[Mkguild] Life Expectancy in MK universe

Mark Lowell nighthawkmal2 at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 16:41:47 EDT 2008

I agree with Kit. Kit makes a good point.

On 9/16/08, Kit <stormkit10 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well the point of what I suggested is that the age catches up with them so
> quickly there IS no time to prepare. If you're lucky you notice you sudde=
> can't change age anymore, but if not your first clue is suddenly aging un=
> old age and death. The whole process would take no more than a day, two at
> absolute most. There is no advance warning and one day of knowing is so
> short, that people would still endlessly fret about their upcoming death =
> not be prepared for it at all. Old age is in a way one of the primal fears
> of humanity, and the sudden and out of control aging would be even more
> terrifying than just suddenly dropping dead. The sudden death is too sudd=
> for a person to be really worried about it, it's not something to worry
> about, it'll just happen. One day you drop dead and that's it. Rapid aging
> is a far larger drawback to the AR curse and makes much more sense in my
> opinion.
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:28 PM, Michael Olson <michael.k.olson at gmail.com=
>> Restating my position from the debate:
>> I prefer it when AR just drop dead, rather than age at all.  It
>> creates an story-interesting drawback to the AR Curse.  The complete
>> lack of warning as to when you might might die creates interesting
>> behavioral affects in the sense that you either might A) always be
>> worrying about when you'll die, or B) not be given any overt reason to
>> prepare for the end, and thus fail to do so.
>> Michael Olson
>> AKA Mystic
>> On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 3:16 PM, Kit <stormkit10 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Oh, I definitely like that idea. It clears up a whole big mess that
>> would
>> > otherwise be made. Since the curse is tied to a person's life, when th=
>> die
>> > the curse breaks? It sounds reasonable and couldn't possibly lead to a
>> > finding for a cure (which many people would be worried about) since to
>> be
>> > cured is to die. In most cases, it would occur posthumously, but in the
>> case
>> > of ARs, since their curse is youth, they die of old age, but continue =
>> > live for a day or two afterwards while it catches up with them. Are
>> there
>> > any protests to this idea?
>> >
>> > On Tue, Sep 16, 2008 at 8:51 AM, Hallan Mirayas <
>> hallanmirayas at hotmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > Date: Thu, 11 Sep 2008 21:58:58 -0400
>> >> > To: tatsushu at gmail.com; daemonpontos at gmail.com
>> >> > From: jagille3 at vt.edu
>> >> > This is true. There was a discussion a number of years ago about how
>> >> > the ARs age, since there is no apparent reason for them to
>> >> > die. Raven pointed out that the free radicals would still accumulate
>> >> > in their system which would lead to cell death. So in essence, at
>> >> > some point in their "old age" the body would just start breaking
>> >> > down. Death would come swiftly to an AR after a number of
>> >> > years. But in general, they will have longer lives than animal
>> >> > morphs who have beastly biologies to contend with.
>> >>
>> >> If I recall correctly, the specifics of an AR's "old age" were that
>> they
>> >> would first lose their ability to age/youthen themselves, getting stu=
>> at
>> >> whatever age they happen to be when their AR abilities wear out.  Aft=
>> >> that, they start to age quite rapidly, and end up dying of old age the
>> same
>> >> as everybody else.
>> >>
>> >> Hallan
>> >>
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