[Mkguild] Possible change of rules

Ian Jones Ian.Jones at valpo.edu
Thu Jul 7 01:31:07 UTC 2011

I dislike the idea of canonizing such crossovers, mainly because of the tangled plot-webs that would result.  The best picture of the worst that I can see happening if the ban is lifted is what happened to the Marvel and DC comic multiverses.  Both multiverses have several different universes inside them, each with their own timeline and characters, both companies have featured stories in which their characters crossed over with the other at least once, and both companies have had to completely reboot their franchises multiple times to clear out the contradicting retcons, timeline discontinuities, and other various errata that made the settings easily available only to those who grew up with them.  I'm afraid to see that happen to MK, because I love this universe so much.

On the other hand, I am very interested to see what might come out of crossover stories.  And if good reasons can be given to show that one of those stories gives to the MK universe much more than it might take away, then I think we should consider canonizing it.  Unfortunately, I can't take a solid position right now because I haven't seen any of these stories (if any have indeed been written yet), and I don't know how they might fit into the universe yet.

Also, Billy, I'm not so sure the MK universe is as stagnant as you think.  I know ideas have been tossed around that feature Lom Shi'Un rising to prominence in Metamor's future, with a much more grey morality than the sheer black and white of Nasoj and Marzac.  I have a story that I don't think anyone has even considered yet (spoilers available upon request) that will put a new spin on the Keep.  Besides these, we've barely touched the Southlands and the eastern side of Galendor, and we only have imaginings of Irombi and Fan Shoar so far.  Any number of wonderful, amazing, thoughtful discoveries wait for us as writers in those settings, if we look for them.

Sorry about the wall of text...

i Pethron

>>> billy morph  07/06/11 5:56 PM >>>
<!--.hmmessage P{margin:0px;padding:0px}body.hmmessage{font-size: 10pt;font-family:Tahoma}-->My initial reaction was go for it. Metamor is an old setting and a lot of the more obvious stories have been done, anything that breathes life into it is a good thing. Sure there is a risk of damaging the setting but that's a risk regardless of whether the world is open or closed purely by dint of having multiple authors. We already have a healthy non-cannon library and I still remember the unofficial cross over Fox Cutter did that was both well done and fitted perfectly with the setting. Even if there is a catastrophic breakdown, well, its not like stories can be posted to the site without approval, it would be relatively easy to weed out the true setting breakers. 

So I say give it a shot. Maybe even consider a big story to crack the world open. 


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