[Mkguild] More Snail Tales!

Michael Bard bard.michael at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 01:35:14 EDT 2008

Not sure how canon this one is, but I did kinda check with Misha--

Michael Bard


Keeper of Secrets

It was a dark moonless night.  Roger was sleeping lightly in the cold night.
It was going to be tight whether or not he made it in the door by winter.
Very /very/ tight.  Well, he'd hibernated before, and as long as the kids
didn't built a giant snow fort around him that didn't melt until June, there
wouldn't be a problem.

Damn kids!

"Klatu barado!"

One eyestalk poked up and blinked as the other reacted similarly, looking
around.  Was it that time already?

"Klatu barado!"

"Nicto," Roger called back.

There was a shuffle in the bushes and a black-cloaked raccoon pushed his way
out.  "Hail brother!"


"We have the next thousand digits ready, brother!  Are you prepared?"

"I am ready brother."

"May the Irrational Transcendental bless us all!  All hail the word of
Pythagoras brought to us by the fox"

"All hail the mighty Pythagoras!"

With that, the raccoon handed over a tightly rolled piece of parchment.
Turning, cloak billowing, he fled back into the darkness.

Roger slowly unrolled the parchment and held it up, looking at its black
surface.  The numbers were there.  More in the endless series of the -- he
refused to even think it!  A number too holy and too secret to ever be
spoken, or to ever be whispered to outsiders.

With that, rolling the parchment up, he pulled himself into his shell, and
pushed it back into the nearly completely compartment.  In a few days he
would seal it off, his shell growing ever larger.

And the mysteries of Irrational Transcendentalism would be safe for ever!

All hail the mysterious power of the square root of two!


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