[Mkguild] Life III part C
cokane8116 at aol.com
cokane8116 at aol.com
Tue Jul 25 03:28:28 UTC 2017
Another part!
LifeIII: Entrance of the Parasite - C
“Don’tmove.” Peccavi said. “Hands at yourside.” Her arms pinned
themselvesto her body. Fear had focused Endylen’smind, but it had also
weakenedher will. Now all she could do was watchher struggling husband.
“Whatdid you do to her!?” Lew screamed. Hekicked at Peccavi, striking
himunder the chin. The thin man didn’trespond to any of it. He was
“Ohdon’t worry about her.” Peccavi said. “She was weak and now she’s
mine. You though give her strength, can’t havethat. Need her for now,
don’tneed you.” He shrugged. “Personally Idon’t get your devotion. She
didn’tlove you.”
“Fuckyou!” Lew landed a scissor kick, thisone on Peccavi’s eye. This
onecaught the thin man off guard, snapping his head backwards. That did
nothingto wipe the grin off his face, but it was satisfying.
“Isuppose you earned that.” Peccavi said. “Just remember, your wife was a
fuckingfilthy whore. Your son, or daughter nowI guess? Probably not
“Youthink you can upset me?” Lew growled. Peccavi’s grip tightened. Lew
scratchedand clawed at the hand with his one arm. His lungs were burning.
>>>Wow - what a monster. The villian!
“Idon’t care if you’re upset or not.” Peccavi. “What I want is for you to
knowhow pointless all of this was. Yourcareer as a solider lost you your
arm. Your loyalty to your wife wasn’trewarded. Their was no point to any
ofit. At all.” Peccavi smiled. “But that won’t be the last thing that
growsthrough your mind.” He pointed a fingerat him. “This will.”
Peccavidropped Lew ont the ground. The BushMonkey landed on his tail but
hehardly noticed. His eyes focused on thesingle finger pointed at him.
Lewonly had a second to wonder before a stream of fire shot out of it.
Lewwas immolated in seconds. He didn’t havetime to scream before the
flamesconsumed him. None the less Peccaviwatched until the fire consumed
himcompletely. When nothing remained of theman but ash, Peccavi returned
tohis wife.
>>>True evil
“Sorryabout that love.” Peccavi said. Heclimbed into the cart, beside
theshaking immovable woman. “Your husbandthough was quite a fighter.
>Fromthe moment I selected you I could tell how much strength you took from
him.” He grinned at her. “We don’t have to worry about that anymore
Endylencouldn’t respond, no longer because of the creature’s control but
thehorror at what she had seen. Her clawsscratched at her thin skirt as
hermind tried to process. Peccavi snappedthe reins and they resumed
I’mconvered with armor and I have magic, but I couldn’t do a thing. With
greateffort she turned herself to face Peccavi. I hate you so much. I
hateyou beyond all comprehension. I can’tkill you but I know you will
burnin the deepest pit of hell.
“W-w-w-whu” Speaking was even harder. Her mouth simply didn’t want to
work. She had to wedge her tongue in between herteeth to keep her jaw
fromsnapping shut. Thankfully a long muzzlemeant a lot of tongue.
“Whur-whyr urs?”
“Whyyou?” Peccavi didn’t look at her. Hiseyes were focused ahead, at the
lightat the end of the treeline. And no doubtat the Keep waiting them.
“Simple, as indescribably as my abilities are,I can’t brainwash a whole
Keep. No so you know what I needed?”
“Basss-turd”Endylen hissed.
“That’sright, I find a traveler largely unknown in Metamor but with
residence.”Peccavi said. “At the rate people seemto gravitate towards
thiscursed Keep it was only a matter of time. So when I saw you two it
wasperfect. Yeah you got a daughter, butdisposing of her won’t be a
problem. And I’ll have a nice anonomous house to workfrom.”
“I-rrrrlllstorp yoooo” Endylen choked out. Peccavishook his head.
“No,you’re alive only because I have need for you.” He said. “Your death
isgoing to teach me something very important, trust me. So rejoice, by
yourdeath you will help lay the foundation for the new world!”
“Yooooworrrn’t wern.” Endylen said. Peccavishook his head.
“Iwill win. In fact I already have andhave been since the moment of
creation. Nothing you say will stop me.” Peccavi said. “Now silence
yourselfuntil I say otherwise.” They emergedfrom the trees, now able to
seeMetamor Keep ahead of them.
“EvenI have to find it amazing.” Peccavi said. “You idiots have been
cursed,assaulted and almost overrun how many times? Yet you hold on.
Amazinghow stubborn you people are. Well wewill break that nasty habit.”
Whatcan I move? Endylen tried swinging hertail. Nothing. What’s
holdingme in place? All he did was speak! Now they could see the
entrenceto the Keep coming up.
“Nohumans on guard?” Peccavi asked, upon seeing the current guards on duty
wereanthros. “I’d be scared animal guardswould terrify everyone. Here’s
agood question, why are there so many anthros? I mean the curse is
supposedto hit you and do one of three things, but anthros seem to
outnumbereveryone else? I don’t get it.”
Asthey approached the gate, Peccavi made sure Endylen got the attention of
theguard who approached them. The guard wasfemale, an Oryx with both nub
hornsand a neck thicker than a pillar.
“Comeon now my dear, make sure she sees you.” Peccavi said. “Make sure
sheknows what you look at when we leave.”
“Ofcourse.” Endylen’s claws dug into the wood. Slowly she was regaining
controlof her hands. Whatever he did it wasn’tpermanent. The guard in
blazingcrimson approached them, golden eyes focused on the two.
“Goodmorning.” She said. “Visiting orrelocating?” Peccavi could see she
wastrying to understand him. Endylen sherecognized as belonging in the
valley,Peccavi was a blank.
“Relocating.”Peccavi said. “My name is Lewen, this ismy wife Endylen.
We’verecently lost our dwelling to fire, you can probably guess by the
soot.” The guard smiled but kept her eyes onPeccavi.
“Ican smell smoke on both of you still.” She said. “I’m sorry for your
loss.” now she turned to Endylen. “Ma’am if youdon’t mind my asking, are
youok?” Endylen continued scratching. Peccavi laughed.
“You’llhave to excuse my wife, she’s a bit-
“Iwasn’t speaking to you sir.” The guard said. “Madam, are you ok?”
Endylen looked at the guard. Her eyes were pleading.
“YeahI’ve had enough of this.” Peccavi said. “You will back off, and you
willdo so now.” The guard immediately beganto resist his words, so
Peccaviexerted more of his will. The strongerhe willed it, the more
effectivethis little trick was.
>>>Wow - you've got as great villain going there!
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