[Mkguild] Life III Part B my comments
cokane8116 at aol.com
cokane8116 at aol.com
Tue Jul 25 03:19:22 UTC 2017
Still not getting the posts so here are my comments
LifeIII: Entrance of the Parasite - B
Theman was tall. Both Lew and Endylen werebellow average height, so
peoplein general looked tall to them. But hewas bizarre in other ways.
Hisface was a pale, pasty white. His eyeswere sunken in and his skin was
sallow. The face was the only part of him they couldsee.
>>>>>He reminds me of a vampire!
Theman was dressed in billowing black clothing, covering him from head to
toe. His head was wrapped in a black shawl, with aleather headband
holdingit in place over his head. His handswere hidden by black gloves,
butthey could see long and narrow fingers outlined within. The thought of
thosefingers talking her made Endylen shiver.
>>>Talking her?
“Weneed to get away from him.” Endylen said. “We need to get out of here
now.” The man’s eyes were hungry. He looked at them not as people, but as
cattleto be slaughtered. Lew though felt hismuscles seize up staring at
“Weneed…” Lew’s mouth dried. He had beenborn in Metamor and then left,
livingfor years as a mercinary. He had foughtin battles in armies he
didn’tknow, for causes he didn’t care about. And in those earlier years
hehad been so afraid.
Fearin battle is not fear like other situations. It’s that moment where
timeslows and you know death is immediate. Your mind flashes through
hundredsof possibilities until you latch onto one that might bring you out
ofthis. Then the adrenaline takes over.
Sittinghere Lew was back to the way he had been on the battlefield.
Exceptthe adrenelne didn’t come. The man inblack walked up to Lew, a
smileon his face.
“Goodmorning good sir. Perchance yourdestination be Metamor Keep?”
“Lew,let’s get out of here.” Endylen said.
“Right.” He snapped the reins and the horses...stayedput. The man in
blackhad his hand on the neck of the left stallion. The horse whinnied
butthe man shook his head.
“Let’ssee, wagon full of stuff, smell of smoke and driving through the
woodsearly in the morning.” The man smiled,“You’ve survived a fire I
takeit?” Endylen scooted closer to herhusband. “Don’t own much I
“Yeahwe survived a fire.” Lew said. “We’reheading to the Keep.” The
man’sface lit up.
“Whata coincidence! Me too! You’re going to give me a ride!” His eyes
narrowed. “In fact, I like this wagon. Give it to me.”
“Excuseme?” Lew glared down at him. “This is mywagon. Get away from my
horses,or you will regret it.” Behind him, inthe back of his cart, was
Lew’ssword. A sword he hadn’t used in quite along time, though he could
stillkill this man if he needed. The man inblack grinned again.
“Yoursword is rusted and your arm is out of practice.” He said. “When you
lostthat arm in the Midlands I know how relieved you were to not have to
goback into battle. Isn’t that rightLewen?”
Thereins slipped from his hands. Lewcouldn’t say a word, just stare at
thisman with confusion and fear. Unbeknownstto him Endylen had the same
expression. The man smiled. “My name is Peccavi. And yes I know your
“H-How?”Lew stammered. “I’ve never seen youbefore.”
“BecauseI know everything about you!” Peccavi cackled. “Before you were
born,I knew how you’d die. I know about thefire that took your home, I
knowhow isolated you two are from your only child, I know the battle that
tookyour arm away Lew.” He grinned atthem. “And now the two of you get
toescort me to Metamor Keep. It’s a greatprivilege to escort someone of
“We’renot escorting you anywhere.” Endylen said. Now Peccavi frowned.
“Youwill escort me to Metamor.” Both Lew andEndylen felt his sugar
coatedwords slide into their minds. And both(with effort) pushed them
out. “Let me into your cart now.”
“Getaway from us.” Lew said. His arm began to drift towards the back of
thecart, towards the sword.
“Iwas told you Keepers were strong willed.” Peccavi said. “Strong enough
toresist me, of course not I thought. Andyet, here you are doing it.”
He paused. And then began to smile. “I’m actually excited for the first
timein quite a long time! Good job!”
BeforeLew could grab the sword, his wife leapt forward. Sparks crackled
offthe edges of her fingers and she slapped the hindquarters of their
stallions. The horses reared and...then silenced.
“IfI can override human will, animal is nothing.” Peccavi said. “Though
thankyou for demonstrating just how weak your magic is. I was
underestimatingjust how pathetic you are.” Endylenslowly slid back,
tryingto comprehend what happened. She staredat her fingers, as if this
wouldstrengthen her magic.
“Anyway,bored now.” Peccavi grabbed Lew’s shirtas he grabbed for the
sword. Endylen watched her husband lifted over thepale man’s head. She
didn’tscream though. Fear raced through herbut Endylen concentrated it
intoone shot. One thing that might-
“Don’tmove.” Peccavi said. “Hands at yourside.” Her arms pinned
themselvesto her body. Fear had focused Endylen’smind, but it had also
weakenedher will. Now all she could do was watchher struggling husband.
>>>Wow! He's even more creepy and dangerous!
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