Michael Bard bard.michael at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 14:29:36 EST 2008

It's all taken care of.  After my initial screaming panic -- I had the scene
all worked out in my mind and was itching to type when I found out my
understanding was completely fubarred -- I worked out a plan on the IRC
channel.  Apparently the new librarian somebody remembered being an owl.
So, now she's a female snowy owl name of Bridgette.

Thanks though!

Michael Bard
> I hadn't realized that Fox had abandoned the main library.  As far as
> I know, nobody ever established any of the characters who assist him
> there.  If it can be confirmed that Fox is no longer the head
> librarian, we'll have to make a new one.
> That is, whoever does it first gets to establish a new character. ;-)
> May He bless you and keep you in His grace and love,
> Charles Matthias

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