[Mkguild] To Snare a Rabbit

Kit stormkit10 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 03:34:36 UTC 2009

Heh, I missed the fork line, shall have to go back and find it. As for the
Baron... he may be more incompetent, but he's certainly nicer than Loriod.
Plus I got the distinct idea that his 'realm' was VERY small at this point
and collapsing under his management anyway. The duke probably won't even
need to deal with him.


On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 8:29 PM, C. Matthias <jagille3 at vt.edu> wrote:

>  Hey all,
>> This is my second story, the one in which Oonsus finally arrives in
>> Metamor Valley.  Wrote it a while ago, but finally finished editing it to
>> fix a few minor things and promised Radioactive Toast that I'd submit it as
>> soon as he finished Preparing for Sacrifice.  Not quite as much of an epic
>> as Toast's, but here it is
> An enjoyable if lighthearted tale.  I rather liked the centipede fellow.
>  At first I thought it was a Scuttleclaw, something I'd tossed into one
> chapter of LToY for a nice subterranean monster.  Nasty thing to become
> though, that's for sure!
> Griff was a likeable character, although like the others I have trouble
> imagining what an eagle-taur would look like.
> Carhat being pissed at being cursed made sense.  Good motivation there.
> Baron Frederick is a complete incompetent and will probably find himself
> without any authority as soon as the Duke can get around to it.  Even Loriod
> managed his lands better than this!  Dang!
> Here's hoping to see another tale from you soon.  But you will stay pay for
> that awful fork line.  By the way, did you know that forks are a more recent
> invention?  Used to be all people had were knives and spoons to eat with.
> May He bless you and keep you in His grace and love,
> Charles Matthias
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