, were dressed as scouts and were trying
to fight through the monsters that were
Meredith's other children in order to rescue
Bernadette and Baerle, his two daughters, each
dressed like a little princess. Kimberly reclined
on a couch with Meredith's ocelot with Elisha at
her side, sharing a cup of tea as they waited.
But all heads turned to the door with the boy's
pronouncement. Charles gaped as he saw his own
flesh and blood lift their snouts and twitch
their whiskers. His eldest boy, the one named
after him, in a high-pitched squeak murmured, Dada, is this a dream?
Nay! he cried, running to his children and
wife. Kimberly rose, her eyes filling with tears,
while the quartet of little rats fell to all
fours in their excitement, scampering up into his
arms and legs, holding and nuzzling against him,
their voices reduced to mere excited squeaks and
squeals. He laughed and rolled onto his back,
holding each of his children one by one, wishing
he had four arms instead of just four legs from
time to time to grasp each of them at the same
time. His chest felt light and his heart strong.
All at once his children welcomed him and tried
to tell him how happy they were to see him and
all about how they, the boys, were going to be
rescuing princess from evil Lutins and how the
brave scouts were going to rescue them, the
girls. He barely understood half of it, but
didn't care as he touched his snout to each of
them, saying their names over and over again,
seeing their faces, holding them and feeling
their little bodies against his paws, and wishing
that he could stay in that moment forever.
Kneeling over him was the most beautiful face he
had ever seen, with soft, tan fur, large
scalloped ears beige in hue, prodigious whiskers
always kept in order, neatly maintained incisors,
and large, black eyes that warmed him as if they
were a pleasant fire roasting a succulent ham. He
lifted one paw from the pile of his children and
stroked his furless knuckles across her cheek;
her paws cupped his own, pressing his fingers against her face.
I love you, Charles.
And I love you, my Lady Kimberly.
Charles, despite the soreness in his chest, did
little but play with his children and hold his
wife for the next several hours. Even when the
Long's celebration that evening arrived, Charles
found that he could not bear to be parted from
his family for more than a few moments. He did
take the time to embrace Misha and the other
Longs, as well as Kayla who had been invited, and
Jessica who'd arrived a few hours before; he and
Rickkter nodded perfunctorily when they met but otherwise ignored each other.
The party was set to last well into the night,
but Charles elected to retire early with Kimberly
and his children. All four of his children shared
the same bed, boys on one side and girls the
other, but he let them cuddle up in the bed the
Keep had provided for Kimberly and he. There he
told them a fantastical account of his journey
into the mountains with James, Baerle, and Angus,
omitting that James had been corrupted by the
Marzac bell. His boys especially loved the fight
against the snow and wind, and the ever present
threat of the Lutins, while his girls especially
beamed when he told of James and Baerle coming
together. Kimberly was radiant the entire time,
and the glow from her face seemed to shine on each of the children.
By the time Charles had finished telling the tale
and helped carry his boys, while Kimberly carried
the girls, off to their own bed, the ache in his
jaw was almost too much to bear. Still, he prayed
with them, and it was only after blowing out the
lanterns and closing the door that he admitted
how much pain he was in. Kimberly nodded with a
faint smile, kissed him on his good cheek, and
then drew him down into the bed where they lay
holding each other until at last she fell fast asleep.
Charles rested for some time, the ache ebbing as
the minutes turned into hours. He could distantly
hear the fox's party continuing, but that too
dwindled until sometime past midnight all grew
still and quiet. The rat slept intermittently,
his eyes opening to the shallow darkness of the
stone room from time to time only to slowly close
again for a time. But, once the party had come to
its inevitable end and Long House remained a
place of quiet repose, the revelers all soundly
sleeping off their revelry, those eyes remained open and fixed.
He stayed that way for several long minutes
before slipping out of bed, carefully so as not
to disturb Kimberly, and then, draped in a robe,
he quietly made his way out into the corridor,
and then into the main hall. Most of the lamps
had even been extinguished, and with the moon
already set for the night, everything was
darkened as if wrapped in a heavy cloak. As a
rat, Charles eyes managed quite well, and with
confidant steps he crossed the empty expanse to a
familiar and little-used door.
