[Mkguild] Roman story part 11

cokane8116 at aol.com cokane8116 at aol.com
Mon Mar 30 02:36:38 UTC 2020

Here is the next part of my story. Bitt meets some of the local wild life.

 Thecreature seemed to be all legs, oversized feet, bad smells and even worsetemperament.    “What is it?” Bitt asked nervously keepinghis distance.    “It’s called a camel,” Tossius explainedkeeping his distance.    “What is it for?” The fox asked nervously.    “You ride it!” Was the felines answer.    Parthians use them for cavalry,” Viniusadded.    Bitt’s muzzle wrinkled in disgust. “Ride it?I don’t even want to be down wind of it.”    “Oh trust me the smell is the last thing onyour mind when you ride it. By the way Bitt. Weren’t you seasick on the boatride here?”  **************************     The city of Jerah was a fairly large placehosting some forty-five thousand people. It was a city typical of the region ifa little larger than most with dusty tan buildings of stone and earth. Woodbeing a rarity in the harsh desert climate. The streets wandered and waveredabout like all old places leaving it a maze with no real pattern.    It had overflowed the hill it had first beenbuilt on, grown across the valley and up several adjoining hills. The tallesthill had the legion fortress while the two others mostly held the wealthierneighborhoods. This left the poorer portions in the valley along with thecommercial parts including the markets.    The main market of the city of Jerah was awide street over a mile long. The stalls that lined the street had all mannerof wares for sale. Brightly colored banners, flags and clothing made the area ariot of colors. This added to the swirl of smells and sounds that filled theair. People of a score of different species crowded and jostled about. Bittcouldn’t help but gawk at it all. This wild sight spread out down all the sidestreets which were all packed with such stalls making travel a real effort. Aperson had to weave back and forth along the small path left open. All the timebeing assaulted by the various sellers shouting how wonderous their wares were.Only the main street was different, with the center left clear for traffic.    Back in Senaloca a market like this would becovered with a roof to protect against the rain and snow. But here in Jerah itrarely rained and it has never snowed. Most here didn’t even know what snowwas.    Tossius navigated the crowded market withthe ease of a long-time visitor. Bitt trailed close behind afraid of gettinglost should he loss sight of the lion.    Several minutes of twisting, turning anddodging brought them to shop. It was set in the bottom floor of an insula – thetall, brick buildings that were cheaply thrown up and seemed to make up theentire neighborhood. The store front was just a counter filled with all sortsof items. Cups, bowls and containers of myriad types all made brass weredisplayed for sale. He quickly found a nice cooking pot. A small thing made ofbrass. It would serve him well when out in the field.    Bitt and Tossius examined severalgood-looking canteens before the fox settled on one. Bitt was haggling overprice with the shopkeeper. The stout rodent driving a hard bargain. They hadsettled on a price when he noticed it. Hanging on a hook at the back of theshop was a bronze medallion about the size of the palm of Bitt’s hand. It hadthe darker color of aged bronze and had the image Bitt recognized. It was of astylized, five toed paw with long, sharp claws. It was the emblem of CenélTigernaich. Clan Tigernaiche as the empire knew them. Like Bitt this bronzeitem had come all the way from the same place. The city of Senaloca but acentury before when it had fallen to the empire.    This little item had probably been carriedhere by some now long dead legionnaire as part of the loot taken when Senelocafell. Bitt wondered how many other such little treasures were out there.    Cloth would have long ago rotten away. Goldand silver loot would have long been melted down and spent. The surviving itemswould be more durable and often more mundane like jewelry, plates used formeals, cups and the like. Those are sure to have survived and some were sure tobe for sale. Somewhere. He just had to look in the right places.  ***************     Vinius passed the cup over to the fox. “Whoare you Bitt? Really. You are not the usual son of a farmer or craftsman. Youare a noble but not from the empire.”    It was evening and just the two of them weresipping wine as they sat outside their small barracks. A cool breeze wasblowing and things were quiet.    Bitt sipped the wine carefully taking themoment to consider his answer. He passed the cup back.    The canine leaned forward and took thewooden cup. “We’ve served together, trained together. You are a good person, Itrust you but I need to know who you are.”    The fox was quiet for a moment pondering hisanswer. “I didn’t have to join the legion. I didn’t have to do anything really.Being born into the nobility of an old and powerful clan meant I never wouldwant for anything.”    “I am the fourth of five children so mychance of inheriting any property or real power was nonexistent. But I didn’twant to be Clan Leader. As a kit I loved all the old adventure tales andlegends I heard. I wanted to see those far flung places and meet those exoticpeople. I wanted to see the world. Make my own legends.”    “Dad suggested I join the Legion. The 10thLegion. But I was born less than a two-hour ride from the 10th’sfortress. That is too close to home.”    “Mom suggested I go to sea and become a shipcaptain. I actually signed on as crew on a merchant for a season. I quicklydiscovered that a sailor meant being wet and cold all the time along with thepossibility of drowning,” The fox took a sip of wine. “And worst of all. I amprone to getting seasick.”    “If you get seasick how did you get here?”Vinius asked. “At some point you have to travel by water.”    “I went by land as far as possible and thentook a fast ship,” the fox responded. “Get it over with as fast as possible.”He shivered. “The one good thing to come of it was that I learned to swim.”    “The governor really did suggest I go far,”the fox added. “Even he didn’t expect me to go this far.”    “Howdid you get here?” The hound asked.    Bitt laughed. “The governor asked the Consulto have me posted a good distance for a few years. Till he gets rid of thisdesire for adventure.”    Vinius gave a bark of laughter. “Did itwork?”    “No,” the fox said with a shake of the head.“I still want to go places and see things.”    “You’ll get your chance tomorrow,” Viniussaid. “We’re going on patrol. Nothing really exciting. Just a walk out andcheck on the locals.”    “GREAT!” Bitt exclaimed. “Where are wegoing?”  **************     Bitt was excited. He was trying to remaincalm but he couldn’t help but be nervous. He was going on his first patrol as atrue legionnaire. He had checked rechecked every strap and buckle on his armorand shield at least three times. His gladius was clean and sharp and he hadmade sure his two seax were ready and safety tucked away.    The group was clustered in the open in frontof their quarters in the predawn darkness. They had several miles to walk andwanted to get that done before the sun came up and it got too hot.    “So where are we headed?” Bitt asked as hechecked his gladius one last time.  ***************
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