[Mkguild] Special Delivery?!?

Andrew Vineyard dimensional42 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 11:30:00 UTC 2015

Well, given they have no knowledge about data storage, I doubt they'd be
able to even access the records on the ship, let alone figure out how to
reverse engineer it. While I'm sure they might get curious, they
probably would think it's some strange magic making it run, and probably
very very dangerous. I take it you're thinking of a non-canon story for
the series?

On 11/11/2015 3:12 PM, Bryce Glover wrote:
>      How do you guys think the denizens of Metamor Keep might react if
> they saw a meteorite land on their metaphorical doorstep and then,
> when they sent somebody out to go look at it, they found out it was a
> human space probe from either a version of Earth parallel to their own
> or (much less likely, given that Metamorian ephemerises include other
> planets in our solar system) another, extrasolar planet in their own
> universe?  Would they try to reverse-engineer it while also
> scrutinizing any information stored in its memory banks for clues as
> to where it came from and what the culture is like at its point of
> origin, or would they not even touch it with a mile-long pole?  
> Curious, 
>      RandomDSdevel/WhenCatsFoxesandWolvesFly
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