Beyond the stone gave way to clay, a clay that
burnished with flaming torches resting in bronze
sconces along the walls. A hearth crackled with a
fire in need of more wood at the opposite end.
Between Charles and the hearth stood a large
granite altar, at the base of which knelt an
angel with palms upraised. With his paws placed
firmly on the altar stood the ferret Garigan his face lost in meditation.
Charles closed the door behind him and
immediately Garigan's eyes opened. Couldn't sleep?
Nae, Charles admitted. He stepped to his
student's side and spread his fingers across the
top of the granite altar. He felt a surge of the
Sondeck flow into him and through him, and his
chest swelled with a gasp of breath. The flesh of
his fingers transformed itself into stone,
merging into the altar. Garigan watched with
narrowed gaze but said nothing. Yet, unlike other
stone, Charles could not feel anything beyond
where his limbs touched. All that was there was
the Sondeck; it was as if the stone were a mere
shadow, bereft of all substance.
Disturbed, he withdrew his paws and let them
resume their native flesh. Garigan murmured, It
is really quite unsettling to see you do that.
I know. I had to live as stone for months; that changed me.
In a good way?
Charles stretched his arms across the altar,
wondering where his Calm had gone; usually it
only took a mere tick and a tock of the clock for
him to find it when he touched the Sondecki
altar. He sighed and shrugged, I think so, but
I'm grateful I don't have to live that way. I
couldn't have done so much longer. And I don't
think I can take being away from my family any more either.
Nobody could have anticipated the plague,
Garigan reminded him with a frown that blossomed
into a warm smile stretching across his musteline
snout. The dark fur around his face glistened
with the torchlight dancing in his eyes. You're
together again. Remember that.
Aye, Charles nodded, that one thought helping
him locate his Calm. For several seconds he
savored the sweet warmth of desert sands beneath
his toes, a quintet of children sitting around
him and enjoying the dry, baking winds. And then,
after a long series of breaths, he opened his
eyes to the Sondecki shrine and his friend. Why can't you sleep?
I've not slept very well in a long time,
Garigan admitted. Ever since you left last year
to defeat Marzac, I've had to keep up my
practices all on my own. I don't know the forms,
so I have to do what seems right. I'm not angry
anymore like I used to be, but even in all the
months spent at the Glen I feel so alone now.
Shelley was the only one I was ever able to truly
talk to until you took me under your wing, and he's dead.
Charles had not heard his student speak so
plainly about his feelings in a very long time.
He put one paw on the ferret's shoulder and
gently squeezed. Come back with us to the Glen.
I will have time to train you more.
That is good. I need it. I... I know I shouldn't
blame myself, but I feel like I could have saved
Ladero if I'd just known what to do, or if I'd
been there a day or a week earlier so I could
have tried things; I surely would have found the right thing to do.
Don't, Charles said, tightening his grip and
pulling the ferret closer. Don't speak of it! I
can't bear to hear it. Please!
Garigan's face went blank and he closed his eyes,
whiskers trembling as one of his paws pressed
itself into the nearer of the angel's open hands.
He wrapped his beastly fingers about that
delicate, marble hand and squeezed. I'm sorry,
Charles. I just... I just have to be a Sondecki,
no matter what it requires of me. I can't think about anything else anymore.
Then let us try another technique for sharing
our Calm, Charles suggested. It was an advanced
technique that he'd only learned when he'd risen
to the rank of a Red, but he knew that his
student would be able to master it. He was
already holding the angel's hand as if in some
strange way he'd anticipated the rat's thoughts.
Reach out to your Calm, keep a hold on the
angel's hand, and listen to my voice.
Charles took the other outstretched hand, and
rested his free paw on the altar's surface. He
drew back the desert sands and his family
gathered there with him, and brought to mind the
ferret as well. His lips moved and instructions fell from them.
All worry and fear departed within moments as
their Calms were juxtaposed. Both of their snouts
stretched into peaceful smiles as the ticks and
the tocks continued breathing the ages past.
May He bless you and keep you in His grace and love,
Charles Matthias
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