[Mkguild] On Common

AmigaDragon ejolson at wiktel.com
Sun Jun 11 00:44:41 UTC 2017

Hello Bryce,

For the purpose of the readers'/writers' language, just treat it as
English I think. But it has been stated in some stories that the
common tongue of the majority of the Galendor continent (Midlands,
Pyralis, Giantdowns, etc.) is derived from the Suielish language
(treat as Latin).

Friday, June 9, 2017, 3:14:37 PM, you wrote:

BG> To Whom It May Concern, 

BG>      On a tangentially related note to the ‘Canonicity of Fox
BG> Cutter’s Origins’
BG> <http://lists.integral.org/archives/mkguild/2017-June/003730.html>
BG> thread I started, what would Common sound like to a native English speaker?

BG> Curious, 
BG>      RandomDSdevel/WhenCatsFoxesandWolvesFly

Best regards,
 AmigaDragon                            mailto:ejolson at wiktel.com

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