[Mkguild] Special Delivery?!?

Kamau jc2blion at taconic.net
Thu Nov 12 12:16:12 UTC 2015

This sounds like something more fit for the 2K version of Metamor then 
for the standard Metamor Keep. As for impacts of an object from space 
there is a story in progress (Yes, I know it's been sitting there for a 
couple years) that has such an impact to the northwest of Glen Avery in 
the Giant Downs. It should be hiding in out group files somewhere.


On 11/11/2015 4:12 PM, Bryce Glover wrote:
>      How do you guys think the denizens of Metamor Keep might react if 
> they saw a meteorite land on their metaphorical doorstep and then, 
> when they sent somebody out to go look at it, they found out it was a 
> human space probe from either a version of Earth parallel to their own 
> or (much less likely, given that Metamorian ephemerises include other 
> planets in our solar system) another, extrasolar planet in their own 
> universe?  Would they try to reverse-engineer it while also 
> scrutinizing any information stored in its memory banks for clues as 
> to where it came from and what the culture is like at its point of 
> origin, or would they not even touch it with a mile-long pole?
> Curious,
>      RandomDSdevel/WhenCatsFoxesandWolvesFly
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