[Mkguild] Metamor Keep Preliminary Map and Assumptions

Michael Bard bard.michael at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 01:04:16 EST 2008

By "northernmost" I meant on the map.  The map is just going to be of the
ridge and Euper.  Not of the whole valley (though I may do that too

Thanks for the extra info though.

Michael Bard

> Michael Bard wrote:
> > Going by my rough map, assume that Metamor Keep is on the northernmost
> > point, where the Lutins come from.
> One note about this: Metamor Keep is not actually at the northernmost
> point of the valley; it's just at the narrowest point, and therefore the
> most easily defensible. There are ruins of a more extensive
> fortification at the northern end of the valley (known as the Giants'
> Dike), which still slows down invading armies but doesn't stop them.
> Metamor Ridge is actually about 4-5 miles south of the dike. The
> northern part of the valley has a few notable settlements and some
> farms, but also a lot of woods, and this makes it a hazardous area to
> patrol. Most of the lutin raids take place in this northern portion of
> the valley, and thus that's also where most of the patrols take place
> ... though lutins have been known to sneak further south in the valley
> to strike against caravans. It's a lot easier to move a raiding party
> unnoticed than to move a horde. :)
> Interesting note: Glen Avery is arguably the most vulnerable location in
> the Valley, with its open town planning and with trees on all sides ...
> but the lutins haven't destroyed it yet. I'm guessing this is because
> (A) they think the Glen is under the protection of the native spirits,
> (B) the Glenners are so good at treetop movement that the lutins don't
> stand much of a chance against their arrows, or (C) a combination of the
> above. :)
> Cheers,
> Raven

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